A foggy day..
9:49 am Mon, 24th April 2006.. in London town. Yep it is quite foggy and miserable today in London. On days like today, pictures like the ones below make me feel rather homesick.
These were taken during the trip home. The first of 3 visits to the beach, at one of my favourite beaches in Sydney – Freshwater. 🙂
But anyway, my weekend wasn’t bad. Watched two movies on Saturday (oh the unlimited card rocks!) – American Dreamz and Eight Below. The first kinda sucked, even though Mandy Moore was in it. I didn’t really like the ending. Eight Below was great! A definite must for dog fans, esp if you like Huskies – its an absolute Husky-fest! Its way better than Snow Dogs, but beware, there are a few tear-jerker moments. 🙂 Its a typical soppy disney, but I loved it. Makes me wish I had a husky… or 7. 😛 Here’s a still from the movie (more pics in the “more” section):
Farewell KC Actors Studio
Tonight is the KC Actors Studio Showcase, where the students from this past term get the chance to perform for agents and directors. It’s the also the end for KC Actors Studio. The school hasn’t done well financially, so Kwai’s decided to put the whole thing on hold for now and go back into Banking for a bit (selling his soul, as he puts it). But its sure been hectic leading up to this Showcase – so many things to organise. Ugh. I’ll be glad when its all over. Though there won’t be much time to relax, as I’ll have to start packing soon because I am possibly moving next weekend.
Dinner for 2.. on the company!
Work is going pretty well for me at the moment. I’m quite happy here, and my bosses tell me I’m doing a good job. I just completed a project last week, and as reward for a job well done, the CEO is giving myself and Kwai dinner on the company, anywhere we want!! We’re thinking of going to a Gordon Ramsey restaurant (3 michelin stars). Either at Royal Hospital Road or Claridges. The menu prestige looks absolutely mouthwatering. *drools* And so it should be for 90 pounds per person! I think budget isn’t an issue as my boss (also worked on the project) will be going up to The Fat Duck (which won the best restaurant in the WORLD award last year and also has 3 michelin stars). I’m tempted to try it too – it’s renowned for its creative and innovative dishes – eg bacon and egg ice-cream – sounds wierd, but its supposed to be really really good! Tasting menu is nearly 100 pounds for one person!! Hrm.. so which one should we go to – Gordon Ramseys or The Fat Duck?
Current listening :: “1001” – The Cat Empire
More stills from Eight Below
My fave in the movie.. Maya. She’s absolutely gorgeous. 🙂
One Comment on “A foggy day..”
a l
Apr 25, 2006
the Fat Duck! there was an article in the papers the other day about how good it was… =)