Rock On
1:04 pm Mon, 10th November 2003Its finally over. I can’t believe it. *sigh* The official Saltlight Productions “This Way Up” CD launch came and went (with nearly 500 people in attendance) on Saturday 8th November, 2003 at the Newtown Theatre.
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What an experience it was. I’m still reeling from the vibe.. the excitement of it all. It was great! I’ll try not to do a blow-by-blow account of what happened on the day. In summary, I arrived pretty early at around 9:15am (though not as early as the poor tech guys who arrived at 8am, and worked non-stop the whole day to set the place up with professional sound and lighting). I then had my hair and makeup done in the city (the makeup with a free napoleon makeover voucher!) and headed back to the Newtown Theatre to setup, sound check and have our final rehearsal before the performance.
The night itself went by in a blur. I can’t believe how fast it went.. before I knew it, it was intermission. Then we were bumping out. Woah. I was pretty nervous beforehand, filled with all this pent-up nervous energy. I had to fight the urge to scream every few minutes to let it all out. 🙂
Some observations on my part, and things I learnt on the night:
- Sound and lighting is of utmost importance. Screw that up, and the performance is pretty much screwed. Our tech guys were awesome! They worked so so hard all day from 8am till midnight to set up, run the show and pack up. You guys rock!
- On a similar note, smoke machines are way cool. (Esp when combined with pretty lights.) Except when you’re onstage and enveloped in a cloud of smoke… breathing becomes a tad difficult.
- Five songs go by really fast.
- I almost tripped when first going onstage at the beginning of the show. Anyone notice?
- Playing with live brass (in the first song, “Nobody Else”) is great! Really makes a difference to the song!
- “Rearrange” rawked! 🙂 Tim made an impromptu call for all moshers to come forward, and all these youth (mostly from our youth group) came rushing forward screaming and jumping around. It was sooo funny! Me and Vron were in the stage wings cacking ourselves!! The only downer was the massive amounts of feedback coming from somewhere.
- My star moment – playing lead piano on the Ben-Folds-Like song “In Gods Eyes” went great! It was amazing… the best I’d ever played the song… it all just fell together for me. We were really tight as a band, and the incredibly hard syncapated rhythm was a breeze for me. Amazing.
- I had no idea my organ solo in “80 Years” was deafening everyone in a 100 metre radius of the speakers. Oops my bad!
- We had the sound mix and levels right by about the last song of the night. :\
- Even though I didn’t do any of the setup (other than my own keyboard and sound check/rehearsal), I was somehow really tired by the time of the performance, and afterwards, well, I was absolutely exhausted.. though exuberant too.
- Both Andrew and Tim mastered the “rock strut”. Haha. Tim even did the “crowd pleaser” (playing right up to the moshing crowd at the edge of the stage during his solo… what a rock god :P).
Check out the photos in the gallery of the performance and of people during the night (kindly taken by my bro, using our digital camera). Also, if you didn’t weren’t able to come, go here to download some bootlegs (heh) of the night. (Thanks Fuzzi!)
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Current listening :: “Into you”- Fabolous Ft Tamia (damn I love this song.. just makes me wanna bump’n’grind (thats dancing btw)… And I finally found out who it’s by! Darn radio stations never introduce the songs..)
Posted in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 23 Comments »
23 Comments on “Rock On”
Nov 10, 2003
That’s about the most intelligble thing I can say about it at the moment. 🙂
Oh, except for “yay”!
heehee, you had to be there.
Nov 10, 2003
🙂 yay. well. it didn’t deafen me, was three rows from the front and i thought it sounded mad. for some reason it reminds me of that rocket clock on playschool 🙂
i didn’t notice live brass. :/ ooops.
After the second song I thought it sounded fine from my seat near the front, but at the back of the hall apparenlty it was different! Its the hall’s fault? 🙂
Nov 10, 2003
did u want more bootlegs?
Nov 10, 2003
Yes please!!!!! 🙂
a l
Nov 10, 2003
wow, it sounds absolutely fantastic! good job! =)
(will go home and download bootlegs later. hmm, i wonder if i can get a CD, heheh.)
Nov 10, 2003
Heh, yay!!! Yes it was great. Man I’m still on a high from it.
And yes, you most certainly can buy a cd. You can order it online, and then pay by check or online banking. Or if u wanna wait, they’re gonna implement an online shop to purchase using a credit card on the website sometime soonish.. tho don’t hold ur breath! 🙂
Nov 10, 2003
Um… yup i can.. do u want me to email them to u or something. it won’t be all that small though?? or upload
I wont’ get it done til about tomorrow cos i am doing some uni work currently.
they are unforutnately all in that exe format cos that’s the only thing my voice recorder allows exporting in.
Nov 10, 2003
Um, probably upload them to your server, and then send me the url and I’ll download em. Thanks!
The exe format is fine.. as long as anyone can play it, its all good. What other songs did u get anyway? All of them?
Nov 10, 2003
yep got all songs I think, although one or two might have a bit of a chopped introduction cos I forgot to turn it on ( new toy – not good with it yet!)
Nov 10, 2003
Cooool…. we wanted to record it too, but something stuffed up and we didn’t get the first set. 🙁 But if you did, thats awesome!
Nov 10, 2003
hey, Samsung emailed me, and gave me a link to their wav converter. So I can possibly send u the files and if you want to burn them to cd, you can download the wav converter 🙂 . I have absolutely no idea about the quality though.
what email addy did u want me to use???
Nov 11, 2003
Um… well, u only have to send me the url that u uploaded the files to. Do you have my real email addy? Its the fastmail one…
Nov 11, 2003
can’t be bothered to email… okay. remember the url u got the photos from,
i’ve uploaded a few, but optus has 10mb limits. so just rename the files that u downloaded yesterday… the songs up there are:
song1.exe ; song 2.exe; song4.exe ; song8.exe ; mosh.exe – i think u have two already. lmk when u have all the ones there, and i will delete and upload the rest.
Nov 11, 2003
Done. Next. 🙂
Nov 11, 2003
song 3, 7 up.
please grab those 🙂
Nov 11, 2003
Done 🙂
Nov 11, 2003
song9, song10, song11
then after that, i have to add more when u’ve got that and i am done ( YAY) complicated renaming saving process. wish vendors would make their software more USER FRIENDLY!
Nov 11, 2003
oh i meant. add only 1 more.
Nov 11, 2003
Done, cept song10 didn’t work. Wasn’t there
Nov 11, 2003
oops sorry. they all get uploaded as player.exe and i forgot to rename it.
d/l able now plus the final song, – song12.exe
well at least u know ppl will buy the cd cos they can’t exactly convert this.
Nov 11, 2003
Got em!
Thanks heaps! 🙂
So like, are u online *all* the time? 😛
Nov 11, 2003
*coughs* is that like a *subtle* hint that I’m edging on stalker mode 🙂
um. i’m on cable. that probably answers ur question. its also exam period, which means i am procrastinating and being online “all” the time.
Nov 12, 2003
Heheh… yeh I totally understand the procrastinating thing. I mean hey, I’m online all day at work, and look at what I do. 😛
Good luck for exams anyway!