A glimpse into the life and mind of Kazzart


3:01 pm Thu, 11th March 2004

Holding firmly onto my tradition of procrastination…. I’ve added a “current playlist” feature in the side navigation “Currently” box, using a new plugin for winamp 5.02. Yay! In fact, I spent the better part of this morning installing and configuring winamp 5 just so I could get this Now Playing functionality working.. 😛

Its pretty cool. It automatically updates the list (via ftp) everytime I play a new song in winamp, and also shows the last 100 songs played. Check it out!

In other news.. still feeling pretty tired. Wasn’t feeling very well last night – that dizzyness thing sorta came back, so I left cg early. Still have a slight feeling of dizzyness today, even though I had almost 9 hours sleep last night. I don’t know what’s wrong with me..

Anyways, I guess I should get back to my work project. Fun fun fun.

Current listening :: “It’s All Understood” – Jack Johnson

Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »

  1. 6 Comments on “Updates”

  2. leo
    Mar 11, 2004

    i’ve got a theory as to why u’re having dizzy spells – u’re always eating: nothing 🙂

  3. leo
    Mar 11, 2004

    awwwwwwwwwwwww…i luv ur playlist – well, from the doves down to bluebottle kiss anyway..

  4. nate
    Mar 12, 2004

    that winamp thing is cool

  5. Kazzart
    Mar 12, 2004

    leo: Hehehehe… 😛 Thankyou.. glad u approve.. but, whats wrong with Kelly Clarkson eh??

    Nate: Yah it is! Tho I just discovered it loses the playlist history if I restart winamp… 🙁

  6. rat
    Mar 15, 2004

    hmmm, interesting playlist, very different from my own, the only similarities, c&c music factory, things that make you go hmmmm. hehehehe

  7. Kazzart
    Mar 17, 2004

    Hi Rat. Hm… my playlist can drastically change from day to day. I have quite a wide range in taste… to the dismay of the musical elitists out there.. *cough* 🙂

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