Sickness & Kitty wobbles
12:38 pm Tue, 16th September 2003Ugh. I’m sick. I hate being sick. I guess my fun-filled weekend was a little too fun-filled. :\ Why is it starting to become a pattern that I get sick after I go clubbing? Well, its only been twice – I think its the going out in the freezing cold after being in a hot and sweaty club – maybe I’ll stick to clubbing in summertime! And I spose having a nearly 24 hour day doesn’t help either…
Anyway, Coltrane was so funny last night! Hehe. He was all wobbly after coming home from the vet. I guess it was the anasthetic. His legs were kinda wonky as he walked, and he tended to drift right. Teehee. When he tried to sit up on his chair, he almost fell off, and when tried to jump off the chair, he couldn’t land properly and sorta fell over. So cute!
Anyway. I’m hungry.. methinks it is time for lunch. Btw have I ever mentioned that Micro$oft .NET sucks @ss!?!? Particularly ASP.NET. Grrrr.
Current listening :: Deep River – Utada Hikaru
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5 Comments on “Sickness & Kitty wobbles”
Sep 16, 2003
You’re mean!! Poor kitty has just been fixed, he’s all wobbly and probably in pain, and you’re laughing at him!!!
And you’re probably sick again ‘cos you were in a stuffy confined space with other sick people breathing on you while you were dancing! Hmmm…
Sep 16, 2003
I’m not laughing at him.. I just think it’s cute. And I took very good care of him last night. Even let him on my bed.
Actually.. I think I might have gotten it from Andrew… he’s still got residuals from his sickness… and my immunity was prob reduced from being cold on Sat nite after clubbing and Sun nite after evening service – made the mistake of wearing skirt and thongs coz the daytime was so warm.. but it turned absolutely freezing at night.
Sep 16, 2003
Awwww….=( (to both) I can picture the wobbliness, and I must say that it does look quite cute!!
Yeah, I know what you mean by residual sicknesses! I think I’m going to get sick again too! Hanging around too many sick colleagues at work!
Sep 17, 2003
yes the whole microsuck.NET stuff is crap. Try using Server 2003. Server 2K is so much better (despite the security issues)
Sep 17, 2003
pets shouldn’t be discharged while they are still doped up… naughty vet…