Got the blues
I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the colour of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are blue
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my corvette, it’s standing outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me
Depressive state not fun. *sigh*
Current listening :: “Blue fields” – Nobuo Uematsu
more » Posted on Wednesday, May 26th, 2004 | 2 Comments »Moto Joy
I got myself a new toy last week. A brand-spankin new Motorola v525 (for $0 – just a new contract), complete with 0.7 megapixel digital camera, GPRS, MMS messaging, quad band and more. Oh what fun! π So yeh, been spending most of my spare time playing with it, setting things up, and taking lots of piccies (esp of Coltrane.. hee).
I’ve also just set up a moblog for myself, to upload my mobile pix. You just mms the image to your moblog, and vΓ―ola, its uploaded. Ah.. the wonders of technology. π I’m gonna be going all snap-happy and mms-crazy this week, coz I’ve got free mms msging until 30 May. W00t!
Wow, is that the time.. I’m way overdue for lunch. I’ve been so caught up with setting all this stuff up! Gee time flies when ur having fun… π
Current listening :: “Free” – Mya
more » Posted on Monday, May 24th, 2004 | 5 Comments »Wanna Dance
I’m currently loooooooving the song “Do You Only Wanna Dance” by Mya. (From Dirty Dancing 2 – the song they perform to in the competition.) Argh!! Its so cool…. I love the syncapated rhythm in it… it makes me reeeeaaally wanna dance. I hope Ramon hasn’t used this song in dance class yet, coz I’m gonna be sooooo peeved if he has and I’ve missed out on doing a dance routine to it!!!! I can just imagine the routine – it’d be awesome.. very sexy with lots of attitude, a definite hint of latin/cuban flavouring to the steps, and I reckon a good chance of choreographed partnered stuff in it too. *sigh* I miss my dance class.
I also *still* wanna go to a Salsa class. Might be going tomorrow night, if I’m free… we’ll see..
Anyways, in the meantime, I’m gonna try and keep up my fitness, strength and flexibility. So…. Female Fit, here I come.. π
Current listening :: “Do you only wanna dance” – Mya
more » Posted on Wednesday, May 19th, 2004 | 1 Comment »Procrastinating
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Bedtime Bear |
Hrrmm… *cough* silly personality quizzes.. π (Thanks to Vron)
Current listening :: “Slow Jam” – Usher & Monica
more » Posted on Wednesday, May 19th, 2004 | No Comments »Blogapathy
Haven’t really felt much like blogging lately. Just haven’t had the inspiration to write anything.. been feeling a bit depressed… and also some feedback has probably been a bit off-putting. Am considering my options currently. Thanks to the technological savvy of a friend, I at least have these options at hand, should I choose to use them.
Weekend Update
I FINALLY managed to catch up with a good friend on Saturday night that I hadn’t seen in nearly half a year! How time flies. We went clubbing at the R&B Superclub (Greenwood Hotel, Nth Sydney). T’was fun… she’s my chicka babe clubbing partner. π We were suprised how low the asian count was. Usually R&B clubs are chockas with asians.. but it seems it being held in Nth Sydney really made a difference. DJ Lenno played quite a few old-old-skool stuff… like stuff from my high school years!! Eg. “Informer” (Snow), “Sweat a-la-la-la-long”, “People Everyday”, “Red Red Wine”, that “Feelin Hot Hot Hot” song, “Only You” (112 Bad Boy remix ft Notorious), “I wanna dance with somebody” (Whitney Housten?!?) and more. Hehe it was fun.
Still wanna go to a Salsa class… They had a Latin room on Sat night, which we tried for a bit. I was watching this couple dance.. and they looked soo good. Doing all these turns and complex steps. I wanna learn how to do that sorta thing. I danced with one guy, who showed me how to do the merengue. He wasn’t that good though, so he couldn’t do the more complex stuff. We tried a few turns and stuff, but I got a bit lost hehe.
Anyways, that was my weekend. Nothing else exciting. My poor thighs are still recovering from Sat night. Ugh the pain. :\
Went to the doctors again yesterday. Got something for my cough, finally. Hopefully it’ll get better soon now! π Also, got the results back from last weeks visit, and things appear to be mostly fine, nothing to worry about. But she has passed me onto a specialist. Might have to have a Hysteroscopy. *sigh* Thats sure gonna cost me. π
Current listening :: “Represent, Cuba” – Orishas ft Heather Headley
more » Posted on Tuesday, May 18th, 2004 | 2 Comments »Dirty Dancing 2
I went to see Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights last night. It was awesome! I reeally liked it… and I wanna see it again! π It’s really made me long to dance again. I haven’t been to dance class or a club in absolutely aaaaages. And its starting to really eat at me… I’m just itching to dance again… somewhere.. anywhere!! I’ve been all jittery all day coz I’m wanting to dance so much.. :\
I’m thinking of trying Salsa again. I’ve only been once before, to a beginner class at Club Salsa. The only problem is that I’m impatient… the basic steps bore me long before others in the beginners class master the steps.. and I wanna do more complicated stuff, the kinda stuff you see the advanced dancers do! But I do have problems in following the lead of the guy – I’m not used to doing that.. probably coz I’ve been too trained in jazz dance, where you’re very independant, dancing the steps by yourself. Still, if I gave it a bit of a chance, I think I could learn pretty easily. I actually very nearly made it into the Intermediate class after that first Salsa class (the week I went happened to be an audition week for the int/adv levels – I went up and auditioned just for the hell of it. I think the thing that held me back was a couple of times I balked at following my partners lead coz I didn’t know what he was doing). π
Now if only I had more time…. *sigh*
Oh yeh, as for the movie, I liked it. My only minor disappointment with it was how they subtly “modernised” certain aspects of the movie. Like you’d expect lots of traditional cuban/latin music… but it was more latin flavoured R&B (artists like Wyclef Jean, Santana, Black Eyed Peas) than traditional Cuban stuff. And yeh, it was set in the 50’s, but some parts seemed slightly.. modern.. for the 50’s, making it seem a little unrealistic. (Like the Cuban club scenes.) But I still loved watching it, and I’d definitely pay to see it again! π
Oh yeh, and the lead guy in the movie.. Diego Luna.. hello! He was kinda hot… and sexy.. *cough*.. maybe it was the dancing. It’d be cool to dance with someone like him. π Also, there’s a little suprise in the movie for the original Dirty Dancing fans. Keep an eye out for it! π
Current listening :: Dirty Dancing Havana Nights OST (yes I went straight out and bought the album today.. I’m obsessed, I know.. :P)
more » Posted on Friday, May 14th, 2004 | 4 Comments »Update
Blah blah. Work is so boring at the moment. Sorry long time no update. I haven’t had much inspiration to blog lately.. nothing that interesting going on. Just been spending most/all of my free time with my new boyfriend, Paul. (There, I’ve now officially mentioned you. :P)
Anyways, one thing worth mentioning might be my “interesting” experiences at the doctors this past week. But lets not go into detail about that one now. *backs away slowly from the subject*
I’ve still got that annoying cough. It’s just not going away. Grr. π Otherwise, I think I’m finally getting better. I guess getting a fairly decent amount of sleep the past few nights has been helping. I actually feel awake at work these days. π
Well, gonna go and hit the gym now. Need to get back into exercising and pick up my energy levels! Bring it on baybeee!!
Ooh yeh, guess what guess what… “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights” comes out tomorrow (in selected Greater Union cinemas).. wooohoooo!! Guess where I’m gonna be dragging Paul to tommorrow night! Hee! π
Current listening :: “Infatuation” – Christina Aguilera
more » Posted on Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 | No Comments »Woozy
I had a blood test today to check up on something, and boy oh boy did the after effects suprise me. I’ve had blood tests before, but never with these effects. She asked me if I felt dizzy afterwards, and as soon as the word “No” was on my lips, I felt the first touches of light-headedness. This was then followed by my vision blacking out, my hearing being all muffled, and rather severe wooziness, some dizziness and to cap it all off, nausea. T’was most unpleasant. Seemed like it lasted forever.. as I slumped over in my seat thinking “please end.. please make it stop!” Probably took me a few minutes to recover… and lying down on the bed (after I was able to actually get up and walk to it) helped a lot. Still feeling a little weak now. And my arm hurts.. where the needle went in. Hehe I’m such a baby. π
Weekend update
The smell of beer was thick in the air as I sat nervously in my seat, silently thinking “Go Waratahs.. cmon, you can do it!” Then suddenly I find myself (along with everyone else) jumping up and yelling “Come on…. yeh… gooo!!! Awww… noooooo!!!”. What am I doing?? Am I actually getting all emotional and excited about the RUGBY?!?
Well, the rugby on Saturday arvo certainly was interesting. Except for the fact that we lost!!! By ONE point!!!! And how could the ball hit the pole… it was sure to go in! Just a few centimetres to the left!! Err.. *ahem*.. I mean, yeh the rugby was alright.
At first I found it funny how people got so excited about it all. But then I started getting into it, and getting all nervous about the possibility of us losing (we were more than doubling NZ at half time!) Anyways, it was an interesting experience.. though I don’t think I would consider adding it to my list of current hobbies and past times.
I would also like to note: The asian count was low. Very low. π
Anyways, here are a few highlights of my weekend. In picture format for your viewing pleasure. π
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Current listening :: “Born to make you happy” – Britney Spears
more » Posted on Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 | 4 Comments »With You
*sigh* This song just melts the heart… π
The real me is a southern girl
with her Levis on and an open heart
Wish I could save the world like I was super girl
The real me is to laugh all night
lying in the grass just talking about love
But lately I’ve been jaded
Life got so complicated
I start thinking about it
I almost forgot what it was like
to know what it feels like
But with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you’ll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I’m with you
With you (x3)
Now that I’m with you
Radiohead photos
As promised… photos from the Radiohead gig are up. Check em out! Here’s a preview of a few.
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NB. Larger versions (and more) can be found in my gallery. Also, please ask first before taking any of these photos.
In other news, still sick. Prob worse today than I was yesterday. Woke up feeling crappy, with sore throat, blocked nose and head. I seriously considered not going to work today, but then decided to go in anyway after lying in bed for another 10 mins. Don’t really have a sore throat anymore, but runny/blocked nose and a headache. π Aiyah.. being sick sucks. Ok gotta go now. Ciao.
Current listening :: “There There” – Radiohead
(Been listening to “Hail To The Thief” alot these past few days. I’m finding that I really like it!! I think it brings back memories of the gig..)