My Jazz Class
2:42 pm Tue, 13th February 2007This is from end of Nov last year, which was the end of first term for my jazz class. We had a lil jazz club night – where the students performed a song of their choice in front of the class. The song had to be arranged by them and accompanied by their choice of musicians from within the class. I chose “So What” by Miles Davis, which is one of my faves, and bonus is easy to play! I arranged it with a vocalist and sax player – tho we didn’t get to practice the arrangement – it was all on-the-spot I tell them what I want them to do on the stage, then we performed it! So there are a couple mistakes but I think it turned out alright all things considered!
So, friends back in Sydney (if any of you guys still read this).. you can see I am still playing piano.
The class (called Jazz Improvisation Workshop) is still going now (in fact I just went to a class last night), and finishes around middle of the year (basically its a full year course). It has been just awesome.. I’ve learnt so much, even on repeated material, I’ve picked up new and more indepth knowledge. I’m hoping that through meeting lots of musicians in my class, maybe, just maybe I’ll be able to play a gig in London at some point by the end of this year! Wouldn’t that be awesome! Just gotta figure out regular practising and getting a keyboard to perform with somehow….
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