Good times
Got tired of moping about at home, so I went out to Podium at Gas last night – some free asian dance party. You’d think I’d be over these by now. Heh. But I had a great time! Danced for a good solid 4 – 5 hours… met some great dancers… and left with a smile on my face! 🙂 I think what makes a big difference to my clubbing experience.. is when you are with, or meet people, who are in it for the dancing.. and can actually dance WELL. Not just sway and bop from side to side like your typical asian bling-bling girl/guy.
So yeh, t’was fun. 🙂 I needed to get out, let go and just enjoy being a single gal (that’s one good thing… don’t have to worry about boyfriends when/if I go clubbing now… not that I’d want to pick up – I still avoid the whole meat market thing – yeuch!) But true to form.. I spent most of the night dancing up on the stage. Hee. I’m such an exhibitionist. 😛
Anyway, just got back from watching “Raise Your Voice” today (by myself… again :P). Been waiting for this one to come out.. I’m kinda a closet Hilary Duff fan. Hehe. How teeny bopperish. Ah well, I enjoyed it, even though I could be all critical about many aspects of the movie.. I won’t coz that would just spoil it for me.
Dance Workshop DVD… finally!
Ooh ooh, and I finally got my International Dancers Workshop II DVD!!! They took video of all the routines during the dancers workshop I attended back in Oct 2004. But they had problems with Teresa’s classes in Sydney.. arghhh… so they’re gonna put them on a vol 2 probably. Grrr. Ah well, at least I get to see some of the routines I did again. Yay! Gonna go watch it now!
Note: There’s another workshop coming up in first weekend of March! I’m definitely going again, doing the 2 day unlimited. If anyone is interested in coming to any of the classes, you can actually get tickets through me – I’ll be helping them sell tickets this time. Stay tuned for more info about this later. 🙂
Current listening :: “Vertigo” – U2 (bought the latest U2 cd “How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb”.. and am loving it! I love the single Vertigo.. just makes me wanna mosh!)
Posted on Saturday, January 8th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 21 Comments »Meh
Let down and hanging around
Crushed like a bug in the ground
(Don’t mind me.)
Posted on Thursday, January 6th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 7 Comments »Happy 2005
Caught the annual NYE fireworks on Sydney Harbour last night. For some reaon, I never get sick of watching this magnificent and awesome show. I love fireworks, and it still fills me with a childish glee to behold such splendor. 🙂 I still remember the moment, standing at Milsons Point, almost under the harbour bridge… as the clock ticked to midnight and the bridge exploded in an awesome display of light. *sigh* I love it.
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And so it is 2005 now. What a year this has been. And I’m not sure I mean that in a good way. Honestly, this year has gone from bad to worse as the months passed by. And now I’m standing here at the beginning of a new year, having absolutely no idea what lies ahead for me.. feeling like I’m at one of the lowest points in my life. I think 2005 will definitely be a year of self-discovery. All my life I have floated along, just doing what was expected, doing the “right” thing, following the crowd… you know – getting the good HSC mark, going to uni for the standard 3 year degree, coming out and getting a job, having a boyfriend with whom you have a outlook to marry, being involved at church, leading at the youth group. Well.. I’m no longer leading at the youth group now and no longer have the boyfriend. So.. thats 2 down.
I just don’t want to follow the crowd anymore. Doing the standard thing, worrying about whether my actions have the approval of others, but not really truly believing in what I’m doing. Hm.. meh.. I dunno what thats supposed to mean.
Anyways. Sorry this post has turned into a ranting morbidly depressive post. Here’s to a Happy New Year. Hope its better than the last one eh. I leave you with this magnificent photo.
Disclaimer: Many thanks to Andrew Newton for the amazing NYE photography. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THESE PHOTOS AS THEY DO NOT BELONG TO ME AND I HAVE ASKED HIM PERMISSION TO USE THEM. And I also blame my bodies hormonal cycle for this post. (Reads: I’m currently “surfing the crimson wave”).
Current listening :: “Let Down” – Radiohead (“Let down and hanging around.. crushed like a bug in the ground…” Hehe.. nice song. :P)
Posted on Saturday, January 1st, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »