3:43 pm Thu, 2nd March 2006
I recently acquired a number of new things. Had a fairly successful shopping expedition last weekend. On Sunday, I spent about 3 hours in Mango – a dangerous place for me! But I made fairly sensible purchases. Bought 2 nice fitting tees (one in black, one in white), this really cool choc tank top – with a loose hanging neckline at the front, but all gauzy material at the back!! Also bought a new pair of dark blue denim jeans (one size smaller than my current pairs.. yay!) – not bootcut this time.. though not skinny leg either.. just in between, quite a nice fit!
On Saturday I only had time to shop in Morgan De Toi – where I bought 2 very nice party tops. One black, with a low v-neckline, and one midnight blue (looks like a tshirt from the front.. but its open at the back.. just ties at the bottom.. very cool!) I’ll have to take pics coz its just too hard to describe in writing.. the designs are too complex. But I just looooove european clothes. The designs are just soo much more interesting and sophisticated. They’re not afraid to dress creatively! I think my faves are french, spanish and italian clothes. Shopping in Europe kicks shopping in Australia.. any day!!!!

My final new acquisition (coz I didn’t actually pay for it) is a new phone! Yes.. again! Kwai decided to go on a business plan with his company.. and so put the other 2 staff, his mother and myself on the plan with him. We get to share 750 free minutes per month, we all get brand new free 3G handsets, 25mb/month/handset internet download, and we can all call each other for free (for an hour at a time). Pretty sweet deal huh! We went with Vodafone coz Orange were being.. difficult. And the handsets? Well Kwai and myself went with the latest Sony Ericsson (only offered at Vodafone here) – the W900i! Its sooo much better than the k750i. Much more usable too. I like the full keypad. Its bigger and heavier, but its not unbearably big. The camera and video camera capabilities are prob the best on the market atm. His mother got the new Motorola v3x. And the other two staff got pdas. Very cool. 🙂
Counting down to Sydney!
Anyway.. am doing the count down.. only 1 week and 2 days till we leave for Sydney! I can’t believe its sooo soon! I remember it being months away. Man.. I really need to start thinking about what to pack and what to bring back home. (I have way too much stuff here – need to get rid of some stuff!) Things are gonna be REALLY hectic for the next week.. so much to do… so much to organise. Not to mention work is gonna be mega busy until I leave. 3 weeks is a long time. And Kwai is even busier than me.. KCA Studio is holding a stall at this One Life Live exhibition this weekend for 3 days. (Hopefully we’ll get some much needed signups from this exhibtion). Plus a 3rd KCA Studio course is starting up this Sunday. And then on Monday he’s off to Budapest for 4 days to get his teeth fixed (his dentist fractured his tooth – and he needs a crown not to fix it – yes he’s taking legal action against the surgery!). Apparently Budapest is THE place to go for cheap, top quality dentists.
We’re also going to the Jack Johnson gig this saturday! Yay! Will be good to see him live again. Am really loving his new stuff. The “Curious George” OST is pretty good. Very happy music. 🙂
Just so I can keep myself organised, here’s my calender for the next week and a bit…
Fri 3/3 – Hiphop class
Sat 4/3 – Latin piano audition, meet Esther for lunch, shopping, JJ gig
Sun 5/3 – Start packing, KCA Studio new course starts
Mon 6/3 – Kwai leaves for Budapest
Tues 7/3 – Massage and exfoliation treatment 🙂
Wed 8/3 – Gym & pilates class
Thurs 9/3 – Pack, Kwai returns from Budapest
Fri 10/3 – Hairdresser appointment, pack and tidy flat
Sat 11/3 – Final packing, catch flight to Sydney!
Man, I think I’m gonna be exhausted by the time I get to Sydney.
Current listening :: “So Sick” – Ne-Yo (finally found the song we danced to in hiphop class!)
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