Feeling more european
10:49 pm Wed, 14th November 2007So myself and my aussie colleague made an impromptu visit to the inaugural St Pancras International Eurostar terminal tonight after work whilst en-route to dinner. I’d forgotten it just opened today, so it was rather good timing. Gawking like tourists, our camera phones clutched in hand (just like the other hundreds of people there) we admired the grandeur of the restored St Pancras station. I was rather impressed with the station actually.. the huge dome roof, that unmistakable dents clock and romantic statue of an embracing couple. It was pretty cool. Also the longest champagne bar in europe (with the longest line to get in it seemed) and random performers weaving through the crowd breaking out into dance or artistic posing with music permeating from a DJ’s setup (presumably part of the special opening day).
But just seeing these people arrive on the Eurostar, when only two hours earlier they would have been in Paris or Brussels etc.. really made me feel like jumping on the next train to Pah-ree! It just felt very.. international… and that much closer to mainland europe. I can’t wait for my next holiday to the continent (coincidentally in only 1 months time).
So here I am at home, ready to post my photos on my new blog. And what do I discover but that the folder where my photos are normally saved on my sony memory stick in my phone was, for some unknown reason, set to read-only. Spewin! Oh well.. guess I’ll just have to steal someone else’s.

5 Comments on “Feeling more european”
Nov 18, 2007
Initially I read it as: “St PANCREAS”..and I was like “What the?” I like the brown tones in your blog. Shame about the photo’s.. it happens to all of us! Thank you for sharing your impressions and thoughts. The station sounds impressive π
Nov 19, 2007
I’ve now installed the ‘Twitter’ feature on my blog and I love it, thanks Karen π Your F-word via Twitter last night shocked me! Though glad you enjoyed your evening! π
Nov 19, 2007
Hey Maria! Haha thanks for the comments.. nice to see you still around even though my blog had been dead for months. Anyway, yeh Twitter is so cool hey.. I love it. Good to see you’ve joined! Have you found me on it yet? What’s your twitter username? Re: F-word.. being aussie I thought u’d be well used to hearing that tossed about commonly!
Nov 20, 2007
I really, really try to not swear.. as part of my daily language anyway. I have to be very upset & usually in private.. to utter something..(from being distraught normally! My husband and my daughter are mortified if they have ever heard me swear). But I think it’s too easy to swear. Might make me sound like a stiff? It’s the one thing my girl and I don’t like about public transport here & being near places like Centrelink (Social Security).. the language is ugly. And I have a personal standard I try to live up to. And I’m a church-going Christian too.. so…
Nov 20, 2007
Oh! Re: Twitterings.. I don’t understand how it works as far as people “following” you goes (I learned someone was watching or following me last night –a greenie as it happens!)… Or being in touch with friends? I only understand it as a blog tool! My username is derived from my blog title it’s “FWanderings” π