80 Years
Sorry its been a while. Work has just been so busy. 🙁 And with the recording and other stuff… *sigh* At least its Friday… finally! Looking forward to WKC tomorrow for the day, and then clubbing at The Venue @ Minc. Yay! Just hope I have enough energy to last the night!
Anyway, the recording of 80 Years was great! It sounded really good, and we got everything done in the one day, despite taking half the day just to set up the drums!! Must kinda suck being a drummer! Hehe. I’ve heard the mixed recording – sounds pretty good! I can’t believe its us! And all done in 3 days – from learning it on Sun morning, practice Mon night, to recording on Tues… not bad! 🙂
Here are some piccies of us in the studio:
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So yes, come to the album launch on Sat Nov 8th! (Tickets on sale soon.) And buy a CD! Go visit the SaltLight website for more info.
Current listening :: “80 Years” – Tim Woo
Posted on Friday, September 12th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Just quickly
Gotta dash real soon, but just quickly, tomorrow we’ll be going into studio to record Tim’s song, “80 Years”! Yay! 🙂 Got rehearsal tonight, and then it’ll be a long day tomorrow – but hopefully not too long if we can knock it over quickly. We don’t have much time either.
Anyways, off to the gym for a quick work out before I meet Andrew for dinner!
Current listening :: “Helping you hate me” – Bluebottle Kiss
Posted on Monday, September 8th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »“Helping you hate me”
Have been listening to Fear Of Girls this morning. I quite like it! I thought it might’ve been a little harder to listen to (coz someone said so), but I think perhaps I like it more than “Patient”. I dunno. I’ll have to listen to Patient again to compare. 🙂
Work has been pretty blah this morning. Gonna be making a software release today, so I’m at least glad to be rid of this TV Guide project! Finally!
I love my kitty! Even though he wakes me up at 7 in the morning, miaowing and purring for food. He’s so cute! He came in again this morning and curled up near my face, purring away, nuzzling and batting at my face with his soft paw, licking my arm. Tee hee! I took some funny photos of him last nite on his chair (now that I have the digital camera again).
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Need sleep. Really. I should be sleeping now. I promised myself I was gonna sleep early tonight – 10pm was the target. Hm. Tis 11:20pm now. Ah well.
This weekend has been quite a tiring and draining one. Both physically and emotionally. Had a relatively early start and pretty full day on Sat – people came over for brekky (pancakes – so naturally I got up for it.. who can pass up fresh homemade pancakes? ;p), then met with a girl in my yr 9/10 bible study group to do a study, then picked up a girlfriend and went swimming at Lane Cove (verrry nice.. *sigh* the steam room does wonders for your skin!), and finally went over to Andrews (he was sick so I brought him dinner in bed :)).
Sunday had an even earlier start of 9am for a band rehearsal. Me, Andrew, Sam and Tim are gonna be recording a song of Tim’s on the SaltLight CD, “This Way Up”! Cool huh. We had rehearsal today 9 – 12, and tomm night we’ve another rehearsal for 2 hrs. Then on Tues we’ll be going into Arcadia Studios from 10am – 3pm to record the song. Hope we don’t stuff up!
As for the emotional drain… have been helping a friend deal with some rather difficult issues and problems. Its been a very hard time for her & for others involved, and I’ve been trying to, as a friend and sister in Christ, be as encouraging and helpful as I can be. Our pastor’s sermon tonight really struck me. It was like he was addressing everything I’d been thinking the past week or so. About giving up on helping people deal with their burdens, about feeling unappreciated and tired – he addressed all these things. It was very relevant. But still.. it doesn’t stop me from feeling tired and drained. And sometimes still feeling like giving up.
Btw, on a completely diff note. Check out my Ski Trip photos! I put up the ones I took during the trip, plus a couple more from a friend’s digital camera. There’s more of me in my cool new beanie, and ridiculous looking bright purple ski suit. 😛
Current listening :: “Deep River” – Utada Hikaru
Posted on Sunday, September 7th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »More updates!
Notice anything different? 😉 I just couldn’t resist. I had to do a redesign.. even if its just a minor facelift.
I spent half the day at work making modifications to this site (when I probably should preparing for a software release…err.. *cough*). I guess the main changes are to the navigation bar and the layout. I finally decided to (after many weeks/months/years of pestering from Fjord) get rid of the boxes surrounding the content. So no more scrolling an invisible scrolly bar. Happy now!? 😛
Anyway, what do people think of the changes? Well I like them.. its nice seeing something different every now and then. 🙂 (Btw if you can’t see the stylesheet, try clicking here).
Current listening :: “Falling” – Ben Kweller
Posted on Friday, September 5th, 2003 in Tech Talk | 11 Comments »Shh.. sleeping kitty
Aww.. little Coltrane is sleeping behind me on my chair whilst I’m typing this. Tee hee so cute! He’s lying sideways, front paws tucked in, with one of his back legs dangling off the chair. Hehe. I wish I had my parents digital camera so I could take a piccy! 🙂
So anyway, just getting used to using Movable Type instead of blogger. The reason I finally kicked my butt into action and moved across is coz of the whole yaccs commenting being down.. and will be down till next Mon! Thats over a week. Unacceptable! 😛 Anyways, its probably way better to have all this on my own server. (The rest of my site already is.) That way, if one thing goes down, then it all goes down. Hm, maybe not so good.. ah well.
Posted on Thursday, September 4th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Made the move
Lookee here. I’ve finally set up my movable type account, and even figured out how to change the template to accomodate my layout and design. Yay! 🙂
So this is a first post to see if it all works.
Posted on Thursday, September 4th, 2003 in Tech Talk | 8 Comments »