Beach baby
Sorry I haven’t blogged for a while.. and I know its bit late to be blogging about my weekend, but I’ve actually been pretty busy at work the past few days (*gasp*) and haven’t had time. π
I went to the beach on the weekend! Finally.. the weather was warm enough! On a scorching hot Saturday (I think it hit over 30 deg C) me, my bro and a few friends took the opportunity to go to Collaroy beach. (Sydney’s northern beaches rock!) My first swim at the beach for this summer. I even took my boogie board and caught more than a few waves. π It was great! I loooove the beach.. I’m definitely gonna try and go heaps this summer, any Saturday that I’m free! Anyway, here are some nice piccies I took.
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I’m hoping to go the beach again this Saturday… but the weather is forecasting rain! Grrr. π
Current listening :: “Into You” – Fabolous Ft Tamia
Posted on Wednesday, November 19th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 10 Comments »Kitty update
Coltrane’s favourite position these days seems to be lying down, sprawled out on his side. He’s getting so big… with his cute furry gut. π One of his frequents is the kitchen floor, where he sprawls on his side, awaiting either a tummy rub or tidbits of food from the kitchen table. Another is my bed. Lazy cat…. I think the word is sloth. π
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Heh. I just recieved this email, forwarded from my boss:
“There will be a Haka performed at 15:00 this afternoon in the Ground Floor foyer. You are welcome to come along and enjoy the entertainment. All Blacks/NZ flags are available if you don’t have one.”
Cool! Think I’ll pop down and have a look. π
[Update: 4:24pm]
Oh and almost forgot to add… I’m gonna be playing in the end of term concert with my jazz fusion class, at the Con – on Wed 26th Nov, 7pm (if u wanna come). Eek! I’m gonna be soloing too! Double eek! I’d better practice lots in the next 2 weeks! :\ We’ll be performing “Wisdom” by the Yellowjackets.
Current listening :: “I feel the earth move” – Mandy Moore
Posted on Friday, November 14th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 8 Comments »Hipster Bingo
Been wanting to post this image for a while. I found it on a friends blog… its a game you can play at gigs (much like the “asian count” game me and my friends used to play), called “Hipster Bingo”. Hehe. I found it funny. Click on the image for a larger view.
How to play: Print this out and take it to the next show you go to. When you get a bingo, scream “BINGO!” at the top of your lungs, then break a bunch of beer bottles on the floor and get thrown out.
It sucks being sick. At least its not a full-blown cold or anything. Just a bad sore throat, a bit of phlegm and a general feeling of tiredness. I’m attempting to quickly “cure” myself by flushing out all the toxins and germs with many litres of water, and am also drinking fresh squeezed juice of oranges, green apples, pineapple, strawberries, mint and ginger every morning. Hot honey lemon helps with the sore throat. And its yummy too. π
I think I’m actually starting to feel better today. And this only hit me yesterday morning. See what a good nights sleep, lots of fresh fruit and water can do in a day.. π
Current listening :: “First love” – Utada Hikaru
Posted on Thursday, November 13th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »These are a few of my favourite things..
I know everyone has their favourite food, drink, colour, fragrance, movie etc etc. But I was just noticing my “favourites” (or preferences) when it comes to other, erm, stranger things. Like toilet cubicles. I always go to the same toilet cubicle at work. The first stall on the left. I guess I’d picked it early on as the best one to “go” in and have stuck by it ever since. I even go so far as to mutter a “doh” under my breath when its taken, and I have to go to the “second best” one (3rd from the left).
I’m sure there are other things too. Like the sink I wash my hands in afterwards. I always used the same one.. until it broke. There are other common things.. like the train carriage I get on in the morning, sitting upstairs or downstairs. Personally I’m a front carriage, downstairs girl. What about you?
Anyway… I’ve been feeling a bit anti-social of late. I dunno, I just feel like… I’m happier when I’m by myself. Like I just want some alone time, which is actually quite unusual for me. Meh. And I have a sore throat. π
I think I’ll watch a movie by myself tonight. I did ask a couple of girlfriends if they were interested, but they’re busy. I don’t mind. Its nice to just go see a movie when you feel like it, and not have to worry about organising it with other people. I’m gonna see the new Mandy Moore flick “How To Deal”. Yay! π
Tonari No Totoro
Check out the new 2004 Studio Ghibli calendar! How funny is the Totoro drawing! π
Oh, and I only just found out about the new animated totoro short, called “Mei and the Kittenbus“. Arghh!! A kittenbus!!! How cute is that!!
Current listening :: “Can we still be friends” – Mandy Moore (Pretty song :))
Posted on Wednesday, November 12th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Fine dining
Last night Andrew and I went to Aqua Luna in East Circular Quay for a scrumptious dinner (armed with my entertainment card of course). Below is the view from our window side table. Nice.
The highlight for me would have to be the antipasti (entree) and dessert. Andrew and I shared the crab entree.. and it was absolutely divine (below left). Shelled and shredded fresh crab meat, in either parsley & basil or red peppers, to be spread across woodfired bread topped with an avocado mix. Yummmm…. And of course for dessert, I just had to try the famous Chocolate Nemesis (a rich, flourless chocolate cake – below right is what I couldn’t finish). After my first bite, I understood what they meant by “orgasmic”. *sigh*
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Left: The sky looked really pretty on Sunday evening after church. I love dusk.
Right: My feet, post spa pedicure. π (Nail polish: OPI “I’m not really a waitress”.)
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It sucks to wake up and remember.
Current listening :: “Can you keep a secret” – Utada Hikaru
Posted on Tuesday, November 11th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Rock On
Its finally over. I can’t believe it. *sigh* The official Saltlight Productions “This Way Up” CD launch came and went (with nearly 500 people in attendance) on Saturday 8th November, 2003 at the Newtown Theatre.
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What an experience it was. I’m still reeling from the vibe.. the excitement of it all. It was great! I’ll try not to do a blow-by-blow account of what happened on the day. In summary, I arrived pretty early at around 9:15am (though not as early as the poor tech guys who arrived at 8am, and worked non-stop the whole day to set the place up with professional sound and lighting). I then had my hair and makeup done in the city (the makeup with a free napoleon makeover voucher!) and headed back to the Newtown Theatre to setup, sound check and have our final rehearsal before the performance.
The night itself went by in a blur. I can’t believe how fast it went.. before I knew it, it was intermission. Then we were bumping out. Woah. I was pretty nervous beforehand, filled with all this pent-up nervous energy. I had to fight the urge to scream every few minutes to let it all out. π
Some observations on my part, and things I learnt on the night:
- Sound and lighting is of utmost importance. Screw that up, and the performance is pretty much screwed. Our tech guys were awesome! They worked so so hard all day from 8am till midnight to set up, run the show and pack up. You guys rock!
- On a similar note, smoke machines are way cool. (Esp when combined with pretty lights.) Except when you’re onstage and enveloped in a cloud of smoke… breathing becomes a tad difficult.
- Five songs go by really fast.
- I almost tripped when first going onstage at the beginning of the show. Anyone notice?
- Playing with live brass (in the first song, “Nobody Else”) is great! Really makes a difference to the song!
- “Rearrange” rawked! π Tim made an impromptu call for all moshers to come forward, and all these youth (mostly from our youth group) came rushing forward screaming and jumping around. It was sooo funny! Me and Vron were in the stage wings cacking ourselves!! The only downer was the massive amounts of feedback coming from somewhere.
- My star moment – playing lead piano on the Ben-Folds-Like song “In Gods Eyes” went great! It was amazing… the best I’d ever played the song… it all just fell together for me. We were really tight as a band, and the incredibly hard syncapated rhythm was a breeze for me. Amazing.
- I had no idea my organ solo in “80 Years” was deafening everyone in a 100 metre radius of the speakers. Oops my bad!
- We had the sound mix and levels right by about the last song of the night. :\
- Even though I didn’t do any of the setup (other than my own keyboard and sound check/rehearsal), I was somehow really tired by the time of the performance, and afterwards, well, I was absolutely exhausted.. though exuberant too.
- Both Andrew and Tim mastered the “rock strut”. Haha. Tim even did the “crowd pleaser” (playing right up to the moshing crowd at the edge of the stage during his solo… what a rock god :P).
Check out the photos in the gallery of the performance and of people during the night (kindly taken by my bro, using our digital camera). Also, if you didn’t weren’t able to come, go here to download some bootlegs (heh) of the night. (Thanks Fuzzi!)
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Current listening :: “Into you”- Fabolous Ft Tamia (damn I love this song.. just makes me wanna bump’n’grind (thats dancing btw)… And I finally found out who it’s by! Darn radio stations never introduce the songs..)
Posted on Monday, November 10th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 23 Comments »21 Hours
In only 21 hours time.. me, Andrew and a bunch of other musicians and singers will be onstage at the Newtown Theatre, playing/singing to the best of our ability to a crowd of about 400 odd people. *Scary!* Hope and pray that all goes well tomorrow at our official “This Way Up” cd launch. I can’t believe we’re finally here. Gee time flies.
I’ll be getting there at about 9ish hopefully to setup and do other errands, and soundcheck will be at around noon I think. We’ll have our final rehearsal from 3 – 5pm, then thats it.. show time at 8:30pm! Anyway, I’m off to sleep. Gonna be a big day tomorrow..
Posted on Friday, November 7th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Amorous ram?
Heheh. Check it out.
Today has been a pretty good day. Maybe coz the weather’s so nice – sunny, mid-20’s. Got myself thoroughly waxed (yes, overshare, I know :P), and am looking forward to a nice refreshing swim/spa/steam tonight with a girlfriend at the Lane Cove Aquatic. Should be great… I miss my regular-ish swims there. I mean, my workouts at the gym are going great… been keeping it up at 3 times a week! But today I feel like a swim… the variety is good!
Also booked myself in for a spa pedicure on Friday. I have the day off to rest, practice and do other stuff, so I might as well use it for some pampering. π I’ve been meaning to try the spa pedicure for a while.
Oh, and I got my tax return back a few days ago…. hehehe. Big smile when I saw how much money I got back. π Of course, it was then pointed out to me that the reason was probably coz I’d paid off my HECS debt, but didn’t actually tell my company I’d paid it off, so they continued to take money out of my salary for it. *sigh* Guess once I fix that, I’ll probably end up paying the ato money next year. π
Current listening :: Coverage – Mandy Moore
Posted on Wednesday, November 5th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »Holiday
I soo wanna go on this trip. I’ve been wanting to learn to surf for a while now… as I’ve always enjoyed body boarding, since I was in primary school when my parents bought me a boogie board. I still have it now, and use it too.
I remember my dad taking me out in the waves, and holding the board for me, pushing me off as a wave came so I could catch it back to the beach. It was so much fun! I can’t remember when I learnt to do it by myself… but I was still pretty young. (And without fear too, if I remember correctly.)
*sigh* I wanna go to the beach! When is this darn weather gonna warm up? I remember it being warm enough for the beach in October last year!
I also really want to go here, here or here. (NB. They get progressively more luxurious and expensive.) *sigh* Any tropical island will do! I’ve been torturing myself with wallpapers of tropical beaches and islands from Webshots. Much like the below images… Aiyah.
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Saltlight Launch
Only 4 days and counting till the “This Way Up” CD Launch! Eek! We had another rehearsal last night, which went quite well. I hope we’ll be good for the launch. We didn’t really get to go through the songs as much as I would have liked.. like my song (In Gods Eyes) we only did once! But I suppose we’ll be ok.. good enough for the average listener anyway. π And we get another practice on Sat before the performance. I guess I should keep practicing during the week…
Current listening :: Coverage – Mandy Moore (Mandy’s new album.. woohoo!)
Posted on Tuesday, November 4th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »Boredom you are breaking my heart
Almost 1am. I probably should go to sleep.. but for some reason, I don’t feel like it. Or maybe I just can’t be bothered. Too much effort to turn off the computer, and go upstairs. Now how’s that for lazy.. or perhaps its more lethargy and listlessness. *sigh* Methinks I’ve been listening to too much Bluebottle Kiss again. Why does it always send me into a depressive state…. yet I love their music so… and their new album is AWESOME! Definitely has grown on me the past few days.. as I expected it would.
Meanwhile, the cat is going nuts. Its that time of night… he’s in aggressive mode, racing around the house doing who knows what. Chasing after his own tail, biting his hind leg, and bolting away everytime we come near. Hehe. I suppose he’s gotta let out that excess energy.. after sleeping on my brothers bed the whole evening.
Gourmet chef
Tonight (or rather, last night), I cooked Andrew and myself a lovely gourmet meal (since I was home alone.. parents out for dinner, and my bro at a concert). On the menu: chicken breast stuffed with finely chopped leek, bacon, capsicum, tomato, herbs and cheese, baked in the oven, topped with a tomato, mushroom, leek confit. Some tiger prawns, sizzled with garlic, pepper and herb. Finally wedges, steamed veges, and a hot dinner roll. Yummmy! π
Unfortunately (as it was my first time cooking this particular meal), I somewhat overcooked the chicken, which ended up a bit on the dry side. I way oversteamed the veges, which turned out soft as mush, and left the dinner rolls in the oven slightly too long. Ah well, it still tasted very nice, and certainly pleased Andrew’s tastebuds. It also cost us $0.00. (Though it did take me almost 2 1/2 hours to prepare and cook… hmm.. gotta work on that one.)
Ok.. think I’m almost ready to sleep now…..
Current listening :: “Crawling with ants” – Bluebottle Kiss
Posted on Sunday, November 2nd, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Everything Begins And Ends At Exactly The Right Time
Have started to slowly absorb the new Bluebottle Kiss album, “Come Across”. After only 1 or 2 listens, some songs definitely appeal to me, while others have yet to grow on me. I find with Bluebottle Kiss, patience is required, as it grows on you, more and more with each listen. I’m unsure whether “Come Across” will be as good as “Revenge Is Slow”.. at the moment, the latter remains my favourite BBK album.
There’s a long and rather eloqent review of the cd at Oz Music Project – and the last paragraph pretty much expresses what I’ve been thinking (and then some)..
“ΒRevenge Is SlowΒ was never going to be easy to follow up, but ΒCome AcrossΒ does admirably well. Instead of lingering on the past, sitting on oneΒs accomplishments, it finds Bluebottle Kiss still experimenting, using its past not as an illusion to cope with the present so much as a means to negotiate a way forward. This is a record about endings and passage, of how to proceed when one has crash-landed in unfamiliar territory, of how to go on when the familiar roadmaps no longer apply to the terrain on which one finds oneΒs self stranded. Though not as accessible as ΒRevenge Is SlowΒ, this is a record that, although it misses a few, hits most of its marks and weaves a deep texture which only sustained listening will fully reveal. That Bluebottle Kiss continue to reward their listeners in such fashion is testament to the bandΒs durability and commitment to the creative, defiant spirit of rock music, when so many of their more heralded contemporaries find themselves mired in self-perpetuating market logic. A little dirt about the ankles it seems, is far more conducive to innovative, affecting, enduring music than bearing the fetters of sanctioned glamour.”
Jazz class last night was alright. We did this really hard exercise – to impro over the jazz standard “All The Things You Are”, through 10 different key changes! Great practice for our jazz improvisation & sightreading.. though I, admittedly, sucked at it. Hm.. time to brush up on my jazz modes! We took a chorus each at first, but then he changed tact and made us take 1 line each (8 bars), through all 10 chorus’s. We really had to be on the ball for that one!
[Update: 1:15pm]
This entry at LuckyKat’s blog makes me wish I lived in the US.. if only for their autumns… *sigh*
Current listening :: “Come Across” – Bluebottle Kiss
Posted on Friday, October 31st, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Tired
Argh… am so tired. I’ve been bad this week. Have been sleeping at around 1 – 2am every night since the weekend. Not good, I think I’m making myself sick. π And its all coz I started reading the Riftwar Saga again (Raymond E Feist). I can never put those books down.. even though I’ve read them only a 100 times before. π
Though thats not the only reason for my late nights, I’ve also been practicing real hard for the Saltlight launch. I spent around 2 – 3 hours both last night and the night before going through the songs, and doing my technical exercises and scales. I’d forgotten how physically draining just playing the piano could be. I actually perspire as I practice!
Oh, exciting news, the new Bluebottle Kiss album is out!!!!! And there’s a limited edition bonus cd to be had. Also, if you go to Red Eye Records, you get this additional bonus promo disc with the cd.. I’ll be heading down there myself in about half an hour. π
Current listening :: “This Way Up” – Saltlight
Posted on Thursday, October 30th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 4 Comments »Radiohead tour!
I’ve got tickets to see Radiohead on 23rd April 2004 when they come to Australia!!! WOohoOo!! We managed to get ourselves 8 tickets (a friend got 4 tix, and I got 4) from the Radiohead w.a.s.t.e fanclub website… and tickets don’t officially go on sale till Monday! Very happy am I! The tickets I got are for GA standing room, in front of the stage (cooool), and my friend got 4 tickets in the seated area. We didn’t get a choice, but I presume they’ll be good spots coz these are presales, put aside for the fanclub.
Saltlight update
Anyways, rehearsal on Monday night for the Saltlight album launch went quite well. It was good, considering it was our first time playing together, the first time some of us had ever played the songs, and that we only recieved the charts that night!
I’m gonna REALLY push for people to come the the album launch from now on. We REALLY need to sell more tickets.. I’m so suprised at how small the response has been so far. And personally for me, this is my (and Andrew’s) biggest performance yet!! It’d be nice if our friends came and supported us too! π
So… all you people that visit my blog (yes, I see you, I know you read this regularly).. BUY A TICKET FOR THE LAUNCH, AND BRING A FRIEND (OR 10)… and for the christians, support this great gospel ministry and event!!! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS.
Heaps of work is being put into this album launch… its not gonna be your average gig or concert… it’ll be something more… something just a bit different! So come, enjoy a great night out with friends, and hear some great original music performed live!
Current listening :: “Hail To The Thief” – Radiohead
Posted on Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Kitty update + stuff
My kitty got attacked by a bird on Sunday! Grrrr. π Just a normal brown and white, a small bird.. it swooped down on him while he was scampering about in the garden. My poor kitty. He was so scared he ran back inside. I gave him a cuddle as compensation, and threw a few pebbles at the offending bird. π
My weekend was alright.. didn’t do much, but at the same time, didn’t get enough sleep either. Or I’ve been hanging around the wrong people, coz I think I’m getting sick. π
Anyway, tonight me and Andrew will be going to the first band rehearsal for the Saltlight album launch. I oscillate between “yay!” and “eek.. scary!”. Hope things go well.. and hope I can play the darned song! Well, am off to shower at the gym now, then heading straight to church where the rehearsal will be held.
Current listening :: This Way Up – Saltlight
Posted on Monday, October 27th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Joy in jazz
Last night I had so much fun in my Jazz Fusion class. We’re starting to really gel as a band (and so we should, after being together for over half a year already – but it does take a while..) Dunno how to describe it, but classes are getting better each week. I guess we’re all getting into the rhythm of playing together, and we’re just relaxing and letting go… which really shows in our solo’s (even mine). We’re also getting quite familiar with the pieces.
We’ve been playing alot more blues lately too. Like, just for a warm up, or at the end of a class, Nick (our teacher) will decide to throw in a standard 12 bar blues. (Or not so standard at times, like last night, where we played an altered 12 bar blues, with #5 and #9’s everywhere, using the altered scale to impro!) Anyway, I think this has contributed to our ability to let go… because blues is so much easier to solo over… its more feeling and less thinking. The guitarists in particular really go off in their solos (coz I think they tend to play more by ear and less by knowledge). Its awesome! π I was never really that familiar with the blues, but having been in the class for a term and a half now, it’s exposed me to different styles of playing, not just swing, but also funk, latin and blues. (Hence jazz fusion!) I quite enjoy playing the blues now! Its fun! π I wish I could do this more.. just jam with ppl like we do in class.
Well, at least I really should practice more often at home. I haven’t managed a single practice the last 2 weeks. I’m a shocker. Particularly since our class will be performing at the end of year concert at the Con. Argh! I’m gonna have to solo! Arghh! Our concert will be on Thurs 27th Nov. So people, make sure you’re free that night! π
Anyway, am very glad its finally Friday! Tonight is my friend, Leo’s, band’s album launch (Ultra Suite) at the Sandringham, Newtown. Hopefully we won’t be too late and miss out on their playing! Saturday and Sunday have nothing concrete planned, which is good. It’ll be nice to just relax.
Quote from esined’s latest post: “Psycho time of the month is here which means: eating and more eating and turning all scary emotional.” Yes, I totally understand.
In. Pain.
Boys, beware…. Or anyone really.
Current listening :: “Wisdom” – Yellowjackets (the likely song we’ll be performing!)
Posted on Friday, October 24th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Impulse buys
Aiyah.. just bought myself a new singlet top. π I wasn’t intending on buying anything when I went to meet up with a friend at Pitt St Mall. I just wanted to have a look at the new J Lo fragrance “Still” (its not bad, better than “Glow”… I’m on the lookout for a new perfume… been wearing Issey Miyake too much!)
Anyway, it’s a really nice top! Its baby pink (been getting into pink a lot lately!), with a halter neck string. Sorta casual, but not too plain.. you could even wear it clubbing. As soon as I tried it on, I had that feeling.. you know.. when you just know something suits you! So I bought it. π Here’s a piccy for ya’s.
Mm… summer is definitely in the air. Its not just the warmer days and sunny weather, its the feeling.. the warm radiance, that sexy summer feeling.. reminiscent of balmy nights at the club, or sultry days on the beach. Bring it on baby!
Back to office reality… *sigh*
Uses for Microsoft Outlook 2000 – #73
I’ve decided that I need to remind myself to drink more water, because I tend to forget when I’m in the office. Hence, in my Outlook Calender, I’ve set myself a daily reminder to “drink water”, and pressing “Snooze” (set to 30 mins), gives me a timely reminder every half hour to drink some water. Ahh technology.
Current listening :: “Baby Boy” – Beyonce
Posted on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Tax time
Eeesh.. I always leave things to the last minute, don’t I. *sigh* Anyway, yes its that time of year again. I’ve put off doing my tax return since, ooh, July/August. Now there’s ten days, and counting, till the deadline for my tax return lodgement. Joy.. (well, actually.. if I get a sizeable tax refund..) π
Growing old
Tonight on the train home (after going to the gym), I was sitting on the bottom level of a tangara, plugged into my discman (which was on pretty loud) when I vaguely heard this loud crash, and felt a slight shake in the carriage – I thought something had crashed into the train! What had happened, was an old man had fallen down the stairs, from the upper level to the middle level, and was lying on his back. Poor man. It sounded pretty ouchie.. I know how bad falls can be for old people.
It was good to see though, that people jumped to help him.. everyone was very kind & helpful. And he wasn’t too injured… just had a small cut on the forehead and was bleeding a little on the back of his head. They stopped the train at the next station and called the ambulence, which took about 15 mins to arrive. I think he also suffered a bit of a concussion, coz he couldn’t remember things.. like the date, or even what year it was. I hope he’s ok.
Anyway, time for bedfordshire. I had a great workout this evening at the gym.. I really went for it on the X-trainer and with the weights. Yay. Tis a good feeling. Nighty night!
Posted on Tuesday, October 21st, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Another weekend, another wedding
Yay! Happy Friday! π Time for this little piggy to go home, or rather to Glue. I have yet another friend’s wedding on tomm. Tis the season to be married I guess. At night, I’ll probably be watching the new flick “Kill Bill” with friends.
On a completely different note. I just had my eyebrows done, and would you believe I fell asleep while she was plucking?
Hope ya’ll have a great weekend. I’m audi. π
Posted on Friday, October 17th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Spring time
Spring is most definitely here. The days are warmer, the flowers blooming.. I love the onset of summer (bring on the beach weather!) The city council has (as it does every year) placed some beautiful flowers in the middle of martin place. So pretty. π
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And again..
Yep, I had lunch at the David Jones food hall… yet again. Man, I’m so addicted to that place. This time I went with Vron. We went to the Noodle bar – I had the Hokkien noodles with chicken, and Vron the Seafood Laksa. Yum.
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I think one of the reasons I like that place so much is coz it looks so nice. Its so.. clean, fresh, modern and swanky looking, with well-presented gourmet food everywhere you look. Check out the shelf of gourmet sweet sauces (below left). Everytime I go there, I’m sooo tempted to buy a dark chocolate sauce.. but I haven’t given in to the temptation yet!
Of course, the one thing I cannot resist are the chocolate strawberries. When we got to the strawberries stand, they had just laid out some freshly dipped milk choc strawberries to dry. It looked so good, I asked the attendant if I could take a photo (below right). π Anyway, we bought 3 dark strawberries each. I haven’t eaten mine yet.. they’re chilling (har har) in the fridge, to be saved for afternoon tea.
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[Update: 3:37pm]
Giving you a better picture of just how big these strawberries are…
Current listening :: “Senorita” – Justin Timberlake
Posted on Thursday, October 16th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »Irresistible
I couldn’t resist… it was calling me. I just had to go back to the David Jones food hall today. This time I tried lunching at the noodle bar. I ordered a Pad Thai (non spicy of course), which was alright, but I reckon the one at the Establishment bar is better… and of course, I had to buy myself two dark chocolate strawberries. Yummy.
I also just had a great, quick workout at the gym. T’was a very nice pick-me-up. π My workout regime has been going very well lately.. yay for me! Its a good feeling, getting in shape.
Anyway, I’m off soon – gonna go see the advanced screening of “Intolerable Cruelty” (Catherine Zeta Jones and George Clooney) with a girlfriend. Not sure what to expect, but hey, its a romantic comedy, and its 8 bucks! π
Posted on Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »