Quick Update & Fotos
Hey guys! Thanks for all your comments and well wishes. 🙂 Things have been going pretty well so far. Been quite busy getting settled, contacting and catching up with various cousins/friends in london.. meeting new people.. and doing a bit of exploring. I caught my first underground tube ride yesterday. Heehee. Pretty easy and efficient mode of transport.
Job hunting has started – and I have an interview tomm already! How cool is that. 🙂 I’ve called a few other agencies and now I just wait for them to contact me as roles come up.
Anyway, this post was just to let you know that I’ve uploaded a few photos taken so far. Clicky here to view. I quite like the look and feel of London so far.. its nice.
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Don’t don’t be fooled by the blue skies and sunshine… its still been rather chilly… brr.
Anyways, I’m outta here… gonna go do some exploring and then meet one of my cousins for a coffee near the St Pauls Cathedral. 🙂
Posted on Monday, May 9th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 8 Comments »Hello From London!
Omg. I’m in London. Eeek! Argh! And I’m already set up on the wireless lan at my cousins place.. haha how cool/geeky is that. Weather’s not too bad actually – about 14ish degs? Still fairly chilly though, for me. But there’s some blue sky, and sunshine at times, and fluffy clouds, which is nice.
So… first impressions? Everything looks so… more old. Houses look quaint and older.. kinda cottage like – most houses here are terrace type houses.. narrow and 3 stories. But the style is quite different from Sydney (which is a more modern, or that brick 70’s style). I have absolutely no idea where I am most of the time… in terms of suburbs and general sense of area/direction. I think that’s gonna take a while to get used to.
My cousins have been very nice, my cousin Daniel and my auntie came to the airport to pick me up. And I’ve seen my other cousin’s baby now too… very cute 6 mth old girl called Naomi. She’s got such chubby cheeks. Hee. Will take a photo later.
Anyway. I’m absolutely buggered atm. Gonna go take a nap and then freshen up with a much needed shower. Stay tuned for photos… later!!
Posted on Saturday, May 7th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 11 Comments »Leavin, On A Jet Plane
Hello all. I thought I’d write a few blog entries whilst on the plane, even though I can’t post them straight away. But hey… I’m blogging at 20,000 feet!! Hee. Its now around 12:10am Sydney time – and we’re currently descending towards HK International airport landing in about 30 mins time. I’ve had a pretty good 9 hour flight so far, in a window seat. Watched nearly 3 movies (In Good Company, National Treasure and about 3/4 of Phantom Of The Opera). Also caught some pretty beautiful sights whilst on the way over – the sunset over a sky-full of dotted clouds.. and some rather cool lightning in a mass of storm clouds in the distance. I didn’t sleep though as I wasn’t really that tired. Anyway I better turn my laptop off now! Will blog more when I’m in transit at HK airport. Ciao for now. 🙂
Ok I’m back. It is now 11:15am Sydney time, 9:15am HK time and 2:15am London time. I spent all of 1 hour in HK airport before boarding my connecting flight to London.. just enough time to cleanse, tone and moisturise, brush my teeth amd have a wander round. Hee. Now we’re somewhere over Russia (near Moscow) at 38000 feet (11,582 metres), and are due to reach London in about 3:15 hrs (its been abt 9 hours already). A couple hours ago we passed over/near the Sayan Mountains.. and it was quite a spectacular sight.. seeing these snow-capped mountain ranges from above. I managed to get a decentish amount of sleep during this flight… about 3-4 hours first block, then another 3 hours in a second block. Kinda patchy sleep, but I do feel fairly awake at the moment. I guess if I’m tired enough I can sleep anywhere. And boy was I tired by 3:30am this morning (Syd time).
Ugh, my tailbone/butt is sore.
So anyway, I can’t believe I’m on a plane going over to London.. I can’t believe this is it. It still feels like I’m just going on a short journey somewhere and that I’ll be back home by dinner time. I think my brain is finding it hard to.. comprehend. It just feels wierd.. I dunno what I’m supposed to be feeling.. so my brain is like “Oh well.. meh.. too hard to comprehend”. I am kinda excited though. It will be cool to finally see London again.. after 15 years.
Well. Its getting a bit uncomfortable using this laptop in my seat. Tis a tad cramped. I think I’ll watch another movie. Stay tuned for more updates on Kazzart’s Adventure In London. 😉 Will upload photos soon too.
Current listening :: “Staple It Together” – Jack Johnson
Posted on Saturday, May 7th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »I’m outie
Hey everyone. Just a quick note to say… farewell Sydney!!!!!!
Posted on Friday, May 6th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Stress stress stress!
Am sitting here on my laptop in an attempt to try and relax and destress before going to bed. I’ve never been so stressed and worried and.. feeling so overwhelmed… in my life. I have so much to do and so little time… and I keep forgetting things. Argh! Plus I’m trying to pack my life into a 20kg suitcase (ok maybe I can push it to 30kgs). This whole packing thing… ugh…. it’s weighing really heavily on my mind. I think once I’m done packing.. I’ll feel HEAPS better. I hate things like this hanging over my head… I’m so worried I won’t get it done in time. 🙁
Plus there’s a crapload of other things I need to do too. I’m going into the city tomorrow to run a “few” errands…. and ended up coming up with a huge list of things that needed to be done:
- Get photocopied docs signed by JP
- Chiro/remedial massage appointment
- Lunch with friends (and return dvds to friend)
- Go into work to pick up reference letter from boss and drop off swipe access card
- Visit Vodafone store to change to a “no plan” plan (in order to keep my ph number and not pay monthly payment)
- Go into Westpac branch to pick up credit card
- Go into Medicare branch to get medicare refund
- Go to Virgin Music to use gift voucher farewell gift from work mates
- Go to RTA to get international drivers license
- Go to Fitness First to 1) have a workout, 2) cancel gym membership
- Meet friends for another farewell dinner
And thats just for tommorrow – which doesn’t include packing. Ack… hope I have enough time to do all that.
*sigh* Can’t believe I’m leaving this Friday…. I’m actually excited about flying off… coz I love planes! And about getting there… being in London! 😀 I just hate this whole organising and packing business. :\
Ok. Enough ranting. Time for bed! Just hope I can get to sleep… and not think about everything that needs to be done. Geez I’m not handling this stress very well am I…
Current listening :: “End Of The Road” – Boyz II Men
Posted on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 9 Comments »Procrastination + Ice Cream
With everything that I need to prepare, organise, think about, remember, pack…… I find myself wasting time being silly on cam. As you can see below. 😛
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(Oh btw, it was Cookies & Cream heaven. Mmmm…)
Updates & More Ruminations
I’ve been enjoying my “holiday” thus far. No work to go to! It feels kinda strange. I am actually unemployed. (Well.. almost). Anyway, I had quite a big weekend – went clubbing on both Fri and Sat nights! Kicked it all off seeing The Cat Empire @ Enmore Theatre on Fri night (a very fun and energetic gig.. great band to see live!) with Joe + friends (*waves* hello guys if you’re reading this!), then went to Newtown RSL after for a drink.. then whilst they headed home at around 12/1am, I chugged off to Verandah Bar to join some friends for a few hours of clubbing, finishing off the night with some Matraville pies, arriving home at around 5am. :\ H4rdc0r3.
Saturday night I went to the 2nd Honey Roasted TV dance party at Greenwood Hotel. Was great! (Though I started the night practically falling asleep on my friend’s shoulder.) One of my friends won the dance comp and scored himself a free Nokia phone! Sweet! Anyway, I got into the swing of things eventually and had myself a ball of a time, dancing away. I made it an “early” night however, leaving at 3am. Spent the rest of the long weekend starting to get stuff together for the move. Oh yeh, and Sunday was my last time playing piano at Evening Service *sniff*.. *sob*. It was great playing with Sam and Andrew for one last time… it went well and I think we sounded pretty good. 🙂 I’m gonna really miss playing with those guys – it takes time to form the bond we had when we played together… almost like we could read each others minds. *sigh*
Other than that… I got so much to do. *sigh* It’s a bit stressful thinking about it all actually. For a few seconds tonight, I caught myself thinking that I didn’t want to do this whole moving over to UK thing anymore coz it just seemed like too damn much hassle. But I got over that quickly enough. It occured to me though, that is probably not the only time I’m gonna think along those lines. Ah well… must chug along and be strong. And not do stupid things like keep going to bed at 2am. Err… *cough*
This whole being strong and independant thing is kinda tough. I’m not used to it. I’ve never been a very independant/strong type. I’ve always kinda needed someone to take care of me… be it parents or boyfriend. And now, I’ve been struggling to remain strong.. in the whirlwind of events that my life has become. First the change of suddenly being single after 6 years of 3 long-term (and rather exclusive and close) relationships.. and then the huge step to move to London. (Was I crazy when I made that decision? Hehe.) *sigh* Sometimes… in times of quietness and aloneness.. I do wish I had someone to lean on again.. like I used to. (Esp going through this whole moving thing.) I can vaguely remember what it was like… for some reason it seems so long ago. And I can only vaguely remember what it was like to be in love. But I prefer not to ponder upon that one too much at this time. It is not something I am looking for at the moment.
Ack. Late night ruminations. Am getting maudlin. Methinks it is time for bed.
Current listening :: “Sly” – The Cat Empire
Posted on Tuesday, April 26th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »I’m outie
I have finally finished the day, the week, the year, my time here at work. Woooohooo! Had a lovely farewell lunch with my team mates and boss (who paid for my meal ;)) and am now heading off to a relaxing 1 hour remedial massage before going to hiphop class tonight, and then having some yummy japanese at Ramen Kan for dinner afterwards with a few friends to celebrate. Ah life is tough. 😛
Posted on Thursday, April 21st, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Miscellaney
Hm.. so whats new.
- Got a hair cut and colour.. same long style with layers, with a fringe again… but I got red-violet streaks and a violet/mahogany semi permanent through the rest of the hair. Hee! I likey! 🙂
- Got the new Ben Folds album “Songs For Silverman” (special edition).. It totally RAWKS! And the DVD is awesome too! Highly recommended! I am in such a huuuuge Ben Folds phase at the moment… he’s all I’ve been listening to since the gig…. it’s getting dangerous… bordering on obsession. Heheh.
- Got my webcam working at home! Woohoo! Hehe now I can use cam with MSN… heehee. And also got my laptop connected on an extended cat5 cable.. which means I can sit in the lounge room and watch tv WHILST on the net. Yay.
- Me = sick. 🙁 Got a minor cold due to lack of sleep last week… culminating in a hard night of clubbing at R&B Superclub (Fox) on Friday night. My own fault.. I knew it was gonna happen if I had a late one on Fri night… ah well.
- Only 2 & 1/2 weeks left now! And I finish work in 2 days time! Argh!! Man its all happening… all so close!!! Preparations are moving along… I’m gonna use the 2 weeks I have off to clean out my entire room and pack. Other than that, I’m just getting my documents organised. Accomodation and airport pickup in London is set and good to go. Yay. Ooh and I saw my cousin’s baby daughter on webcam last night. She is adorable. 🙂 I’ll post a piccy of her if I can find one, or when I’m over there. 🙂
- Still single.. and still lovin it!! I think for the first time in my life… I am truly loving my singledom. Is that an achievement or what! 😀 If I were not single.. I would not have met all the people I’ve met thus far.. made friends with lots of wonderful people… experienced all the things I’ve experienced, and have yet to experience… and of course… I wouldn’t be going over to London in 2 & 1/2 weeks time! I suppose in a way, I have Paul to thank for this. 😛 Hrm.. hope I don’t become *too* happy being single… might find it hard to settle down… hrmm
- Have been (slowly) chugging my way through “Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People”. Its been quite an interesting and mentally stimulating read. I might post a few excerpts later.
Anyway. Am deciding whether to go to the gym tonight or not? Decisions decisions…. I’m not feeling too bad actually, coughing a little, but I’m not that sick. I am a bit tired though as I slept late last nite and Sun night. Hrmm. Ok. I think I will go. Body Balance class will be good for me…. I need to stretch out these muscles.. esp my shoulders and neck.. ugh. And the steam/sauna room will be soooo goooood. 🙂
Current listening :: “Learn To Live With What You Are” – Ben Folds
Posted on Tuesday, April 19th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Prison Food
We walked the earth
We talked and never spoke a word
She wonders who will be the first to go
I said you know
The biggest things we gotta face alone
Don’t wanna when it’s time to go
Alone again
A trace of me
That floats in my periphery
And every time I turn to see
It goes
Alone again
Floating by like a satellite
To pass the time
You’ll float by again
And I can tell you about the little things
So you don’t think about the big things for a while
We walked the earth
We talked and never spoke a word
She wonders who will be the first to go
Alone again
Alone again
Current listening :: “Prison Food” – Ben Folds
Posted on Sunday, April 17th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »Ruminating
I think I think too much. Hrm. And I used to think that thinking a lot about things was a good thing… but now I’m thinking that maybe thinking too much is not such a good thing all the time. Er.. make sense?
Or maybe it just depends on *what* I think about. I suppose it’s unhelpful to frequently ruminate on the negative aspects of your life… you dwell on these things and you end up spiralling down into this depressive cycle. And listening to depressive music doesn’t help either. Neither does dreaming depressing things, but I guess you can’t really help that. I was reading this website on depression, and the link between depression and sleep/dreams, and that perhaps medication wasn’t the answer.. it was interesting – (I’ve always found psychological matters interesting). Clicky here to check it out… and can any psychologists tell me if what they’re saying is valid or total crap? (Erm not saying that I have “clinical” depression or anything, but I do know people that do.. I wonder if this would be helpful for them?)
Anyway.. so how does one stop negative thoughts from over-running their mind, and prevent themselves from going into that depressive cycle? Is it as simple as “getting over yourself” and ceasing being so “selfish” and “self-centred”.. to look around and not be so inward focused? Or is there more to it…. is it not right that someone gets easily triggered into feeling depressed due to feelings of loneliness / feel they are lacking friends? Should that person just learn to become more “independant” and not rely so much on others to fulfill that need for companionship? How much is too much reliance? And then… where does God fit into this picture? Does God really solve all these problems? Does it mean you’re not trusting God enough? Is that really where the core of the problem lies? Or is it more complicated than that?
Um.. I’m starting to lose my train of thought. I think this calls for a –
I think I need to stop being so honest on my blog. And I think I need to stop thinking so much. 😛
B-Fo Obsession
In other news. Ben Folds absolutely ROCKS! I bought his new album (which I’m really loving!) and found a few rare B Sides on mp3. My new fave songs of his are:
- Hiro’s Song (this song is AWESOME and the lyrics are hilarious, I think its a B-Side from Rocking The Suburbs – Jap version)
- There’s Always Someone Cooler Than You (Sunny 16 EP & live version on Landed B Side)
- Emaline (Ben Folds Five song, from Naked Baby Photos – but I prefer the live version on Ben Folds Live)
- Trusted (on the new album)
- Learn To Live With What You Are (Sunny 16 EP)
- Landed (new album)
- Gracie (new album – very cute song.. funny lyrics too :))
Heheh err ok thats a lot. I admit it… I’m in a huge Ben Folds music phase at the moment. I’ve even been (attempting to) play some of his stuff on piano. Man its friggin hard. But fun! I’ve kinda succesfully managed to play “Army” – but those triplets are soooo fast. My left hand seriously cannot keep up. And as for Zak and Sara.. forget it!! Emaline is getting there though.. I quite enjoy playing that one.. it’s a great song! Hm I should go find some more tabs/charts.. I wanna learn to play Where’s Summer B… and One Angry Dwarf.. and more!
Current listening :: “There’s Always Someone Cooler Than You” – Ben Folds
Posted on Wednesday, April 13th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Ben Folds Fotos & Bootlegs
At least one of us had the sense to bring a camera to the Ben Folds gig. Many thanks to Janet for these pics. (ARGH I’m still kicking myself over not thinking to bring my digicam… oh the videos I could have captured!!! *sob* See the photos and you’ll understand my anguish.) Note that these pics were taken with the good old fashioned film camera – no zoom!! We were *that* close!
And as usual dear old benny lived up to his usual antics of playing choir master with the crowd. Whilst standing on top of the grand Steinway & Sons piano, I might add.
A couple more pics can be found in my gallery.
Oh and a special treat for any Ben Folds fans. Someone has kindly uploaded mp3 bootlegs from the Enmore gig on Sat night (I was at the Fri night one). Clicky here to download. If this link goes dead, I’ll upload a select few myself. 🙂 You have to check out his Dr Dre cover “Bitches Aint Shit” and “Popcorn”. Classic!
Current listening :: “Zak And Sara” – Ben Folds (Live @ Enmore 2nd April 2005)
Posted on Wednesday, April 6th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »It is DONE!!!
I’ve just resigned at work. 😀 😀 😀
It went very well, if you’re wondering. A very friendly and amiable parting. I told him that I was going to London, and he encouraged it – said he wishes he could do the same! Hehe. We talked about the admin details (coz I wanna take all my leave before I quit so I get the annual leave loading… haha such a tight-arse asian I am). And yeh, discussed my farewell lunch etc. Oh and best of all, he’s gonna write me a letter of reference, even though my company’s policy is that they don’t do formal letters – with the company letterhead on them, he’ll write me one personally. 🙂
Such a relief and load off my chest. Man. I’m so excited. Or maybe thats just the coffee kicking in. 😛
Phew. Now… next on my plate… really need to get all my crap together and start packing! Only 4 weeks and 4 days to go! I can’t believe this is happening. It’s still all sinking in. ARGHHHHH!!!
Oh yeh, I’m also gonna be throwing a par-tay. At my place. You’re all invited. 🙂 How does Saturday 30th April sound? Either that or Saturday 23rd April.
Current listening :: “Come Fly With Me” – Michael Buble (Hehe.. how appropriate!! :D)
Posted on Monday, April 4th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 9 Comments »YART
Stands for: Yet Another Recycled Thread. Perhaps YARQ would be more appropriate in this case. Yet Another Recycled Quiz. 🙂 But this result did seem kinda scarily accurate.. in parts.
The intelligent loner
You’re shy at times but friendly, and you are never weak and always independent. You are incredibly intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a talent for many things (sports, music, art). You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy the simple things. Like hanging out with friends and watching movies at home. But your sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just can’t seem to break into the crowd and be noticed. Don’t worry, try to be more outgoing and speak out when you have more to say. Don’t hide behind your books and sports and computer, get out there and get noticed. You also have deep desires in life and feel vunerable and alone at times. Don’t feel sad. What helps me to express feelings and dreams that I can’t say to people, is through my writting. Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Current listening :: “The Sound Of White” – Missy Higgins
Posted on Sunday, April 3rd, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 10 Comments »Another day in the life of Kazzart
I’m really loving this older switchfoot song (off the “A Walk To Remember” soundtrack – they played it at the UNSW gig). *sigh*
Hello, good morning, how you do?
What makes your rising sun so new?
I could use a fresh beginning too
All of my regrets are nothing new
So this is the way that I say I need You
This is the way
This is the way
That I’m learning to breathe
I’m learning to crawl
I’m finding that You and You alone can break my fall
I’m living again, awake and alive
I’m dying to breathe in these abundant skies
Hello, good morning, how you been?
Yesterday left my head kicked in
I never, never thought that
I would fall like that
Never knew that I could hurt this bad
So this is the way that I say I need You
This is the way that I say I love You
This is the way that I say I’m Yours
This is the way, this is the way
So, appologies for not updating in a while. Things have been really hectic for me lately. Work has been mega busy… ugh… so stressful!! I hate doing a project when I have absolutely nfi what I’m doing, and how to use the technology. Meh, anyway, I’ll spare you my rant about work and continue the update on my oh-so thrilling life. 😛 In point form:
- My british passport arrived a few days ago!! Yay! Thats one less thing to worry about now. It was strange… I felt strange holding that british passport in my hand. Just.. this wierdness.. the realisation that my home is also in a place on the other side of the world. Hard to explain… but it just left me feeling a bit displaced.. something to do with my identity I think..
- My CV and cover letter are FINALLY finished!! Yay!! They’ve been sent out with Global Career Link and also uploaded to jobsite.co.uk. I’ve actually had 3 recruitment agents email me so far about job opportunities. And I’ve also applied to a number of web development jobs that seemed to match my skillset. There seem to be heaps of IT web development jobs available in London atm!! So I’m hoping it won’t take me too long secure a job over there!
- I have secured accomodation for my first few weeks over in London! One of my cousins has offered for me to stay with her and her husband in a house in London in sw11, zone 2 of London – which is very close to the city… a nice central location. (I’m actually starting to get familiar with the suburbs over there by studying the tube map and reading books/websites about London.) But I don’t want to impose on their generosity for more than a couple of weeks – so I better find a job asap, otherwise I’ll be living in a hostel for a while.. till I have a steady income and can rent a flat.
- Have been seriously getting ready for the move to London. I’ve started writing a list of things to pack, thinking about and gathering the various documents I’ll need to bring, cleaning my room (well it always needs to be cleaned :p) etc etc. Soon I’ll need to book in appointments for final checkups with doctors, dentists and optomotrists. And cancel any active accounts/memberships I have (eg gym, mobile etc). I’ll also need to get myself a qantas frequent flyers card. Lots to do! Only 5 weeks to go! ARGH!!! I’m pretty excited about going there… its all starting to feel more real now.
Oh and last night I went to the Ben Folds gig at The Metro. It was awesome! He rocks my socks. 🙂 Such inspiring stuff… makes me wish I practised more piano. I also had one of the best spots, 1 row from the very front, the stage – soooo close to Ben Folds. He was literally just a few metres away, and I could see every note he was playing. And guess what…. I FORGOT TO BRING MY CAMERA!!! UGHHH!!! :(((( Ok.. not gonna think about that, otherwise I’m gonna go kick myself… and I already have a bruise on my shin from the hiphop workshop (collision course with another girls ankle bone).
So, apart from all the London stuff… other areas in my life have been undergoing a bit of turmoil. Just… been dealing with a lot of emotional crap from the past. I dunno why it’s all coming up now.. perhaps it is subconciously related to The Big Move. But, its been a struggle… dealing with this stuff… this baggage. Man I’ve packed me some pretty hefty suitcases over the past years. Lots to sort though… and even though I feel like crap at the moment, I will hopefully come out a stronger, wiser person on the other end. *sigh* Its all been rather draining. I tell you what, this trip to London is certainly going to be interesting.
So… now that I’ve gotten this blog update out of the way… onto other important tasks.. like hand washing some new clothes, eating dinner, then just chillin and continuing my journey though Stargate season 5. Sounds like a plan. 🙂
Current listening :: “Learning To Breathe” – Switchfoot
Posted on Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Emotionally arousing ruminations
I’m standing on a bridge
I’m waiting in the dark
I thought that you’d be here by now
There’s nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I’m listening but there’s no sound
Isn’t anyone trying to find me?
Won’t someone please take me home
It’s a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won’t you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
but I’m, I’m with you
I’m with you
I’m looking for a place
I’m searching for a face
Is there anybody here I know
Cause nothing’s going right
And everything’s a mess
And no one likes to be alone
Isn’t anyone trying to find me?
Won’t someone come take me home
It’s a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won’t you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
but I’m, I’m with you
I’m with you
Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I’m just out of my mind
Yea yea yea
It’s a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won’t you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
but I, I’m with you
I’m with you
Shirty thy name is Kazzart
Meh. Have been in the shirtiest mood this evening. Not to mention depressed. Maybe tis the miserable weather. Maybe tis the sleep deprivation. Maybe tis the crimson wave. Maybe tis all of them. Who knows… But watch out! She bites! *bares teeth* 😛 Bring on some Radiohead. And Jebediah. And The Cure. And Smashing Pumpkins. And Doves. And Foo Fighters.
Plus near all my friends are abandoning me this weekend. Church ppl are all going on youth houseparty… and some other friends are going to melbourne. *sniff* Heheh.
Nah gives me time to chill, and start cleaning out my room in preparation for the move to London. Only 6 weeks to go! That’s right. I’m counting in weeks now!! Crappity crap its creeping up quickly. (Try saying that quickly 5 times in a row!) I’m feeling a certain mixture of excitement, sadness and “unsurety” (translation: uncertainty :P) about the move. I haven’t been doing much in the way of preparation lately – haven’t even finished my CV, as I’ve still been receiving feedback and making improvements to it. Wotta masterpiece it’s gonna be! But I definitely will attempt to knock over at least a few to-do items during the easter long weekend. Will post an updated to-do list tomorrow. 🙂
So, now that that’s all off my chest… Ima gonna go watch Princess Diaries 2 (again) DVD on my laptop…. in bed. 🙂 Have been thinking about doing this all day. Tis the perfect weather for such relaxing and cozy activities. And methinks some chocolate ice-cream is in order too. Mmmm…. 😀
Current listening :: “No Suprises” – Radiohead
Posted on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 8 Comments »Jack Johnson Gig
It was abso-friggin-lutely AWESOME! 🙂 Despite the rain (was pouring at one stage – so glad I had my “Great Barrier Reef” poncho.. even though must have looked ridiculous – but hey, ppl were even wearing garbage bags), going solo, and 6 hours of standing squashed in a crowd of 30,000…. I had myself a GREAT time! With over 5 hours of live music – 3 support acts, and Jack playing for a solid 2 hours – it was almost like an outdoor music festival. The supports included Xavier Rudd (very cool stuff!), Donavon Frankenreiter, G. Love & Special Sauce and DJ Katalyst playing a good mix of tunes in between sets. My first time seeing Jack live… he’s awesome! Very natural and friendly on stage.. a great performer, his songs sound even better live. Even with everyone singing along to most of his songs. 🙂 I took soooo many photos (and *cough* videos) at the gig.. I’ve uploaded all the photos here. Here’s a sample below.
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[Update: Videos have been uploaded! All up, 9 vids, 45 megs!! Clicky here, for a limited time only coz they take too much space!]
Incidentally, I met this italian guy called Fabio (and no he was not the most beautiful man in the cosmos). He was there alone too, and was my gig buddy for the evening. As cool as it was being there alone.. it was nice to chat to someone occasionally.
Day Out @ Wattamolla
What a great weekend! Not only was there Jack Johnson on Friday night, I had a very enjoyable day out with friends on Saturday at a BBQ/day out at Wattamolla beach, down south at the Royal National Park. (Hello guys if you’re reading this :P) Though it had been forecast to rain, the day turned out just beautiful.. blue skies, fluffy white clouds and sunshine. 🙂 We started the day a bit late as one of us had a small car accident (on the way to pick me up incidentally).. but we eventually made it to Wattamolla by lunch time. The day was then spent eating a scrummy bbq lunch (hey it was a good effort, even though we had no oil, no bbq utensils and no sauce! :P), playing various sports involving balls (cricket, volleyball.. or seeing how high you could throw a tennis ball?? The things that amuse some people. :P), frolicking in the rather nippy ocean (learnt an amusing new term that surfers apparently use for cold water – “spanner water” – can anyone guess what that phrase means?), or lazing about on the sand. Here’s a few piccies (more pics here, and also thanks to Steve for some extra pics):
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Karaoke Craziness!
After having dinner in Liverpool, some of us headed out to K-Mix in the city for some KARAOKE! What was meant to be a 2 hour booking got extended (twice) to a mammoth 4 hours of karaoke fun. I think this is the most fun I’ve ever had at a karaoke session. These guys are a crack up! Everyone fully got into it – from dancing on table tops (*cough*), to singing our hearts (and lungs) out, or doing “backstreet boys” style moves (ROMYL!), posing like a very.. *cough*homosexual*cough* “Dancing Queen” (ROMYL!), and just generally letting loose (note that NO alcohol was involved whatsoever) and having an all round awesome time. 😀 Some great singers too! We even kept on singing acapella after they turned our machine off. Hehe.
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Afterwards, a few of us were feeling a bit peckish.. and I was cravin some pancakes (“Make you banana pancakes… pretend like its the weekend…” Ok I gotta stop reciting those Jack Johnson lyrics.. :P), so off we went to Pancakes at the Rocks.. at 3am! Ended up getting home (once again) at around 6am. You guys are such a bad influence. (Btw if you guys are reading this, I think you should be nice to Kazzart and leave a comment. :D)
Current listening :: “Wasting Time” – Jack Johnson (Hehe.. appropriate.. took me aages to get all these photos from the weekend up and this is a mother of a post!!)
Posted on Monday, March 21st, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 7 Comments »Crazy?
Does anyone else have a habit of talking to themselves? Was just realising – I think I talk to myself a lot – like whilst I drive (if alone), when another driver is being annoying, I’ll call out to them “Aw come ON!”… or insult them in some manner, or if they are nice I’d gratefully say “Thank you!” And so on…
Then I remembered, during uni, my friends told me I used to talk to myself quite a lot whilst programming. So geeky.. they told me it was like I was giving myself a running commentary whilst programming assignments and labs. Rather amusing really.
Here’s a probable example of what it may have been like sitting next to me in the computer labs… “Ok declare variable i, and assign it to 0 for now. Now, lets see I think I’ll use a For loop… hmmm I need to start from i until the end of the array… etc etc … ok lets try it… What?!? Why aren’t you working you stupid piece of… oh wait a sec… duhh… its i+1.. alrighty then give it another whirl… *waits*… Yay its working.. woohoo!” Or something along those lines.
Ok geek rating has just gone off the scale. I think I need to go…. play some sport or something. Ooh.. hiphop class tonight. That’ll suffice. 😎
Anyways. Only 2 & 1/2 hours to go until end of the week for me! Yay! I have tomorrow off coz I’m going to the Jack Johnson concert at Centennial Park! Woohoo. And its gonna rain. Woohoo.. not. *sigh* Guess I better waterproof myself good and proper then.
Oh yeh and as promised, a piccy of my uber hot sim. Everyone… meet Rosalyn. 😛 (Sorry she’s in her pjs.. they’re a bit risque.)
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Current listening :: “Belle” – Jack Johnson
Posted on Thursday, March 17th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »Kazzart + Sims 2 = BAD IDEA
Oh boy, I knew it was gonna be a bad idea to buy Sims 2. Bought it on Sunday arvo. Installed it on my new laptop on Sunday night (at like midnight), and slept at 2am that night and last night, playing it.
It is such an addictive game! Played it for good solid 5 – 6 hours last night.. taking a break to have dinner and wash the dishes. I was so into the game, and totally zoned out by it, I felt like a Sim washing the dishes… giving myself commands to do household chores. Sorta scary really!
Anyway, I’ve been playing in Pleasantville (for those who know Sims) to just get the hang of things – with the Pleasant family lot. I kinda suck at it so far – too many people to try and manage – they never get enough rest or food, and time goes too fast! The dad even passed out outside the house from exhaustion due to my neglect, and then pee’ed his pants upon awakening. And in front of the sexy house maid (with whom I was trying to get him with). Hehehe.
Then I decided to create my own Sim – my very first Sim! Of course, I had to make her an uber hot chicky babe. 😉 Which is sorta why I slept so late last night – spent ages adjusting the features on her face to make her perfect. 😛 And damn is she hot – black hair, blue eyes, pouty lips. Nice. And then you get to choose make up and clothes too. Haha.. just like barbie dolls for grown ups. Err… or maybe not. Anyway, I think you can take snapshot pictures of your Sim – so I’ll see if I can post up a portrait of my hot chicky Sim. Hee.
Anyway, time to do some work – I’ve had my mocha for the morning. Methinks I am gonna need more than one today!
Current listening :: “Banana Pancakes” – Jack Johnson (Going to see him this friday @ Centennial Park!! Woohoo! But its forecast for showers.. nooooooo!!!)
Posted on Tuesday, March 15th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »An Ode To Blog Spam
Blog spam, blog spam
Oh how I hate thee
Thy neverending life I would if within my power
Willingly throw off the highest tower
To fall into the darkest pit
And be crushed into a lifeless
Ball of blackness
Current listening :: “How Could You” – Mario
Posted on Sunday, March 13th, 2005 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »