A glimpse into the life and mind of Kazzart

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7:53 pm Tue, 10th January 2006

The astute may have noticed a new little form on the left hand side. Yep, you can now officially subscribe to Kazzart.Com. This simply means you can be notified by email when new content is posted to my weblog. Just enter your email address and click “Notify me”. This is all thanks to in-built features of MovableType (which I’ve been too lazy to utilise until now). And don’t worry, I’m not harvesting emails to give to secret 3rd party associates – I won’t spam you.. I promise.

Talking about techie things… has anyone upgraded to the new MovableType 3.2? I’m still stuck in ancient times on v2.6. Is it worth the upgrade? I notice you now have to pay, unless you’re getting the single user/no support version. Hm.. anyways. I really need to do a website update/redesign soon. My code isn’t even w3c standards compliant and I’m supposed to be a web developer. Well, now I know how to do this, and more. Kinda handy having a hobby in the same industry as your job. 😉


I decided to revisit the myers-briggs temperament sorter. The last time I tested myself was almost 2 years ago! So I find it interesting to note that I am now fairly firmly an ISFP (was previously ESFP.. though teetering towards ISFP). As defined by Keirsey, I’m an Artisan Composer. I actually got almost the same results from both Kisa and Jungs tests.

In more detail, according to Jung I am:

  • moderately expressed Introvert (44%)
  • distinctively expressed Sensing personality (62%)
  • distinctively expressed Feeling personality (62%)
  • slightly expressed Perceiving personality (6%)

I found a fairly short succinct description of an ISFP on this website:

“People of this type tend to be: kind, humble, and highly empathetic; thoughtful, faithful, and affectionate with those they know well; sensitive to criticism and easily hurt; quiet, soft-spoken, and gentle; adaptable, responsive, and curious; realistic and down to earth.

The most important thing to ISFPs is feeling peaceful and harmonious with the people and places that matter most to them.”

Actually scarily accurate! (Esp the extra bits about “how to love” and “how to spot” an ISFP). Rather interesting stuff. But if I change one answer (in the Jung test), I become an ISFJ, with a Judging score at 6%, which also fits depending on the situation! Seems I’m quite borderline between the J and P.

I wonder why I’m a lot more introverted than before. Is it just a matter of circumstance? I got an ESFP score before.. and I think in the right situation, I could possibly be an ESFP sometimes? Meh.. maybe I’m becoming more hermit-like with age! Kwai seems to think I’m an introvert.

Current listening :: “Pon De Replay” – Rihanna

Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »

  1. 2 Comments on “Notify me!”

  2. Vron
    Jan 15, 2006

    Hehe – I’m still an INTJ. Had never read these descriptions and they are scarily accurate.


  3. Kazzart
    Jan 18, 2006

    Hehehe.. an INTJ through and through! They are quite accurate descriptions huh!

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