Food glorious food
I went to the refurbished David Jones food hall after lunch today.. and boy oh boy.. the mouth-watering scents from all directions really hit you as soon as you enter. For those not in Sydney, the David Jones food hall is a well known gourmet food emporium underneath DJ’s, and is about as swanky and upmarket as you get with food courts. It comprises of many and varied noodle/sushi/seafood/grill/panini/juice bars, gourmet deli’s and grocers (you can buy the most wickedly delicious gourmet chocolate fudge sauce there).
Anyway, one of the most famous things about this food hall (well amongst us females) are the fresh chocolate covered strawberries. They are absolutely divine. Huge juicy strawberries, covered in a rich, thick dark or milk chocolate shell, freshly made each day, on the spot (if ur lucky). I’ve just finished 2 dark & 1 milk chocolate strawberries… and my gosh… I’m in heaven.. :P~ Quoting a friend: “Who needs men?” 😀
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Man, I think I need more choc strawberries. They are truly addictive. *sigh*
Ah well, here’s a pic of Coltrane to end the post. I was at home last night, so I spent 2 hours watching tv with him sleeping on my lap. Aww. 🙂 He’s sooo cute!! I love watching him sleep on my dad.. coz he just cuddles himself up to my dad’s chest.. snuggles right in, stretching out a paw languidly and goes to sleep. It just melts the heart. *_*
Current listening :: “This Way Up” – Saltlight (gotta learn the string/brass parts for the launch performance – I’ll be playing 2nd keyboards)
Posted on Tuesday, October 14th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »A happy couple
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Andrew and I had the great pleasure of attending a friend’s wedding on the weekend. Andrew (no not my Andrew, lets call him AK) and Alice got hitched on Saturday at All Saints church, Hunters Hill. It was a beautiful (albeit freezing cold) day – praise God it didn’t rain!!
The ceremony was short and sweet, our pastor Rev Eddy giving the sermon. I was (once again) involved in the music side of things – along with Andrew and Tim – a three piece Jonny Panic. We played for the two congregational songs, as well as a slightly complex medley item (My Hope Is Built/When I Survey/This Kingdom) put together by Vron, sung with Tom, Des, Clarinda, & Charmaine. |
I’ve added a whole bunch of photos to the gallery (under Friends -> Andrew & Alice’s Wedding) but here are some piccies to highlight – on the left is me and Andrew in our “couple shot” (like my new black dress? :D), and on the right are us muso’s (minus Tom and Char). |
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Posted on Monday, October 13th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »
Weekend time
Its the weekend! Yay! Got a wedding tomorrow (not mine! :P) and a gig on Sun night. Should be fun! Ooh and I bought a new dress.. its black.. and reeaally nice. The back is really cool.. it crosses over and goes really low. Might take some piccies at the wedding. 🙂 Oh and I got a hair cut too – needed one badly coz I’d been months since the last one and the split ends were getting outta control. Anyway, me likes the trim muchly! Long layers with a bit more of a rounded shape at the back. Again will post piccies later! 🙂
Well, I’m off now! Got a Glue leaders meeting/dinner tonite. Ciao! Have a great weekend everyone!
Current listening :: “This Way Up” – Saltlight (hee, sneak preview priviledges.. of course I have to play the songs too so it helps to listen to the album first)
Feelin so good
Ahh, a good workout at the gym gives you such a boost afterwards. I LOVE the feeling…. you’re refreshed, relaxed, energised, and just really happy that you accomplished something good for your body! 🙂
Anyways, its been a busy week and will be quite busy coming up too. I have a wedding this Sat and the next to go to, I’m playing piano for the wedding this Saturday and also am playing at a SaltLight gig at St Thomas’s North Sydney this Sunday evening.
Last weekend I was away in Katoomba for our church’s year 6 getaway. T’was a fun but tiring weekend – I was the cook, so it was non-stop cooking and cleaning for me. Man how do mothers do it? No rugrats for me thanks very much! 😛 Yesterday I went out with my glue girls – a picnic in the Botannical Gardens, followed by some kareoke and then dinner at Mokoto (sushi train). T’was a good day out!
Ooh, I’m gonna buy a new dress either today or tomorrow! Yay! *typically girly squeal* I love acquiring new clothes. I was getting a bit sick of wearing the same red dress to every wedding over the past year… so I’m gonna get myself a new dress! Probably black.. coz I don’t have that essential “little black dress”.. yet. 🙂
For shoes
So did anyone pass by that new shoe store Betts at Pitt St Mall today at around 9:30am? 😀 They had this “Dare to bare” thing on – you turn up in ur swimmers, and the first 100 people get a free pair of shoes (choose from any in the store, up to $100). I found out about this yesterday, but forgot till this morning on the train… so I went by on the way to work. Heaps of ppl were there getting free shoes. Man I so woulda done it if I’d remembered! It wasn’t that bad.. everyone was wearing jackets and boardies/skirts/sarongs etc coz it was a pretty miserable morning.
I took a few piccies of some poor souls in swimmers waiting to be let into the store (they were all rugged up though). *evil grin* However, I was very careful to NOT include in my pics the scrawny looking asian man wearing a jacket and speedos. *shudder*
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Current listening :: “Shake Ya Tail Feather” – Nelly Ft Murphy Lee
Posted on Thursday, October 9th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Songs of Ye Olde
I’m currently rediscovering my cd’s of olde.. from my high school years in the early/mid 90’s. I haven’t listened to these songs for years and years… the nostalgia is almost overwhelming. Heh. They just don’t make songs like they used to. The ballads of Mariah and Celine.. the harmony of guy groups (no not like boy bands of today.. I’m talking BoyzIIMen, 112, All For One etc)
In my cd wallet at the moment:
- “Music Box” – Mariah Carey
- “Mariah Carey” – Mariah Carey
- “II” – BoyzIIMen
- “Toni Braxton” – Toni Braxton
- “Crazy Sexy Cool” – TLC
- “I Swear” – All 4 One
- “The Colour Of My Love” – Celine Dion
- “Falling Into You” – Celine Dion
- “Janet” – Janet Jackson
- “112” – 112
- “Best of En Vogue” – En Vogue
This is the music I grew up with. Back when I was Mariah’s biggest fan – I had almost all her albums, from her first self-titled album (the first pop music I ever discovered – just a recording on tape from a friend), then to Emotions, Music Box, Daydream… after that she kinda got crap. Back when All 4 One’s “I Swear” made me positively swoon.. when “End Of The Road” by BoyzIIMen was my all time favourite song… ever…. And yes, I really loved Celine Dion’s songs. When songs like “End Of The Road”, “Without You”, “I Swear”, “The Power Of Love” were number one for like 10 weeks in a row! It was all about the power ballads and guy groups.
They just don’t make pop music like they used to. *sigh*
Current listening :: “I don’t wanna cry” – Mariah Carey (Man.. I still know all the words to these songs)
Posted on Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »Return of the King
I just watched the official trailer on the LOTR website…. and all I can say is *PHWOOOAARRR*!! It looks VERY good! Eeek! I can’t wait!!
I also saw the Matrix Revolutions trailer last night… that looks very cool too!! Hee! Looking forward to the end of the year!!
Of course there has to be a quiz on this.
I got 60% – in the 51 through 80 percent range
You are a dedicated weblogger. You post frequently because you enjoy weblogging a lot, yet you still manage to have a social life. You’re the best kind of weblogger. Way to go!
Are you a blogaholic?
I was just sitting here at work, wondering why on earth my stomach was growling at me. I checked the time – only 11:40am – too early for lunch. Then I remember…. I hadn’t had breakfast yet. I’d forgotten to have it, AND I forgot that I forgot to have it! Aiyah.
I’m almost 3 months from being a quarter of a century. Eek! I’m getting old.. I just know it. And its starting to show – I’m getting tired earlier in the night, taking longer to recover from late nights, my skin needs more care to maintain, and I’m becoming forgetful…
*sigh* Methinks it’s time for an early lunch
Current listening :: “Virtual Insanity” – Jamiroquai (Hmm, taking a look at my recent entries, I’ve been really into the jazz/funk/blues sorta stuff lately.. its all I’ve been listening to!)
Posted on Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Video killed the radio starrr (more updates)
I forgot to mention yesterday that I’ve also added some videos to the Downloads page. These were taken with my digital camera – they’re in mpg format, 320×240 res. There are five videos of Coltrane (from his first day at home, to the latest one taken last Tuesday – see how much he’s grown over 6 months!).. and one of our band Jonny Panic, during a rehearsal for the “80 Years” recording.
Current listening :: “Whistle while you walk” – Yellowjackets
Posted on Thursday, October 2nd, 2003 in Tech Talk | No Comments »Updates
Check out the new contact page! It has an instant (icq) message form.. and an email form that I wrote using php (ooh my first php page!) Give it a try. 🙂
I’ve also added more pics of Coltrane and other pics to my gallery.
Current listening :: “In Between Days” – Ben Folds
Posted on Wednesday, October 1st, 2003 in Tech Talk | No Comments »Social
Last night the Glue folks and the EYF folks (ie the youth leaders of WSCCC Glue and CABC EYF) met together for some gelato eating and mini putt putt golfing. T’was fun to hang out with people from another church, esp since CABC is my old church and its cool to see the little un’s all grown up and leading now! 0_0
At mini putt putt, Andrew successfully used his 15 year old free game vouchers! Hehe. And I got 3 holes in one. Yay. So afterwards we went back to my house (since I live literally up the road) to hang out for a bit (and terrorise my cat!) We fit 20 people in my living room.. probably the most we’ve ever crammed in there at once!
Some photos:
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Coltrane update
I haven’t posted new pics of Coltrane in a while. He’s grown so big now! He’ll be 7 months in a weeks time! Wow. No longer that cute little kitty I first brought home. Though, he’s still adorably cute. 🙂
He’s been spending most days outside lately. Every morning he’s miaowing by the back door, waiting to be let outside. So we let him out to play in our garden, then comes back inside in the late afternoon, snoozes during the evening, then gets up to play (inside the house) later at night. Thats pretty much his daily routine.. ah the life of a cat. 🙂
Here are some photos I took of him last night, after everyone had gone.
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Current listening :: “Blue In Green” – Miles Davis
Posted on Wednesday, October 1st, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Yawn
Still so tired from the weekend. Aiyah. I guess I haven’t been sleeping as early as I should be, so my body hasn’t had the chance to catch up on zzzZzz.
Tonight I’ve got a cellgroup social combined with the CABC West Ryde youth leaders. Should be fun, we’re going to Lello’s for gelato and then to mini putt putt golf.
I’ve been an absolute pig lately, with the amount of icecream/gelato I’ve been scoffing down. No, I’m not upset/stressed/heart-broken. I’ve simply discovered Australian icecream (a new home made chocolate & icecream outlet at Pitt St mall – they make the icecream fresh there every day!) The ‘Belgian Chocolate’ and ‘Choc Chip’ icecreams are absolutely divine – really creamy and rich, with real belgian chocolate all through it. Yummmm.. I had it THREE times last week, and once yesterday. Ack! Plus I had gelato last night AND will be having it tonight too (since its part of the social). Bad Kazzart.
This has got to stop. After tonite… no more icecream/gelato for at least a week!! And lots of working out at the gym to burn off those cals! At least I went swimming last night, and will hopefully get a good workout this arvo before the social. That’s if I can drag my lazy (and rather sleepy) @ss off to the gym within the next half hour.
Current listening :: “Seven Stars” – Yellowjackets (ahh.. this song is just beautiful..)
Posted on Tuesday, September 30th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »Never too old
Just when I thought I was starting to get too old to club… I pull an all-nighter. It was quite an impromptu thing – on Friday night after youth group some friends wanted to go to Sublime @ Home nightclub. I was feeling pretty energetic, so I thought “why not?” I’d never been to Home before, despite knowing about it since its opening, hearing heaps of good things from friends, and always wanting to give it a go. I think I was too firmly stuck to my R&B clubbing.. but I think I’m finally getting a little sick of it. There aren’t many good R&B clubs anymore.. ever since the demise of RnB Superclub @ City Live.
So we got there at about 12:30am… and left at 5:30am – to the beautiful sight of the sunrise over the city. I can’t believe how quickly time passes in there. We got in, danced for a bit, and the next time we checked our watches it was already almost 3am! After taking a break at Macca’s (I needed food), we went back in, and 2 1/2 hours later… it was morning! And I wasn’t tired at all the whole time.
There were 3 levels.. but the first level appealed to me the most – the atmosphere was really great – lights, smoke machines, huge crowd.. they played hard house/trance/techno sorta stuff. It was a very different dancing experience from R&B. I felt kinda awkward at first, but I got the hang of it eventually.. it was just alot of jumping/hopping around. I must’ve looked totally stupid, but who cares! The Cargo room (on the 3rd level) was pretty good too, with funky house. And on the 2nd level, they played a bit of hip hop! Nice to have a touch of rnb/hip hop during the night of techno. 🙂
Oh and I almost forgot… two pickup attempts. Whats with that?! I thought the picking up only happened at R&B clubs!? Grr. I just wanna dance! The first guy was a Brazilian called “Ricardo”. He was freaky. He just stood there, on the dance floor next to me, and just stared. Wierd. The 2nd guy was an aussie guy named Mark (from the Navy). He was alright – seemed like a normal, decent kinda guy. Of course, I told him I had a boyfriend, but he still seemed intent on hanging out with us. I didn’t mind too much as long as it went along the just friends path, and he didn’t make any seedy attempts. He did however ask me to have breakfast with him after clubbing. Erm.. didn’t the fact that I have a bf tell him something?! We eventually lost him in the crowd at around 5am.
Anyways, I wanna go again! The only downer is $$$ – its $25 cover charge. Ouch! Plus $3 per item for the cloak room (with another $3 to put stuff back in), $5 for a bottle of water (though I just found out they have free chilled water in the Cargo room?!?!). They’re milking us dry! Oh and add $15 for parking at Star City (6 hrs). Makes for a rather expensive night out. Still, it was really good. I’d do it again. Oh, and with some glow sticks/lights. They look cool! (Well I think so anyway.. its kinda trippy watching people dance, their hands moving in every direction, making all these convoluted patterns with the lights.)
So after sleeping at 7am on Sat morning, I spent the rest of the weekend recovering. Heh. Saturday, got up at 1pm & took it pretty easy, spending the afternoon making Tiramisu with Andrew, and then going to dinner & a movie at Roseville Cinemas (we saw this chinese movie called “Together” – t’was pretty good). On Sunday I went to Andrew’s place again for this big relo bash/house warming lunch. T’was a bit scary meeting all the relo’s and family friends. But I think providing the homemade Tiramisu made a good impression. (Score!) 🙂
Well, off to lunchies with a few friends soon at The Establishment. I feel like some Pad Thai. Mmmm..
Current listening :: “Cosmic Girl” – Jamiroquai
Posted on Monday, September 29th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Bloggers block
Hm. I want to blog today (to keep up the regularity of my posts).. but I can’t seem to think of anything to blog about. Its been getting a bit like that lately. That, and the fact that work has been ultra busy the past few weeks, has made it a little quiet on the blogging front.
Yesterday I got a free napolean makeover! Thats the second time they’ve called me up asking if I would like to make an appointment for a free makeover. I didn’t get around to it the first time, but this time I thought, why not! And I loved the results… so then followed the obligatory cam shoot. 😛
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Tee hee. Makeup is so fun! *girly squeal* 😀 (No I am not being a ditz/blonde/bimbo. Not at all.) Oh, and I resisted the temptation to buy more makeup. Aren’t you proud of me. 😛
Jazz Fusion – Wk 2
Jazz fusion last night was great! Its so much fun to play at such an intense level for 2 hours straight. Its damn hard too, but being pushed and challenged like that is really beneficial for my playing.. and fun! We learnt this new Yellowjackets piece called “Whistle While You Walk”. It was… very hard! Its a really fast funk/swing piece, and the timing is soo, soo syncapated – all these hits on different beats of the bar. We had to be really precise and clean otherwise the chords would sound muddy. But we were getting it by the end.
Oh, and in the middle of the song is a 12 bar blues in F. Very cool. I really like the chord progression they use. For the musically inclined, the chords are:
F7 | Bb7 | F7 | F7 | B7 | Bb-7 | F7 | D7 | G-7 | C7 | A-7 Ab-7 | G-7 Gb-7 | F7
Current listening :: “Use The Force” – Jamiroquai (Jay Kay is so cool. Funk-ay!!)
Posted on Friday, September 26th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Revue In Review
Andrew and I went to the CSE Revue last night. It was funny. 🙂 Not the sort of humour everyone would appreciate.. you have to have a certain level of.. tolerance.. for toilet humour and dirty jokes. I consider myself to be pretty tolerant of that sorta thing (translation: I have a dirty mind) – my comp sci & engineering uni friends (mostly guys) taught me well. But it wasn’t all dirty jokes – alot of it was just pure wit, and very cleverly done. I liked the short films/videos in particular. The Calvin Klein “Confused” perfume ad was classic! And the special FX in the first short film were like, “wow”.
SaltLight Album Launch!
Will be on Saturday 8th November 2003 at the Newtown Theatre. Tickets are now on sale! You are invited. (I’m gonna be performing.. hee!) Visit the SaltLight website for more information. You can also order tix online, and there are group discounts.
Oh, and I’ve finally heard the final mastered CD – preeetty cool! Even my all-of-16-bars organ solo. Heh. Its all very professional sounding – I was pretty impressed. And its so very eclectic – an upbeat funk number directly followed by all-out rock, followed by a quiet piano ballad… I like! 🙂
Other stuff
Finding Nemo was good! Very funny and most entertaining. I enjoyed. 🙂
Tonight I’m going to this “Better bodies” seminar at my gym (Female Fit Health Club). Its supposedly about the truth about eating and fitness for healthier living and better bodies or something like that. Anyway, I’m a sucker for this sorta self-improvement thing, and its free.. so why not! Besides, summer is on its way, and this’d be a good way to kickstart a “getting in shape” regime. 🙂
Hm.. I think I feel like a Boost “Raspberry Crush”. Mmm..
Current listening :: “My Love Is Like Whoa” – Mya Ft Missy Elliot (Hee.. I LIKE this song! Its a sexy number.)
Posted on Wednesday, September 24th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Consumerist
I have succumbed. *Noooo…* I can’t believe I just bought Justin Timberlake’s “Justified”. *hangs head in shame* And after many rants on how I couldn’t stand him and his songs when they first came out! But over time one or two started to wheedle their way into my good books. Starting with ‘Rock Your Body’ – a song I readily admit has a great beat. But now I actually like ‘Senorita’? I hated the song when I first heard it. Aiyah.
I also bought “Travelling without moving” by Jamiroquai (only $9.99 at HMV!!) – slightly redeeming myself there. I’d been meaning to get a Jamiroquai cd for a while. ‘Cosmic Girl’ is an awesome song!
And to top off my spending, I bought ‘Jimmy The Hand’ – Raymond E Feist. After polishing off ‘Talon Of the Silver Hawk’ in a day, I’d been itching to read more. Since I’m gonna have to wait till November for ‘King Of Foxes’, I thought I’d read this in the meantime. Hope its good. (And I always thought Jimmy the Hand was way cool.)
Weekend in review
My dance class went alright. I had about 6 people in my class, including 1 guy! They picked up the dance fairly well, considering it was a pretty difficult and fast routine (to Janet Jackson’s “All For You”).
On Sat night I watched “Down With Love” with Andrew. It was pretty good – though not as romantic as I thought it’d be. More.. interesting/funny. I don’t think I’d pay to see it again. Oh, and we had a bad encounter with this snobby rich yuppy man wearing a dark skivvy. (More about this later.)
I’m gonna be seeing another movie tonight with Andrew – Finding Nemo. Yay! I’m finally catching up on watching all these movies I’d put on hold coz I was waiting for Andrew to be finished with his assignments/midsessions.
Posted on Monday, September 22nd, 2003 in Life, Rant & Bitch | 11 Comments »All things jazz
I’m soo full. Had $5 steak for lunch (what a bargain!), then some of that yummy new “Australian” ice-cream at Pitt St mall (opp Grace Bros – this stuff is sooo nice!), and then in the arvo had a Boost “All Berry Bang”. Ugh. Can’t. Move.
Enough about my eating habits. Guess what… looks like I’m gonna be doing the jazz fusion class at the Conservatorium of Music this term afterall. My teacher, Nick Fowler, called up today and said that they shifted the keyboard player over to Friday’s class so there would be a spot for me. How nice of them! 🙂 The class was full coz I enrolled so late (in the first week of term!) Erm.. yes. *cough* But I haven’t missed any classes yet – the first class of the term will be tonight coz Nick was recording a cd last week. The only problem now is that I haven’t practiced since the end of last term! Like nearly a month ago! Eek! :\
So anyway, this Saturday I’m gonna be taking a jazz/funk dance class!! That people will be paying money for! Granted its only an hour long class.. and its for fundraising.. but still.. I hope people aren’t gonna be too disappointed – I’m not exactly experienced with teaching dance! I’m gonna be using an old dance I learnt at Ramon’s class.. to Janet Jackson’s “All for you”. Such a good song that one! 🙂 Oh, and I’ll also be a part of the “human juke box” – where people pay a dollar or two, request a song, and we’ll perform it for them! Heh sounds fun eh. Just hope we don’t stuff up, or they don’t request something crappy like Avril or Michelle Branch or Matchbox 20. (Hm.. wonder how many ppl I’ve just offended… :P)
Jazz piano.. jazz dance. Seems like its all things jazz for me now. Heh. Well, best get back to work!
Current listening :: “Mosaic” – Yellowjackets (S’pose I should listen to the “curriculum” if I’m gonna be doing these classes again..)
Posted on Thursday, September 18th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Fruit + water = healthy body & clear skin
Yesterday, deciding to tackle on this cold before it got any worse, I overdosed myself on fruit and water (not that you can ever OD on that stuff!) I must’ve drunk around 4 – 5 litres of water at work (toilet visits almost every hour), plus 500mL of fresh squeezed OJ, a large apple, and then 700mL of my own Viva fresh juice concoction (inc oranges, pineapples, green apples, strawberries, ginger and mint – tasted pretty nice actually, just like fresh juice).
So I woke up this morning, and noticed straight away – no sore throat and no runny nose! Wow. Oh, and my skin looked really clear too! Yay! I think I might keep up this water and fruit thing. I mean, I normally drink enough water, 1 – 2 litres at least, but don’t usually have much fruit. Anyway, my runny nose has come back slightly.. but still no sore throat.. and I feel much better than yesterday. This morning I bought myself another Viva freshly squeezed juice.. this time with oranges, pinapples, apples, strawberries and carrot, plus the mint and ginger. Didn’t taste much different from yesterday – maybe slightly sweeter with the carrot. 🙂
Book worm
I started reading a new book last night – “Talon Of The Silver Hawk” by Raymond E Feist. I was given this as a birthday present early this year and only just decided to pick it up! Its pretty good so far – I’m more than a 1/3 of the way through it already! I like it when I’m into reading something… coz it means I always have something to look forward to. I’m always wanting to read it more.
Its always been like that with me and books, ever since my mum introduced me to the Famous Five when I was in primary school. My dad used to have to confiscate and hide my books from me when I was in high school, coz I kept reading them till absurd hours of the morning. But I often managed to find where he hid them, and would take them to read, but put them back before he found out. Heheh. Oh, and all I ever read was fantasy.. not so much sci-fi. My fave is probably Raymond E Feist – the Riftwar Saga, I also like others such as David Eddings – all 4 series, the Dragon Lance books, RA Salvatore’s Dark Elf series, David Gemmell, Robert Jordon.. I read some Piers Anthony too.. that was probably the only sci-fi I got into.
Current listening :: “Still” – Jennifer Lopez (wow.. listening to this makes me feel… nostalgic. Was it really that long ago when this album was released?)
Posted on Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 7 Comments »Sickness & Kitty wobbles
Ugh. I’m sick. I hate being sick. 🙁 I guess my fun-filled weekend was a little too fun-filled. :\ Why is it starting to become a pattern that I get sick after I go clubbing? Well, its only been twice – I think its the going out in the freezing cold after being in a hot and sweaty club – maybe I’ll stick to clubbing in summertime! And I spose having a nearly 24 hour day doesn’t help either…
Anyway, Coltrane was so funny last night! Hehe. He was all wobbly after coming home from the vet. I guess it was the anasthetic. His legs were kinda wonky as he walked, and he tended to drift right. Teehee. When he tried to sit up on his chair, he almost fell off, and when tried to jump off the chair, he couldn’t land properly and sorta fell over. So cute!
Anyway. I’m hungry.. methinks it is time for lunch. Btw have I ever mentioned that Micro$oft .NET sucks @ss!?!? Particularly ASP.NET. Grrrr.
Current listening :: Deep River – Utada Hikaru
Posted on Tuesday, September 16th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Weekend
This weekend was a very busy, but fun-filled, weekend. I went to WKC on Saturday (for the day) – getting up at the obscenely early hour of 6:30am (early for me anyway!) It was pretty good – spent the day at WKC with Sandy, catching up heaps. I s’pose I could have socialised with other people there, but I was pretty content just hanging with her (ie. I didn’t feel much like socialising). More about WKC in the “More” link.
Saturday night, me and Sandy went clubbing at “The Venue” at Minc. I had fun. 🙂 The song choice was pretty good, but the DJ kinda sucked (mixing was bad). They played HEAPS of old skool – “Everyday People” – Arrested Development, “I wanna sex you up” – Color Me Bad, Salt n Pepper etc.. also new stuff, party anthems, & a fair amount of JT.. even “Senorita”. Heh. I danced for about 2 hours straight – and my thighs are still complaining today. 😛 We had to PT it there and back, coz I couldn’t get the car. PT at 2am kinda sucks. No trains, so we had to catch a bus back to West Ryde, then cab it home. Took us over an hour! So I ended up going to sleep at 4am. Thats nearly 24 hours of being awake. Yikes.
On Sunday, I decided I needed therapy for my poor muscles – so I went to Lane Cove Aquatic (again – I’m so addicted to that place!) for a brief swim, and a long relaxing soak in the spa, steam room and sauna. Ahhhhh. So good.
So that was my weekend. Oh, news about Coltrane! This morning we took him to the vet to be desexed. My poor kitty. I hope he’ll be ok. Its funny, I’m so attached to my kitty now – I get so mushy about him. Even Sandy noted that I’m so passionate when I talk about him! I think I may have a 2nd love in my life now (other than Andrew).. heh. He’s my baby! 🙂 And he’s 6 months already!
Posted on Monday, September 15th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Amsuing
Got this from a friend on icq and found it rather amusing:
“Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. ceehiro”
Tee hee. (Just got back from the gym. Feelnig wondreufl. :D)
Posted on Friday, September 12th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »