Something old, something new
The old:
- Still job hunting, dealing with agents, applying online, and playing the waiting game
- Still in Frankurt
- Going to the Kino (cinema) tonight for our weekly monday night movie mystery night again.. *pleeeeeease show us Serenity!!*
The new:
- I can’t believe how early it gets dark now! It’s full-on night now, and its only 5:45pm!!! It starts getting dark by like 5pm. Crazy.
- Plus temps are seriously dropping now – today averaged 10 degs tops, and later this week its forecast to get down to 2 degrees!
- Lack of opportunities to dance or go to dance class has forced me to start bustin’ out the moves when I’ve found myself home alone.. hehe.. in a way it’s good coz its forcing me to make up my own stuff and be more creative with my dancing.. will be good for next time I go clubbing. 😉
- I visited the only english speaking church in Frankfurt on Sunday (only just found out about its existence!) Its called ICF-Taunus. Pretty nice, smallish congregation.. with quite a family closeness feel, which you tend to only find in smaller churches. Kinda reminded me a bit of ES back home.
- For those who care, or may have already suspected, I have a boyfriend. His name is Kwai. He is contracting out here in Frankfurt till Dec which is why I’m staying out here whilst I don’t have work (free accom – definitely beats trying to rent in london!)
Current listening :: When I Look In Your Eyes – Diana Krall
more » Posted on Monday, November 7th, 2005 | 2 Comments »Hooked..
.. on WoW and Stargate Atlantis. Particularly the latter. Can I just say that Stargate Atlantis is absolutely awesome. I think it is fast becoming my favourite TV Series of all time. Overtaking even Stargate SG-1!! I’m up to episode 19 of Season 1… yep… the season finale double episode. How is Atlantis gonna survive the massive wraith onslaught? Eeep! (Never fear, Major Shepherd will save the day! Plus he’s kinda cute too. Hehe.) Anyways, this is gonna be awesome! Am I saying the word awesome too much in this post? 😛
And for those who aren’t part of the species class ‘Geek’ – WoW is World Of Warcraft. I’m currently a level 9 night elf Druid. Half way to level 10… when I gain the ability to turn into a bear. Yay! Levelling a druid is pretty slow going though. And I keep dying too much… darned low stamina.
Anyways. Err.. waay too much geek talk in this post. On the job front. I am back in the game of job-hunting and agent-dealings. The CV has gone out to a number of contract roles.. (none of which match even half what that Derby job offered.. actually one comes close).. and now I’m just waiting to hear back and see if I get any interviews. *crosses fingers*
Ok I’m outtie. Ciao for now.
Current listening :: “Body and Soul” – Ella Fitzgerald
more » Posted on Friday, November 4th, 2005 | No Comments »Fiasco
So there I was, at Frankfurt International Airport, looking smart in my black Mango suit and white shirt. I’d just checked in my bag and was all ready to fly to London for my first meeting with Cassium – with an hour to spare too! Then my mobile rings and I answer. It is Stephen from Cassium. He doesn’t sound too happy. I get a sneaking suspicion that he’s about to tell me something I don’t want to hear. And he speaks “I really don’t know how to tell you this… but the project has been cancelled.” After a short explanation (the client company cancelled the project.. well not quite, they wanted to shorten the project and only use one of Cassium’s consultants plus a few of their own people, to which Cassium refused – this has apparently never happened to them before) and a profuse amount of appologising, I told him it was ok, and asked if that other opportunity with their telco department was still available. He’s gonna get back to my by the end of the day. Here’s hoping.. *crosses fingers*
Ok. So this sorta disappointment thing has happened to me too much for my liking since arriving here. To get dumped on my arse, so to speak. Happened with my first flat-hunting fiasco, then the Adgistics fiasco, and now with Cassium. (Watch Elizabethtown and you’ll understand why I’m using the word “fiasco” so much). I guess it seemed almost too good to be true. Me, earning that much money? Getting a contract that easily? With all the amazingly good luck I’ve had with things… maybe it stands to reason that I’d have equally amazing bad luck. But at least I know this time it wasn’t my fault. I got the job with my skills.. the skills that Cassium even believed were worth paying loads for. And just maybe I can do it again. I have to think that way otherwise I’m gonna start wondering if I’m ever going to find work again, and that doesn’t help things. It is frustrating though. I wonder why this is happening?? I really needed this job… financially it would have helped a lot.. and well, I never thought I would say this, but I just want to work again!!
Fuck. Can I just say that? Sorry if it offends.
*sigh* Anyways. As they say… stuff happens (stargate atlantis ref :P). One must chug along. It’s back to the drawing board.. or rather and
Current listening :: “Fighter” – Christina Aguilera (how appropriate)
more » Posted on Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 | 8 Comments »W00t!
Got some great news. Two pieces of great news actually!
- My new contract has finally been confirmed – I’m starting this coming Wednesday! At a very VERY lucrative rate!! 😀 Ima movin up to Derby and will be there for about 6 weeks. Hope I do well in this job!
- I managed to purchase Jack Johnson tickets for his 2006 European tour! Wooooohooooo!!!!! I almost had a heart attack coz the London friday show was sold out within 45 mins of tickets going on sale! And there was supposed to be a saturday show, that wasn’t listed – so I presumed it was sold out. BUT it went on sale just after Friday’s was sold out – and there I was sitting at my computer, fretting away, whilst repeatedly pressing Refresh. And now I have myself 2 stalls/standing tickets at the Hammersmith Apollo!!! YAY!! 😀 😀 Now I just have to wait till March next year!
So there you go. We have one happy little vegemite here. 🙂
Btw, did I mention Stargate Atlantis ROCKS? Well… it ROCKS!! 🙂
[Edit: In the time it took for me to write this post… the 2nd Jack Johnson show in London is now almost sold out. No standing tix, and only singular seated tickets left. Man he’s popular!!! 0_0]
Current listening :: “Staple It Together” – Jack Johnson
Ok it’s officially COLD!
Damn its gotten cold here now! Today’s top temp is supposed to be 9 degrees C. Brrrrr! And its only autumn. Apparently winter gets down to like minus 15 degrees. With snow! That would be kinda cool, but I can’t even imagine how cold it would feel. I’m really not used to the cold – I don’t really handle the cold very well. Much prefer the warm sunny weather of Sydney! *sigh*
So anyway, yes I’m still here in Frankfurt, and still waiting for that company to tell me when I’m starting on this new contract. They sure are taking their sweet time about it. 🙁 I’ve asked them and re-asked for confirmation and I believe it will happen, its just when this project gets on the move. Apparenlty one of the managers of the project has had a bereavement in the family and thats caused this delay. So I guess that’s ok – as long as they’re not screwing me over and finding someone else. I’m starting to get a little nervous about not working for so long now – it’s been 3 1/2 weeks since finishing at AKQA. And I was contacted about this coming contract the week before last. I was supposed to start beginning of last week! Hm. Really hope this doesn’t fall through.
Current listening :: Try Again” – Aaliyah (I really quite like this song… its a great motivating sorta song! Rather appropriate for my current circumstances. At least the chorus is.)
more » Posted on Wednesday, October 19th, 2005 | 2 Comments »Did someone say cheese?
I watched the new “Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were Rabbit” movie today. Was very cool and quite amusing. Wallace and Gromit rocks! Its first feature length film, seems to be doing quite well – number one at the box office in the states! Two enthusiastic thumbs up from me.
Speaking of movies, I’ve been going to this thing called Mystery Night at the Kino (cinema) on monday nights. Basically the movie will be a new release english (ie not german) feature film, but you don’t know what you’re going to get until it comes up on the screen. Its pretty cool – the cinema is always packed out with regular attendees who come every week, and there’s a really cool atmosphere – people cheer and clap and laugh etc. Oh, and it only costs 4 euros. The other week we got Pride and Prejudice, but last week we got New Police Story (starring Jackie Chan and dubbed in english, which was pretty bodgy). Wonder what we’ll get this week… maybe Flight Plan!! It’s always a not-yet-released movie.
There are quite a few movies coming out in the next few months that I’m really looking forward to… Serenity, Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, and of course The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe which looks like its going to be phwoarsome. And next year X-Men 3 is coming out! Woohoo!! Can’t wait! *claps hands in glee*
Okies bed time for me.
Current listening :: “Lets Get Married” – Jagged Edge (Does anyone have the Run DMC remix version of this song? I’m desperately trying to find it – its so much better than the original slow version… Please drop me a note if u do have it.)
more » Posted on Saturday, October 15th, 2005 | 2 Comments »Frankfurt at sunset
My view as I cycled across the Rhine this evening. Rather pretty.
Current listening :: “Bizarre Love Triangle” – Frente
more » Posted on Friday, October 14th, 2005 | 4 Comments »Origen
Check out this site. It’s the latest promo site for the soon to be released Xbox 360. A guy at at AKQA where I last worked was working on this site (and swearing heaps whilst at it). We got to preview this before its release on the net. Rather funny flash video. And the rabbits are so cute! They’re actually real rabbits purchased off the internet apparently. Note that you have to click on the fruit to see the whole video.
Current listening :: “Twenty Four” – Switchfoot
more » Posted on Thursday, October 13th, 2005 | 1 Comment »The art of cryptic blogging
I think I’m beginning to master the art of talking about something without actually talking about it (on my blog that is). Cryptic, no? Hehe. And the purpose? I guess to gain the carthartic relief of expressing ones feelings and thoughts to a relatively anonymous and unknown audience of readers without going into specifics. Sometimes when I post, I do have readers in mind.. such as the people I know in person who read this… but there are always those unknown lurkers that occasionally remind me of their existence by dropping in a rare email or comment. It can make my day to recieve a kind email or comment from someone, somewhere else in the world!
Anyway, here are a few random pics from wanderings around Frankfurt. Autumn here is rather pretty.
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Ok back to doing my Australian tax return 2005. Bleugh.
Current listening :: “Sea Song” – Doves
more » Posted on Wednesday, October 12th, 2005 | 2 Comments »Musings
Memories are funny things. They don’t seem to be always entirely accurate. I think the mind has a tendancy to play down certain parts and highlight others leaving a slightly skewed image of your past and the people in your past. Oftimes it leaves a rosier image than what reality was.
Life is funny too. I never thought I’d be where I am now, at this point in my life, or at any point really. It’s amusing to think back to my teenage years where I imagined myself definitely married by this age. I think it was between 24 and 26 that I had set myself to get married. Hehe. So silly. There are some things in my life that do bother me now. Stuff that I held at such a high importance back home, that I just haven’t been able to keep up. Like doing dance classes, and regular exercise and piano. I feel like I’m losing them. It frustrates me that I just can’t seem to be able to do anything about it. It’s just much harder here – but I guess that is life – its not always gonna be living at home with your parents who do everything for you. Or living in that comfortable zone supported by a myriad of friends who look, talk, think and live in similar ways to you.
I dunno what I’m trying to say. I guess… in some ways I am disappointed in myself.. and in some ways I’m disappointed in people. But then I’ve been disappointed in people since primary school. So perhaps its just me. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore. Maybe I’m still just getting used to the change. I dunno. This is all one long slow process of growing and living. And I guess you just gotta take things as they come. Sometimes I wish things would never change, but they inevitably do.
Current listening :: “Quiet Day” – George
more » Posted on Tuesday, October 11th, 2005 | 3 Comments »