Why is it that as I grow older, I find myself becoming more cynical, more sad, more angsty, more disillusioned… the bags in my hands growing one by one. I suppose that is how life is, with the whole growing up thing. And I suppose you only do it to youself, with your choices. It was all so much more simple back then, was it not? Back in the uni days.. and even further back in the high school days, that seem like a distant memory now. I was so innocent back then. What have we done with innocence? It disappeared with time, it never made much sense.
I am so sorry to those I’ve hurt along the way. And I’m sorry to those I will hurt in the future. Sorry for all the times.. I just can’t add up the sums, to find the damage we’ve done. I guess I should just resign myself to the guilt. I suppose I deserve it.
I know I don’t deserve *you*.
Gosh.. dunno where this is all coming from. Just feel like letting stuff out. Please don’t read too much into it. It’s just me.. expressing my feelings and frustrations.. about life, about people, about change.
One thing that gets to me, is that if you do something.. different.. (not necessarily wrong.. just different) from what people believe to be the “thing” to do… the “way” to act.. the “life” to live.. the “choice” to choose… you get a sense of disapproval. A shift in people’s opinions of you. Like you’ve just gone down a few rungs in the social pecking order. I dunno. Maybe I’m reading too much into things. But then again… maybe not.. maybe my mum was right.
Ack… too much thinking, not enough exercising. I haven’t been to the gym in over a week now. Methinks I am way overdue. Its coz I’ve been sick.. and trying to recover.
[Update: 5:40pm]
Ah.. feeling better now. Going to the gym at lunchtime today helped improve my mood greatly. That, and my little rant above. 🙂 I’m feeling a little sleepy now though… ugh.. kinda wish I didn’t have to go to youth group tonight.. just wanna go home and snuggle up in bed..
Current listening :: “My Poor Brain” – Foo Fighters
Posted on Friday, May 7th, 2004 in Life, Rant & Bitch | 7 Comments »Woozy
I had a blood test today to check up on something, and boy oh boy did the after effects suprise me. I’ve had blood tests before, but never with these effects. She asked me if I felt dizzy afterwards, and as soon as the word “No” was on my lips, I felt the first touches of light-headedness. This was then followed by my vision blacking out, my hearing being all muffled, and rather severe wooziness, some dizziness and to cap it all off, nausea. T’was most unpleasant. Seemed like it lasted forever.. as I slumped over in my seat thinking “please end.. please make it stop!” Probably took me a few minutes to recover… and lying down on the bed (after I was able to actually get up and walk to it) helped a lot. Still feeling a little weak now. And my arm hurts.. where the needle went in. Hehe I’m such a baby. 😛
Weekend update
The smell of beer was thick in the air as I sat nervously in my seat, silently thinking “Go Waratahs.. cmon, you can do it!” Then suddenly I find myself (along with everyone else) jumping up and yelling “Come on…. yeh… gooo!!! Awww… noooooo!!!”. What am I doing?? Am I actually getting all emotional and excited about the RUGBY?!?
Well, the rugby on Saturday arvo certainly was interesting. Except for the fact that we lost!!! By ONE point!!!! And how could the ball hit the pole… it was sure to go in! Just a few centimetres to the left!! Err.. *ahem*.. I mean, yeh the rugby was alright.
At first I found it funny how people got so excited about it all. But then I started getting into it, and getting all nervous about the possibility of us losing (we were more than doubling NZ at half time!) Anyways, it was an interesting experience.. though I don’t think I would consider adding it to my list of current hobbies and past times.
I would also like to note: The asian count was low. Very low. 😛
Anyways, here are a few highlights of my weekend. In picture format for your viewing pleasure. 🙂
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Current listening :: “Born to make you happy” – Britney Spears
Posted on Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »With You
*sigh* This song just melts the heart… 🙂
The real me is a southern girl
with her Levis on and an open heart
Wish I could save the world like I was super girl
The real me is to laugh all night
lying in the grass just talking about love
But lately I’ve been jaded
Life got so complicated
I start thinking about it
I almost forgot what it was like
to know what it feels like
But with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you’ll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I’m with you
With you (x3)
Now that I’m with you
Radiohead photos
As promised… photos from the Radiohead gig are up. Check em out! Here’s a preview of a few.
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NB. Larger versions (and more) can be found in my gallery. Also, please ask first before taking any of these photos.
In other news, still sick. Prob worse today than I was yesterday. Woke up feeling crappy, with sore throat, blocked nose and head. I seriously considered not going to work today, but then decided to go in anyway after lying in bed for another 10 mins. Don’t really have a sore throat anymore, but runny/blocked nose and a headache. 🙁 Aiyah.. being sick sucks. Ok gotta go now. Ciao.
Current listening :: “There There” – Radiohead
(Been listening to “Hail To The Thief” alot these past few days. I’m finding that I really like it!! I think it brings back memories of the gig..)
Watched Kill Bill 2 last night. Interesting. T’was not bad… I’m neither here nor there on it. A few things were a bit “huh?” though.
I’m sick. Actually have been sick since the weekend.. I think Buble + Radiohead + public-holiday-staying-up-late-ness did me in. Too many late nights in a row. Plus its gotten so cold now… brrr… and the winter is coming on fast!
Shout out to Sam for being the only one to comment on my previous post. You muh homie too. Worrd. 😛
Haven’t done any exercise or gone to the gym for over a week now! I’m getting a tummy. 🙁 Esp after a weekend full of too much pigging out.
I’m going to see a Rugby match (Waratahs) this Saturday afternoon! Like.. woah… this is so… not me. Never happened before. Never thought it would happen. Never say never huh.
Hm.. can’t think of anymore miscellaney stuff to post about. Gonna go home now, and get some rest. Or maybe I’ll hit the sauna first to sweat out my cold.
Current listening :: “Gone” – Jack Johnson
Posted on Wednesday, April 28th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »To Whom It May Concern
It has been brought to my attention that certain people who have a real life relationship with me (ie. see me on a regular basis), who have been reading my blog, have formed some sort of opinion or judgement based upon what I write. And this seems to have affected the way they view me and relate to me. So I would like to highlight the following excerpt (taken from the bloggers disclaimer).
Do not assume that you know everything there is to know about a writer simply because you read their weblog on a regular basis. Any judgements you make will be based on the information they have provided you about themselves, which is probably vague, incomplete or embellished. Whatever opinion you form on them as people, or their life as a whole, is probably best kept to yourself.
And another appropriate excerpt:
If you have a real life relationship with the writer, remember that communication is very important. View weblogs as online journals, no less sacred than a diary hidden between the mattresses. First of all let them know that you read their site, especially if they did not tell you personally.
Basically it comes to this. If you know me in real life, then I would firstly like to call on your respect for our friendship to stop lurking in the shadows, and announce yourself – either by commenting, or by emailing me. You know my email address. If you are not willing to do this, I politely ask you to stop visiting this website altogether. If you want to know what I’ve been up to, then simply ask me.
Secondly, understand that what I write in this blog is not my whole life. It is not the “revealed Word of Kazzart”. It is merely an excerpt, a glimpse, into certain aspects of my life. And recently (due to certain events in my life) it has become more and more about the outer layer of this onion (think Shrek) – and not much about what’s really going on inside the “mind of Kazzart”.
Thirdly, to put it bluntly, this website was originally not created for my real life friends to read (with a few exceptions). It was created for a select few close trusted friends, and for the blogging community in general (yes, even especially aimed at strangers, from all over the world). Now, I don’t mind if some of you read it, if you are able to withhold judgement and take what I write with a grain of salt. If you cannot help yourself, or find this site unhelpful, then I suggest you stop reading.
Lastly, I realise that this is the internet, and that this site is a publically available page, and therefore I cannot have control over who reads it. But what I am addressing is the issue of friendship, and the respect that one friend should have for another. Particularly if the people claim to be christian.
To everyone else – apologies for the unpleasantness of this post. It had to be done.
Kind regards,
Current listening :: “Come Clean” – Hilary Duff
Posted on Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 21 Comments »Radiohead
Last night’s Radiohead gig was AWESOME!! 🙂 They are fantastic to see live! 🙂 I had a great view in the GA floor area… we were prob about 4-5 metres from the stage! The vibe down on the floor area was great.. everyone was really into it.. and we were so close to the action on stage, so yeh… awesome stuff!
I also took about a million and a half photos (well, more like 60-ish). The only thing I’m kicking myself about now is that I didn’t take any video!! 🙁 Argh! I sooo should’ve taken a few small snippets of video.. esp when they played older stuff like “My Iron Lung”, “Paranoid Android” and “Karma Police”. I had a friend sitting in front row seats though, who took a few video snippets. Will be getting em off him sometime when we do a photo swap. Anyways, I’ll upload my photos sometime, probably next week when I get back to work.
Following with my usual tradition of buying a t-shirt at every major gig, I bought myself my first Radiohead tshirt. 🙂 They only had one which I liked the colour of – the beige one with “We suck young blood” lyrics on it. Unfortunately they didn’t have x-small.. so I had to do with small, and hope I can shrink it a little in the wash. Good shirt to wear to church sometime… 😛
Current listening :: “Electioneering” – Radiohead
Posted on Saturday, April 24th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »Bubl
The Michael Bublé concert at the Opera House last night was fantastic! He is a consummate performer – really getting into it, joking around with the audience. He’s quite the comedian too. Makes for a very enjoyable and feel-good concert! 🙂 Took some photos (no flash though – had to use the long-exposure/ night mode). Check em out!
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Anyways, check out my gallery for some more piccies! I’ll upload some more stuff later (I took two small videos with my digital camera during the performance.. *cough*). Also, for the girly girls, clicky here for my first wear of that new pink coat! 😀
I really have to dash now.. got the Radiohead concert tonight! Wooohooo! Can’t believe its finally here!
Current listening :: “Airbag” – Radiohead
Posted on Friday, April 23rd, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 7 Comments »Updates
Check this out. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 🙂
In other news, I almost made myself sick this morning. I was trying to be healthy, buying myself a fresh Viva Juice called “Ruby Red” (advertised as “A juice to cleanse and energise”). It contains Beetroot, Carrot, Celery and Apple and tasted pretty disgusting. I had to scull the thing down.. and man o man, my guts weren’t happy after that. Felt like throwing up for a while.. but things calmed down after a few minutes.
Then a few hours later…. well, lets just say they weren’t wrong when they said “A juice to cleanse..” 😛
Anyways, tonight I’m gonna be seeing Michael Buble live at the Opera House! Woohoo! I’ve heard that last nights performance was awesome.. so yeh.. can’t wait! 🙂 And then tomorrow night I’m gonna be seeing Radiohead at the Entertainment Centre! Argh!! :))
Then its the long weekend.. and hopefully this time, it’ll be a weekend of much needed rest and fun. I’ll hopefully be going clubbing on Sunday night! Perhaps Superjamm at Cockle Bay.. anyone know of any other good/better R&B events on that night? Just really need to get out, let my hair down and have some fun. 🙂
Current listening :: “Baby Boy” – Beyonce
Posted on Thursday, April 22nd, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »Celebrity sighting!
Omg Omg!! I just saw Usher at Pitt St mall…! Shopping in Industrie at first, and then out in the mall. He attracted quite a few people.. esp the girls.. haha. But his bodyguard (black guy in a black suit) seemed unwilling to let anyone near, not even for autographs. He was just there with a friend or 2, and the bodyguard. I’m so kicking myself for not having my camera on me at the time, but a friend took a photo with his phone, so I’ll prob get it off him to post up here.
He’s actually kinda short. And he just looked casual.. jeans, white tshirt, black cap. I probably wouldn’t have recognised him if a friend hadn’t pointed him out to me, coz I’m not that familiar with what he looks like.
Anyways, so yeh, that was my excitement for the afternoon! 😛
Current listening :: “Yeah” – Usher (Ft. Lil’ Jon and Ludacris)
Posted on Wednesday, April 21st, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Imitation.. the highest form of flattery?
Oh. My. Gosh. I got the shock of my life this morning. I was doing my usual checks through my sitemeter, when I noticed a strange url coming up. So I click on it, and what do I find but an almost EXACT duplicate of my website! Not only did this guy rip off my code and design, he also ripped off my content. The main welcome page content is exactly the same as mine (at the time of ripoff), with him substituting my names/links for his ones.
Here is the site: http://home.comcast.net/~sdrls/main.htm. Check it out for yourself and do the comparison.
I’m just….. speechless.. Really. Not only did he blatantly copy my site, he was really really stupid about it as well! For example, some of the links on the nav drop-down box still go back to my site!! And my webcam thumbnail image is still up on some of his pages. Also, on some pages, he is still using my sitemeter code (which is why it showed up on my site). He is also stealing my bandwidth a little, by using some images which reside on my webserver. (Although he has at least created his own header image.)
This is the second time someone has ripped off my website/design. And I guess it is a compliment that people think my design so good, they want to copy it. But really… can’t they at least change it a little, so it’s not so blatant? At least try and come up with something of their own? I don’t even mind if they use ideas from my site – coz hey, thats what I do too. If I come across something that I think looks nice, or is a really cool new functionality, and I think it would work with my site, then I’ll come up with a way of implementing it into my site.. like something as small as how my navigation dropdown list works, or the greyscale fade on my webcam image… they are both ideas I got from some website I’d come across. Nothing is truly original. But yeh, blatant ripoff…. I mean, surely he could at least come up with his own welcome message!?!? *shakes head in disgust*
Going through that site, I felt like I’d entered the twilight zone..
Current listening :: “Fired” – Ben Folds
Posted on Wednesday, April 21st, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 13 Comments »Denied!!
MT-Blacklist comment denial on my blue heaven:
Bwahahahahahah. DENIED!!! Muahahaha… that feeeels gooood!
For many months I have been struggling against the dark forces of spam and p0rn commenting. Finally, I decided to investigate the matter, and discovered this helpful Movable Type plugin that blocks a large (constantly updated) blacklist of known spammers & spam content. The above was the first spammer to be denied! So I guess it works. Woooohooooo! 🙂 No more fruitless attempts at IP banning for me!
Am feeling better today about stuff. Appologies for the rant yesterday. I had a number of concerned people’s contact me, asking if I was ok. Thankyou for that, but I am doing fine. I think it had more to do with timing of events than anything else… as in too many “bad” things happening at once. And also the fact that my body had decided to start “surfing the crimson wave” at the same time, can make one feel unable to cope.
Anyways, the problems haven’t gone away… but I’m just feeling more.. “meh”.. about it all. Like water off a ducks back.
Been listening to some George. Nice. I quite like this one, a B side off the “Breathe In Now” single, called “Quiet Day”. I like their older stuff better. Esp the quieter acoustic piano/guitar songs.
That is why I hope its okay
for me to just be now
I just need to have a quiet day
And watch things fade away
I think I’ll just sit here
and watch you all go by
To look past this hour, this day
it’s exciting but it is
too big to imagine for me
Why do things have to change
I am a brushstroke on a big canvas
that’s not by me
That is why I hope its okay
for me to just be now
I just need to have a quiet day
And watch things fade away
I think I’ll just sit here
and watch you all go by
Retail Therapy
I went shopping on Sunday, and bought myself a new pair of shoes (finally!) from Colorado. They’re apparently the latest in the range. I also bought a new white zip-up top/jacket, on sale for $20 from Cuté. Yay! 🙂
Check em out!
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Current listening :: “Quiet Day” – George
Posted on Tuesday, April 20th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »Times like these
In times like these
in times like those
what will be will be
and so it goes
and it always goes on and on
and on and on it goes
And theres always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying
boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
and heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture
but then hurt from time to times like these
and times like those
what will be will be
and so it goes
And there will always be stop and go and fast and slow
action, reaction, sticks and stones and broken bones
those for peace and those for war
and god bless these ones not those ones
but these ones made times like these
and times like those
what will be will be
and so it goes
and it always goes on and on
and on and on it goes
But somehow i know it wont be the same
somehow i know it’ll never be the same
I had the crappiest weekend. Culminating to an all time low on Sunday night. Blah blah woof woof. I just want to escape it all. To leave everything behind.. the burdens, the responsibility, the expectations, the microscope, the judgements. I was actually glad to get back to work this morning. To get back into my weekday routine. Perhaps its become a sort of avenue of escape for me.. at least for a time.
It’s all so stupid. This life.. relationships.. people. You need people and relationships, yet at times, they seem to be the bane of your life. And you wish you could say, I don’t need you. Yet you still feel the weight of your (somewhat self-imposed) loneliness.
I wish I wasn’t in the position I’m currently in.
Bah. This is so f’d up.
Current listening :: “Cocoon” – Jack Johnson
Posted on Monday, April 19th, 2004 in Life, Rant & Bitch | 2 Comments »Crabby
Argh. I feel like crap. Slept at 2am last night, and missed the bus this morning. Got a headache at the moment too. I think I need to go to the gym… have a good workout and stretch, relax in the sauna for a bit, then take a nice, refreshing shower. I’ll let you know the result when I get back. Ciao for now. 🙂
Hm…. feeling much better now. 🙂 No headache, relaxed, refreshed. Bit tired though.. in a “I’ve just had a tough workout” kinda way. Hm.. methinks it is time for lunch! Yumm..
Current listening :: “Fourth of July” – Mariah Carey
Posted on Friday, April 16th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Back in the grind..
The worst thing about a holiday, is that it has to end…. that inevitably you’re gonna have to go back to work. And even worse, you’ll probably have a number of tasks that were lining up for you whilst you were away.. *sigh* How depressing. Hence, I am trying my utmost to procrastinate for as long as possible. 😛 Even though, I probably should start tackling those tasks… blah.
Though, my easter long weekend wasn’t really a holiday. More like…. volunteer work. 🙂 I went as a bible study leader to my church’s youth houseparty down at Fitzroy Falls Conference Centre. It went pretty well! The talks were great, my bible studies went smoothly (albeit a bit quietly), the entertainment nights were fun, the skit night hilarious (esp all the cross dressing – what was WITH that?? – and William Hung impersonations… hehe such crack up).. and much fellowship and fun was to be had by all! There were only a few hitches here and there… I think I got sick from the moment I arrived down there. I forgot it would be quite a bit colder… so I didn’t bring enough warm clothes. 🙁 Also there were a few.. run ins.. between particular person(s) and some leaders (& kids).. which I’m sure will be brought up at some point. Anyway.. I have my own personal opinions (read: gripes) on the matter, which won’t be elaborated here lest I be shot down for being whingy. Though, I will give a shout out to the person who mooned the “enforcers”. Hahaha. That was pure class!!
Aaaaanyways… I took lots of pics with my (parents) digital camera, which will go up soon… ish (emphasizing the “ish”).. after I knock over a few of the aforementioned work tasks.
Argh…. I just remembered…. I can’t upload any today…. I forgot to bring the usb cable. Grrr.
Oh, just HAVE to mention this….. one highlight of the weekend for me…. hehe… wait for it….. there was this absolutely adoooorably gorgeous friendly kitten at the camp site (owned by one of the cooks)!!!! He was soooooooo sooooooo friendly!!! Like during the trivia night activity, I took him in to keep our team company, and he just spent the WHOLE night sleeping on people’s laps, even through the shouting and screaming and cheering… he was almost comatose. He’s just happily purr away and sleep in someone’s lap. And the funniest thing… he would start cleaning himself sometimes, then during mid-lick, he’d just fall asleep… hahahah… so funny!! Argh…. he was just sooo cute and friendly and docile and…. argh!!!! He would let ANYONE hold him. And as soon as you put him on ur lap, he’d just circle round and curl up happily. Also his meow was sooo cute. At night, he would meow outside our cabin door!! One night, he even woke me up in the middle of the night with his loud meow! I want a kitty like that!! Why can’t Coltrane be more friendly like that?!?
/rant. Phew… ok… I’m alright now… really… I’m not crazy…. I just like cats. You got a problem with that?!?!? 😛
Oh, and I watched “Win A Date With Tad Hamilton” yesterday. Heheh.. girly flick.. yay! Kate Bosworth is sooooo pretty in that movie!! The movie itself, wasn’t bad. I mean I’ve seen better girly flicks, but its still pretty sweet. The ending is nice.. I even shed a few tears. :_)
Current listening :: “Some Kind Of Miracle” – Kelly Clarkson
Posted on Wednesday, April 14th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Fat cat
Oh. My. Gosh. How fat is this cat!! The poor thing… I feel so sorry for it. So, hmph, my kitty ain’t got nothing compared with this cat!
Anyways, just chillin at a friend’s now, doing some last minute planning for houseparty (youth group camp). Got the day off work tomorrow.. woohoo! And got Tuesday off too (recuperation time – and so I can actually get some semblance of a holiday over the easter holiday period).
Posted on Wednesday, April 7th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »So long, farewell..
Well, just for the easter long weekend. I’m heading off to Fitzroy Falls Conference Centre from Thurs night to Mon arvo for our church youth group camp. Should be fun. Anyways, will be back next week.. with lotsa piccies hopefully. 🙂
Ciao all. Have a good easter holiday!
Posted on Wednesday, April 7th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »Cha-ching!
Ok, I just spent a fairly obscenely large amount of $$ on this absolutely gorgeous pink winter coat (by Very Very). I’ve had my eye on it for ages… passing it every day to and from work. I finally caved in this morning and tried it on. BIG mistake. I instantly fell in love with it… how it felt.. the lining is divinely silky smooth.. and the coat is this lovely soft wool/cashmere. Just gorgeous, and a really nice girly dusty pink colour. So cute! This is what it looks like.
So yeh… I spent the morning pondering over whether I should buy it or not. I even made the typical “crisis” call (and email) to Vron about my “dilemma”. I also consulted a few friends over ICQ, and mentally went through my wardrobe to check it would match my current clothing collection. Finally I made up my mind… and I bought it! I think this has got to be the most I’ve spent on a single item of clothing. *ponders for a moment* Yep… it even beats my formal dresses (which actually isn’t *that* hard to do).
How much was it? Hrm…. not telling.. 😛 (Lets just say it was less than $300, but more than $200).
Anyway.. guess I’m gonna be eating mum’s cooking for the next month.. or two!
Current listening :: “Sweet Kisses” – Jessica Simpson
Posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 9 Comments »Now & Then
As predicted, the “Red Corvette” Fudge hair dye has almost completely faded over the past month. Check it out.
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Celebrity Spotting
Oh, I almost forgot to mention, at dance class last Wed night, we had a “celebrity” in our midst. Sophie Monk (from Bardot) attended my intermediate jazz class (with Ramon). That was kinda cool-ish. She’s alot scrawnier and shorter than I imagined. Really skinny… like to the point of no figure/straight-up-and-down. Poor girl.
Weekend Update
I had a fairly non-eventful weekend. Friday night was Glue – we had our first ETAG for the year (Evangelistic Talks at Glue). Apparently about 83 kids turned up! Wowzers! And a few prayed the prayer too. Good stuff. Andrew gave the talk, which went very well.
Saturday I caught up on some sleep, met up with a girl I’m following up, and then just chilled and watched my “What A Girl Wants” dvd… heehee.. looove that movie! 🙂
Sunday I got some much needed sleep in.. (1:30pm.. woohoo!) Then went to Burwood Westfield for some lunch and shopping (din buy anything though… darn it.. I really need some new shoes! I’ve now resorted to wearing my previous OLDER pair of Colorados coz the newer ones have holes in the heels!)
Did some pondering over the weekend.. over the Queen Bee or Alpha Female phenomena. And yes, I’m talking about YOU! (Sorry, just being whimsical. Maybe I’ll address this issue properly.. later.. maybe..)
Anyways, I hear an EasyWay Honey Milk tea calling…. mmuuuuust obeeey…. 😉
Current listening :: “Infatuation” – Christina Aguilera
Posted on Monday, April 5th, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »More dancing fun
Went to dance class last night again…. for an amazing 2nd week in a row. Very rare for me to be able to do this, this year. It was awesome! I *really* love dancing… and only being able to do it about once a month has, I think, intensified my enjoyment of it. I guess you appreciate it more when you’re restricted.
Anyway the lyrical routine was basically the same as last week… to a different song though – Christina Aguilera’s “Voice Within”. T’was very nice. The main routine was to a song from Janet Jackson’s new album “Damita Jo” (which I’ve just gone out and bought :P). The song was track 10 “All Nite (Don’t Stop)”. The routine was really quick.. with alot of moves to remember (no breast popping though… in case you were wondering :P). Thankfully the first section (the chorus) was repeated, so we didn’t have to learn too many different steps. (We did up to 1:12 mins of the song). The dance was fairly raunchy too… with the Ramon’s typical crotch-grabbing, pelvis thrusting moves. 😉 Apparently a partnered section is to follow after what we learnt! Man, I wish I could go again next week… Ramon’s partnered routines are so cool!
On a side note.. interestingly, I find that I dance better when people are watching. I guess I like the performance thing. I mean, it can be a bit distracting sometimes (which can lead to stuff ups).. but it gives an extra thrill… And at the end of class, when Ramon opens the door and people from other classes gather outside the door to watch us dance – I get this electric thrill through my body as I dance, and I throw myself more into the moves, giving my best performance. I like it. 🙂
So anyway, I went out and bought the new Janet Jackson cd today – “Damita Jo”. I’m quite liking it so far! I think I’d describe it as warm… thats how the songs feel… warm. There are quite a few tracks to this album too… 22 in total! Though 6 of them are interludes. The tracks that jump out for me so far are:
- “My Baby” (track 5) – a very sweet song
- “Spending Time With You” (track 7) – relaxing.. like the warmth of a tropical island
- “All Nite (Don’t Stop)” (track 10) – the song we used in dance class
- “R&B Junkie” (track 11) – a very funky old school style!
- “I Want You” (track 12) – another sweet song.. the latest single
- “Thinkin Bout My Ex” (track 14) – a Babyface song… just really pretty
- “Slolove” (track 20) – a funky, upbeat number.. I liked it within the first few seconds of play!
Note however, that some of the tracks on the album are a bit… err.. risque… *cough* But then, what’s new eh?
Oh, and my back seems to be fine now. Thank goodness! It gave me no problems at all at dance class last night. However, my knee is hurting a little, as it always seems to after a workout. 🙁 And my ulcer is slowly healing itself.. I’m trying this new thing “L-Lysine Hydrochloride” tablets.. I’ve heard good things about it for killing off mouth ulcers? Here’s hoping…
Here’s a piccy I took of Coltrane the other night. Heehee.. he looks so grumpy! Prob coz I just forced him to endure a 17 photo photoshoot.. 😛
Current listening :: “Just A Little While” – Janet Jackson
Posted on Thursday, April 1st, 2004 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 7 Comments »