Happy Australia Day!
1:44 pm Thu, 26th January 2006Feeling a lil nostalgic on Australia Day today. Plus the fact that I don’t get the day off kinda sucks.
It’s funny, these days usually one of the first things friends from home ask me when I talk to them on MSN/email is “So when are you coming home?” Like I’m gonna be returning any day now…. and I haven’t even been here a year yet. It’s nice to know people miss me.. hehe. I do quite miss home. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to going home for that 2 week visit in March. Just to see the familiar streets of Sydney again… my home… my cat… family.. friends. To eat at my old regular haunts. Go to the beach. Lots. *sigh* I miss Sydney.
Am having fun here too. Went to dance class last nite! First time in…. weeks!! It’s been over a month I think! I was *really* itching for it. Serious dance drought here. But finally went to a fusion funk class, and it was much easier than I expected. Either the routine was easy, or I haven’t lost my skills/fitness as much as I thought. And I’m not really that sore today, suprisingly. Maybe the yoga has paid off eh. Anyway, there are a few new hiphop classes I really wanna try. (Still searching for a real hiphop class.)
Well. Better get back to work! But before I go….
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!
Current listening :: “Better Be Home Soon” – Crowded House
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