Oh boy. Don’t feel very good today. Perhaps it was a bad idea to come in to work. I feel dizzy (again). I don’t understand why this happens. I know that its probably got something to do with being run down and too tired/exhausted.
The dizziness started late last night after Paul and I finished watching “Bourne Identity” on dvd (good movie btw.. looking forward to Bourne Supremacy!). But I thought it would have gone away after one nights sleep. I guess not. 🙁
Its not as bad as last night, but it definitely doesn’t help when I try to concentrate on things – like work. :\ Ugh… if it gets any worse I might go home early. We’ll see how things go.
Current listening :: “These Are The Days” – Jamie Cullum
more » Posted on Wednesday, September 1st, 2004 | No Comments »Girl stuff
So.. do any other girls experience fairly extreme mood swings due to certain hormonal cycles in their body? I’ve noticed (and been told a number of times) that my mood radically changes whenever I get around to “that time of the month”. It’s almost like my whole personality changes – I suddenly become all moody, depressed, melancholy, negative, irritable, bitchy and cry alot. I feel sorry for the poor souls who have to deal with me during this time. Its so noticable, that even I notice it. It’s actually how I can tell I’m approaching that crimson wave. *sigh* Sometimes it does suck to be female.
Current listening :: “Singin In The Rain” – Jamie Cullum (I loooove his arrangement of this song!!)
more » Posted on Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 | 5 Comments »Monday morning blues
Don’t you just love Monday mornings. NOT! :\ *sigh* Just feeling particularly blue this morning. And also am experiencing feelings of.. displacement? Anyway… guess I gots the Monday blues. Also am rather tired today. Think I’m in need of some chocolate therapy.
[Excuse me while I go and get myself a mocha latte!]
Ok I’m back! My upper back has been hurting again lately. Started on Saturday morning, after I got out of the shower. Something just twinged, the exact same place as before (when I injured it at RICE – from lifting my keyboard amp). Darn it. Why does it keep coming back? 🙁 I couldn’t even stand up straight for a while. Had to go and lie down coz that was the only way it didn’t hurt. *sigh* Luckily its feeling a lot better now. I had Paul give me some deep tissue massage in that spot *ouchie!* and that seems to have helped. Though it felt a little tender afterwards. I think I need some massage therapy. Should I go and see my chiropractor again? Or a physio? Or just a beautician for a normal back massage? Or none of the above?
Weekly weekend update
Yep, its time for that weekly weekend update. I had quite a relaxing one this weekend. On Saturday I went to Vic & Christine’s engagement party at Balmoral beach. It was an absolutely gorgeous day for it – blue skies and sunshine, warm mid 20’s, and a picnic by the beach. Ahh.. soo nice! I went for a bit of a paddle too – rolled up my jeans and took a relaxing stroll along the beach, enjoying the (very) cool, crisp water lapping around my ankles. It was so picturesque, I had to take a pic with my phone!
*sigh* Can’t wait till summer!!! 😀 So on Sunday I had a much needed sleep in, then went with Paul to our usual Sunday hangout at Burwood westfield for some late afternoon lunch and shopping. I bought myself a new belt! Its simple white, with a metal rectangular buckle. No patterns, sequins, sparkles or anything. Just plain white. $10 too! What a bargain! 🙂 I had to buy one coz my new hipster jeans are.. err.. rather low and have a tendency to show some C&C (cheek & crack) if I bend over or squat. NOT a good look. Need a belt to hold em up! 😛
I made a new artist discovery! Jamie Cullum – a new jazz musician/singer from the UK. He’s cool! Plays piano and sings. His first label album, Twenty Something, consists of about half originals by himself and half covers. His covers are really good, coz they don’t sound exactly the same as the original, but are really different and very creative. They’re mostly jazzy arrangements of some great classics such as “Singing In The Rain”, “I Get A Kick Out Of You” or some more modern ones like “Lover, You Should’ve Come Over” (Jeff Buckley) and “High and Dry” (Radiohead). Very nice.
Hee. I love discovering new artists! It was totally by accident too – I was browsing through Sanity when Paul pointed out a “Jackson 5” album, which we tried to listen to on the listening station. But it didn’t have that album number listed, so I ended up listening to the one after it, which happened to be Jamie Cullum. The first few seconds of the first track just caught my attention and I ended up listening to the other tracks, and buying the album (only $19.99 at Sanity).
On Sunday evening, Paul and I went to visit a different church – Christians In The Media in Annandale – which his sister attends (and works at as one of the ministry staff). This is the church that Dominic Steele (founder of Introducing God) pastors. It’s a really cool church! I quite like it – its mostly made up of young (20 to 30 something) students and workers in the Media industry. It’s run very well, a bit different from your average anglican church. It’s got a very laidback feel, quite small-ish (around 50 – 70 members), and the church has a rather nicely designed modern interior! It’s also very, very newcomer friendly – they use hardly any christian jargon.. even the bible reading is eg. Matthew chapter 27, sentance 45. And they are apparently growing heaps – doubled in size in the past year with many newcomers and people bringing their friends. My impression was that it’s a very vibrant and growing church.
Anyways, after service I met a number of people (all quite friendly and welcoming) – including some of Paul’s good friends. We were invited to join them at the local pub across the road afterwards. It’s quite a nice pub. Good food, reasonably priced, and really cool toilets! 😛 Its got auto-flushing toilets (has a sensor that knows when you’re in front of the toilet, and when you go away) and auto-sensored taps (which turn on when you put your hands under it)! How cool is that! 🙂
Next year
things are gonna change..
Current listening :: “Twenty Something” – Jamie Cullum
more » Posted on Monday, August 30th, 2004 | No Comments »Spring dawning
Have people been noticing the days getting rather warm over the past week. Especially last weekend. Bring on spring!! I find there are always certain signs that tell me a change of season is on its way:
- First major sign – the beautifully bright orange flowers that bloom in my front and back yard every year, without fail, as soon as the weather turns warmer at the end of winter! I’ll try to take a pic of em to post here.
- Another is that I no longer feel that bite of cold when I get out of bed in the morning. And I no longer dash, shivering, for my uggies and night gown just to go to the bathroom!
- Similarly, I no longer have to wear my long trackies to bed at night
- I’m actually starting to find my skivvy’s a bit on the warm side during the day
- The scarf stays in the bag. The whole day.
Now I can’t wait for summer!! And the beach! Bring it on baybeeee!! 🙂
Current listening :: “I’ve Just Begun (Having Fun)” – Britney Spears
more » Posted on Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 | 2 Comments »Computer crisis
I spent most of yesterday biting my nails and nearly having a nervous breakdown because my computer died when I got into work that morning. My attempts at starting up windows merely resulted in the dreaded BSOD (blue screen of death). So my pc was hauled up to engineering, where they spent half the day trying to reinstall windows and get it to boot up. No dice though, as I got a call in the afternoon stating that my hard drive was probably gone. Noooo…. all my un-backed-up work (yes yes, I know, I broke the cardinal IT rule – Back Up Your Files)…. but even worse, all my personal files and mp3s!!! Argh!!! 🙁
However, as the story unfolds, all is not as it seems, and there is still hope! I suggest to the engineer that I would really like to recover at least my work and personal files, so would it be possible to just plug my hd into another computer as a slave drive, and copy the essential files off. Sounds like an idea, and he says he’ll scrounge around for a computer. I let him know the directories to be copied and ask if I can come up to oversee this process.
So I get in this morning and he’s emailed me saying this is possible and he’s copied across those directories already. So I go upstairs, transfer a few extra files off and YAY!! All is well!! 😀 (He did however notice the size of my personal folder.. *cough*.. but didn’t say anything else about it.) He says they’ll be ordering me a new HD from Dell (even though my HD might still work if they format it… I’m probably safer with a new one, and he might just “accidently” drop my hd in the meantime… hahah).
So, thats my adventure for the last 26 hours. *phew* And I swear as soon as I get my computer back (after reinstalling all my programs… grrrr…) I will back-up all my important data. I might even burn the crucial ones to CD to be 100% safe. 🙂
So here I am now, using my work mate’s (who is on leave) computer temporarily, until I get my computer back, probably next Monday sometime. I’m glad Web ICQ still works. 🙂
Current listening :: “The Hook Up” – Britney Spears
more » Posted on Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 | 4 Comments »Just as you are..
Bridget Jones Diary has got to be one of my all-time favourite movies. It is definitely my favourite girly romantic comedy. It’s just such a crack up… and soo romantic.. and Colin Firth is so.. *sigh* *melts*… as Mark Darcy. Hee hee. 😀 Paul and I watched it on DVD on Saturday night – I never seem to get tired of watching it! Here are some of my favourite quotable quotes from the movie: | ![]() |
“If staying here means working within 10 yards of you, frankly, I’d rather have a job wiping Saddam Hussein’s arse.”“I like a woman with an arse you can park a bike in and rest a pint on.”
“Resolution #1: Uggh – will obviously loose 20 lbs. #2: Always put last night’s panties in the laundry basket. Equally important: will find nice sensible boyfriend and stop forming romantic attachments to any of the following: alcoholics, workoholics, sexaholics, commitment-phobics, peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits, or perverts. Will especially stop fantasizing about a particular person who embodies all these things.”
“Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess, with a very bad man between her thighs… Mum… Hi..”
Mark: “But the thing is, um, what I’m trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you, very much.”
Bridget: “Ah, apart from the smoking and the drinking, the vulgar mother and… ah, the verbal diarhea.”
Mark: “No, I like you very much. Just as you are.”“Christ, is that blue soup??”
“I’m sorry? Outside? Should I bring my dueling pistols or my sword?”
Daniel: “Now these are very silly little boots, Jones. And this is a very silly little dress. And, these are, f*** me, absolutely enormous panties.”
Bridget: “*#$%@!”
Daniel: “No, no. Don’t apologize. I like them. Hello, Mummy.”
Daniel: “I’m sorry, I have to have another look. They’re too good to be true.”
Daniel: “They’re nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m wearing something quite similar myself.”
I sooo can’t wait for Bridget Jones Diary 2: The Edge Of Reason to come out. I watched the teaser trailer today – it looks soo funny. Check it out here.
Weekend Update
Anyway, my weekend was very relaxing. I spent most of Saturday at home, catching up on some housework and washing my clothes etc.. then went swimming with Paul and cooked ourselves a yummy basil chicken stirfry for dinner. I also had some time during the day to just play piano and sing at the top of my lungs (as I was home alone for a few hours). I love singing “I’ll Forget You”.. its such a beautiful, sad song. I cried the first time I read the lyrics..
“I’ll forget you
I won’t remember arms that pulled me in, soft and slow
I’ll forget you
There has to be a way to let you go
No more shadows
No dreams of leaning in the dark above you
I will forget how much I love you… any day”
more here »
Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day.. sunny, blue skies, light winds and a balmy 24/25 degrees C. Paul and I took the opportunity to go to Parramatta for lunch at a nice Italian Cafe, and then had some Cold Rock icecream for dessert afterwards. Yummo! 🙂
Well its lunch time. Time to go find some food!
Current listening :: “Have You Met Miss Jones” – Robbie Williams
more » Posted on Monday, August 23rd, 2004 | 7 Comments »I’m outie!
Tis 5:30pm on a Friday afternoon, its the weekend.. I’m outie! (Note the gratuitous Clueless reference.. [edit]with hopefully correct spelling this time[/edit] :P)
I leave you with this pic… as its Daffodil Day today. Hope all you guys in Australia bought yourselves (or a friend ;)) a lovely bunch of daffodils! They so pretty. 🙂
Have a good weekend everyone! I should be having a relaxing one. (Hoping my THREE ulcers get better…!!! 🙁 )
Current listening :: “Boogie Wonderland” – Earth, Wind & Fire (Gosh I’m in such a Retro music phase atm… bring on Club Retro!!! :P)
more » Posted on Friday, August 20th, 2004 | 4 Comments »Hungry anyone..?
Man, check out these burgers!!
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Apparently this is from Denny’s Beer Barrell Pub in Pennsylvania known for the world’s biggest burger which weighs in at nine pounds or four kilograms! It’s catch phrase: “No One Has Finished It”!
For $23.95 it comes with:
- 2 tomatoes
- half a head of lettuce
- 12 slices of American cheese
- full cup of peppers
- 2 onions
- plus a river of mayo, mustard and ketchup
- and topped with pickles
So… hungry anyone…?
In other news.. I’m going to see Saturday Night Fever tonight, at the Lyric Theatre! Yay! Should be some good dancing fun to watch. 🙂
Current listening :: “Just No Other Way” – CoCo Lee
more » Posted on Tuesday, August 17th, 2004 | 10 Comments »Friends are friends forever?
I’ve been noticing that as I’ve grown older, the number of friends I have seem to be diminishing. Is this just a “thing” that happens as you grow older? You lose the larger groups of friends you had when you were in high school and university, and instead just cultivate a few close friends. But for me, it seems that even the good friends I had, and was once close to, are diminishing also. I dunno if it is something I’m doing wrong, or if it is just something that happens in life, and I should just accept it as a matter of change?
It makes me feel really sad to lose good friends.. to just grow apart over time. I know it happens, and that with life changes, people move in different directions. Friends come and go – you are close for a time as circumstances permit, and enjoy that shared intimacy, and then you drift apart, and it is gone.
I kinda regret that loss. And I miss the groups I was once a part of.. like most of my uni friends (whom I hardly see anymore). Its strange.. thinking about those times. It seems like it was so long ago, like it was all just a dream. Hrm. Ok this is getting a little maudlin..
Weekend Update
I had a nice weekend… even though I got sick on Saturday. 🙁 Damn this cold weather!! (I should be skiing! :P) Anyway, the Jazz In The City festival was nice. I caught the Bill Risby Trio… and even had a chat to the man himself – and guess what, he remembered me!!! *glows* I met him when I attended this Performance Arts conference in 98 (Cooma), as he was one of the staff in the Band seminar stream. He didn’t remember my name, but he recognised my face. How cool is that! 🙂
Anyway, on Sunday, Paul and I watched Jersey Girl – not a bad movie. Bit of a tear jerker (ok more than just a bit) and very cute. 🙂 On Sunday evening we went to visit St Pauls Castle Hill’s 5:30 service, and their arts festival afterwards (bumping into Vron’s family and Vanessa who were also visiting). The service was pretty good! I liked how things were run so smoothly.. like the transitions between things – from singing, to video, to prayer, to singing, to sermon, to communion. Very smooth and seamless. There was no “And now we’ll have some singing…” and then waiting for the musicians to go up and get set up. And it was good how the service was very youth-friendly (being a service mostly made up of high schoolers, I think?) – the sermon was easy to understand, with very little jargon, and had lots of interesting illustrations. The music was vibrant and energetic (using lots of hillsong I noticed.. in fact I think 100% of the songs were hillsong that night! Lots of songs from United Live latest album too.) Personally, I think I’d probably prefer the 6pm service (for a slightly older crowd) – though I have yet to try it.
The Arts Festival afterwards was good.. despite it being absolutely freezing standing around outside! I liked the last band that played (dunno their name?), esp when they played “One Way”! 🙂 And the short “Church” drama was absolutely hilarious! Very very clever! The dance was kinda cool too (using the song from the end of Honey – which reminds me.. I wanna see that movie again!)
So here I am, back at work, and feeling pretty tired. How miserable is the weather today. Yeuch! Cold, wet, and grey skies. 🙁 I really should be skiing. *sigh* (I’m obsessed, I know.. but its the best season in 13 years!!!! And I’m missing out on all that fresh POW! *cries*)
Current listening :: “What’s Up Lonely” – Kelly Clarkson
more » Posted on Monday, August 16th, 2004 | 4 Comments »Another term gone by
Last night was the final week of my Jazz Performance Group for term 2. Another 10 weeks gone by. I’m a bit disappointed to say that I didn’t get as much out of this term as I have in the past. Partly my fault, I missed nearly half the course due to varied committments and events. So yeh, I don’t think I actually improved that much this term. I’m considering what I should do next term – I might go back to Jazz Fusion, because I like how that class pushes me, and really improves my technique and skill. Especially with the warm-up scales and exercises we have to play (in all 12 keys) at the beginning. I’m just not.. disciplined.. enough to do it myself at home. 😛 And I also like the varied styles we play (not just swing, but also funk, latin & bossa). Anyway, we’ll see.
The other option was to give myself a rest next term. Its obvious I don’t really have the time to fully commit to these classes, much less practice regularly at home. I dunno. Also, the $$$ is an issue too. These classes aren’t cheap.. and I really did waste quite a lot of money this term by missing all those weeks. 🙁 But I know if I don’t do a class, by half way through next term, I’m gonna be really missing it. And my skills will probably get rusty as there’s no added motivation to practice, and no new things to learn. Also next term is the last term for the year, which means there will be a concert to play in… another opportunity to perform! But it will be hard if I jump into Jazz Fusion again, coz I missed last term and the things they would have learnt. That class is pretty full on, and Nick takes it really fast! *sigh* Decisions decisions.
Last nights class was fun. We’ve been playing through “Autumn Leaves” the past 2 or so weeks. It’s a nice piece, and I really love the arrangement we played. Alan’s been a great teacher (and he’s an awesome musician too!) Pity my impro-ing sucks, and I’ve been too lazy/busy this term to improve very much. 🙁
Finally Friday
So glad its finally Friday! So whats planned for my weekend? Tomorrow I’m gonna be going into the city with Paul for the Jazz In The City jazz festival. My sole purpose is to see Bill Risby play! He’s an absolutely awesome awesome jazz pianist. Internationally known. Plus he’s a christian too! His going to be playing in a trio at the Old Vienna Coffee House in the QVB tomorrow, 11am-2pm. Then maybe afterwards, some friends and I might go Karaokeing. Hee. And at night I’ll hopefully be going to watch “Jersey Girl” with Paul. Its a Kevin Smith romantic comedy?! But it looks really sweet and cute.. and soppy. *sniff* Sunday we have our monthly youth celebration service – and I’ll be playing piano this time.
Anyways, I really should get back to work. Wasted most of the morning already. Plus I have to finish writing this study for tonight. Argh. *stress stress*
Current listening :: “First Love” – Utada Hikaru (I really feel like going karaokeing again.. I so wanna sing this song!)
more » Posted on Friday, August 13th, 2004 | 1 Comment »