A glimpse into the life and mind of Kazzart

Happy Australia Day!

1:44 pm Thu, 26th January 2006

Feeling a lil nostalgic on Australia Day today. Plus the fact that I don’t get the day off kinda sucks. 😛

It’s funny, these days usually one of the first things friends from home ask me when I talk to them on MSN/email is “So when are you coming home?” Like I’m gonna be returning any day now…. and I haven’t even been here a year yet. It’s nice to know people miss me.. hehe. I do quite miss home. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to going home for that 2 week visit in March. Just to see the familiar streets of Sydney again… my home… my cat… family.. friends. To eat at my old regular haunts. Go to the beach. Lots. *sigh* I miss Sydney.

Am having fun here too. Went to dance class last nite! First time in…. weeks!! It’s been over a month I think! I was *really* itching for it. Serious dance drought here. But finally went to a fusion funk class, and it was much easier than I expected. Either the routine was easy, or I haven’t lost my skills/fitness as much as I thought. And I’m not really that sore today, suprisingly. Maybe the yoga has paid off eh. Anyway, there are a few new hiphop classes I really wanna try. (Still searching for a real hiphop class.)

Well. Better get back to work! But before I go….

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!


Current listening :: “Better Be Home Soon” – Crowded House

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6:32 pm Tue, 24th January 2006

My notification list just got spammed. 34 dud yahoo.co.uk email addresses. Well that’s a new one! They just keep thinking up new ways to spam you don’t they? Grr.

I watched Jarhead on the weekend (Hoo Rah!) I was a bit hesitant to watch it at first.. but then gave in coz Kwai really wanted to see it, and there was nothing else to watch that I hadn’t already seen. (Unlimited movies with Cineworld/UGC Cinemas is a really Cool thing!!) Anyway, back to my point. Jarhead. It was much better than I expected. I quite liked it in fact. It was different from your usual war movies. An interesting insight into war.

Hrm I wonder how accurate a portrayal it was. Could ask a friend in Frankfurt.. american guy who fought in the Gulf War. He did special ops stuff too. This guy is one crazy individual. He was telling us how he once, on a dare, snuck into a nearby russian base, stole a tank, took it for a joyride into the forest and then abandoned it, AND didn’t get caught! Proud owner of a Nissan Skyliner (about which he brags for hours). A few times a year he races a few other fast car owners (eg ferari’s etc) in Germany on the autobahn from Frankfurt to Koln. Apparently police cars can never keep up with them if they try to catch them. I believe he’s even outrun a helicopter before. Nuts. I guess he likes his thrills! Funnily enough, he’s also a huuuge fan of Stargate. 🙂

Anyways, gonna head off now. It’s finally end of the day, and I’m absolutely knackered. My back hurts too. 🙁 Despite the 15-20 mins yoga I’ve started doing every morning when I get up. Maybe tis just the cold weather… temps have dropped back down to around 0 – 2 degs! Friggin freezing, but alas, no snow.

Current listening :: “Weather with you” – Crowded House”

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I hate being sick (Ranty rant)

1:22 pm Thu, 19th January 2006

As the title says, I hate being sick. I’m especially bad with the recovery stage. I get too impatient. I find it hard to wait for my body to be completely healed, coz I just wanna get back into exercise already! Having not done anything active for at least a few days, I feel all crap and lethargic and bloated and I’m just itching to get back into doing my usual regime of exercise or dancing. But time and time again, I try to resume exercise too soon.. my body can’t handle it, and I just get sick again – or I prolong the recovery period. But when I don’t exercise for some time, my mood is noticably worse and my body feels stiff and crap. I get all frustrated with everything and the best solution is to exercise, but I can’t. Grrr. I hate being sick. 🙁

I’m also frustrated with work. Just the fact that it takes so much time out from my life. I never get home before 8pm. Usually sometime between 8 and 9pm. And thats going straight from work to home. Which barely leaves me enough time to cook and eat dinner, relax for a bit and get to bed at a decent hour so I can get up the next morning in time for work. To being the cycle again. Or if I go to the gym, then that pretty much takes out my 8 – 10pm time slot for dinner! Am really feeling the whole “rat race” thing here. I want a life damnit!

/rant. 😛

Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage

Here are some photos taken (with my phone) from and around my office building. Can be quite a pretty view sometimes. I guess that’s small comfort for not being in central London and having to travel 1 & 1/2 hours to get to work.

Current listening :: “Bullet with butterfly wings” – Smashing Pumpkins (I’m finding that I rather like Melon Collie & the Infinite Sadness now.. more than I did before.. not just the poppy songs.. even the “heavier” songs.. wonder why that is. I feel the emotion in the music that I didn’t really feel before..)

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Twenty old

1:34 pm Mon, 16th January 2006

Happy Belated Birthdee to mee. (For saturday.)

Scary to think how old I am now. Don’t even wanna think about it. Anyway, didn’t exactly have the best of birthdays as I came down with the worst cold the day before. Was fully bed-ridden on friday, but felt a bit better on sat, though still had a painful sore throat. Didn’t really do much – Kwai and myself did go out into central london in the evening and had dinner at a really nice (and equally expensive) modern french restaurant called Pied a Terre. Food was nice (we had the tasting menu – 10 courses!), but of course pricey, and service was alright (a bit forgetful – Kwai had arranged for them to bring out a birthday cake for me, which they completely forgot to do – not good for a michelin starred restaurant). And the clientelle were a bit snobby (apparently some old lady sitting at a table nearby commented on my wearing jeans – even though dress code was smart casual). But I still enjoyed the 3 odd hours we spent there. The bittersweet chocolate tart and petit fours were to-die-for. *drools*

Photos above were taken with my Sony Ericsson K750i phone. Not bad effort for a phone eh! (With only minimal photoshop tweaking – gotta love Auto Levels.. photoshop for the lazy person! Hehehe). More photos here.

On sunday we watched Memoirs of a Geisha. Which was long but pretty good. Quite a moving story. I just wish they didn’t use all chinese actors to play japanese characters! As good as Zhang Ziyi and Michelle Yeoh are, I’m sure there are plenty of talented and equally beautiful japanese actresses.

In other news, I’m gonna be coming back home for a holiday around mid – end March. For about 2 weeks. Will prob stop over in HK for a couple days too. So get ready to be booked into my frantic 2 weeks of catching up with as-many-people-as-possible!! 🙂

Current listening :: “High and Dry” – Radiohead

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I want it that way

12:26 pm Thu, 12th January 2006

Absolutely hilarious. Hahahehaheha. (Thanks to Bill.)

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