Mad world
All around me are familiar faces
worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
no expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrows
no tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
These dreams in which I’m dying, are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very very
mad world, mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
happy birthday, happy birthday
And they feel the way that every child should
sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
no one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i’m dying, are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very very
Mad World, Mad World
Current listening :: “Mad world” – Gary Jules (written by Tears For Fears)
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year
Just wishing ya’ll a belated Merry Christmas. Not too late to say Happy New Year though. 🙂 I’ve been rather busy these past few days, so have had precious little time to blog. I think the main highlight of the last 5 days has been non-stop pigging out. I have eaten SO much since Christmas day. Urgh. I feel like a pig! 😛 Definitely have to get back into my gym routine when things settle down again.
Anyways, I got a haircut and colour on xmas eve. I like. 🙂 Got it streaked again, light brown. I probably shoulda gone for a lighter colour coz the streaks don’t show as much as I’d hoped. Ah well, I know for next time. Its also very layered and honky… though people say I look korean! 😛 Here’s a piccy for ya.
Current listening :: “Open your eyes (to love)” – LMNT
Posted on Monday, December 29th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Quiz mania
Hm.. at work on Christmas eve. How boring. To past the time, therefore… 🙂
Your soul is bound to the Glass Rose: The Fragile.
“My heart lies somewhere between perfection and dust. And while my soul is a sight to behold, I shatter at the blink of an eye.”
The Glass Rose is associated with perfection, beauty, and frailty. It is governed by the goddess Aphrodite and its sign is the Looking Glass, or Tenuous Love. As a Glass Rose, you have a beautiful soul and naturally attract people to you. Love comes naturally to you, but it hardly ever lasts. Though you embody the perfect form of love, your own faults are your own undoing.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a good communicator. Incredibly loving and loyal when your trust is gained and you are fairly mature. Myterious to the utmost water is in everything. One can be an ocean or a river but nobody truly knows you.
What’s your element
brought to you by Quizilla
Current listening :: “Can we still be friends” – Mandy Moore
Posted on Wednesday, December 24th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »Alone
There are times in life when you can feel so alone. When you just have to shoulder your burden.. the internal conflict that is tearing you apart. The pain of seeing something beautiful dying. And you have nobody to share it with. Nobody who can really, truly help you.
It sucks.
Current listening :: “Someday we’ll know” – Mandy Moore & Jonathan Foreman
Posted on Monday, December 22nd, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Toxic
I went to dance class night… the last one for 2003! *tear* Heh. It was awesome! I really love dancing in warm weather. Your muscles are so loose and warm.. and you just feel so alive! He worked us pretty hard, since it was the last class for the year. The lyrical was beautiful, as always… and the routine was funky awesome! He used alot of Britney’s latest album during class – which made me happy. I’m really loving “In The Zone”!
The routine was pretty long. We danced to “Outrageous”. And then tried it to “Me Against The Music”. It suited both. I was hoping he’d use “Toxic” tonight, but maybe he’s saving it for next year. I love that song! 🙂 I wanted to take a short video of the routine too, but didn’t bring my digital camera. Darn it. Maybe next year eh.
Anyway, sorry my posts have been a little.. irregular.. lately. I’ve been thinking on some things, and have been able to resolve a few things in my life. I think I’ve achieved some clarity in life, and I believe I’ve learnt a lot. I’ve also come to rely on God much more, and (for the first time in quite a while) I’ve been drawn much closer to Him. And I know that it is all His work and strength, none of it is because of my efforts.
Current listening :: “Toxic” – Britney Spears (ahh.. this is an AWESOME song!)
Posted on Thursday, December 18th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »Bored
I am so so so bored today. Perhaps it’s Mondayitis. Whatever. But I’ve resorted to doing stupid poses on my webcam in a vain attempt to relieve my boredom. And the result….
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This posing may or may not have been influenced by listening to Britney’s latest album… 😛
Current listening :: In The Zone – Britney Spears (Rrreow.. damn these songs are sexy…)
Weekend update
I hate mosquitoes. But they seem to love me. So standing outside church tonight, in the space of 2 minutes, I received 6 mozzie bites on my legs and feet. Grrrr. Let me tell you, driving back home with 6 freshly itching bites was NOT fun. 🙁
Anyways, my weekend alright. Didn’t do much. Went over to Andrew’s on Saturday, and went shopping at Chatswood for some work clothes for him. We ended up buying him 2 white shirts, and some boxers, and myself 2 pairs of havaiana thongs (a pink and a white!). He also bought me my christmas present – the new J Lo fragrance, “Still”. 🙂 After shopping, we went to Long Reef beach and took a romantic stroll along the beach. I wanted to go swimming but it was a bit late (7pm). Instead we just got our feet wet, and watched the kite surfers. Pretty cool.. though looks hard to control.
Today I got up at around 1pm. 😀 And just bummed around at home till church. Oh and I also put up a few christmas decorations around the joint. Can’t believe its less than 2 weeks till Christmas. (Or more importantly, RoTK… heh.)
Current listening :: “Georgia On My Mind” – Ella Fitzgerald
Posted on Sunday, December 14th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »Wherefore art thou, Coltrane?
My kitty didn’t come home last night!! 🙁 I can’t stop thinking about it.. I know I’m probably being overly concerned & worried.. but he’s never not come home before. The last time my dad saw him was a lunchtime yesterday.
I really hope he’s ok. I keep thinking up worst-case scenarios, like he’s been run over by a car, or someone’s catnapped him, or he’s been hurt in some other way. Why else wouldn’t he come home? 🙁
Argh. Gotta stop freaking out. I’m being worse than a mother.
[Update: 10:32am]
Ok, all is well now. My dad just called and told me Coltrane has come home. Finally. Yay!!! Such a relief to hear. Heh.
The thing is though, we think someone may have been giving him food. Coz he didn’t want any food at all when he came home (not having eaten at home all night? Very suspicious.) And yesterday when my dad last saw him, it looked as if he’d just finished eating something (licking his mouth etc). Grrr…
So we’re gonna be keeping him home for a few days. And I’m gonna go out asap and buy a tag with his name, and home number/address engraved on it to put on his collar.
Posted on Thursday, December 11th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 7 Comments »Stuff
Long time no post again. I always seem to miss the first few days of the week. Anyway, I took a day off yesterday so I have an excuse this time. 🙂
I had a very fun-filled weekend. Went clubbing on Fri AND Sat night! Two nights in a row.. don’t think I’ve ever done that before! Me and a girlfriend went to Twisted @ Cave on Fri night (not bad really, the music was pretty good, not too crowded coz we got there at like 2am, lots of room to move n groove), and then to Juicy @ Minc on Sat night (pretty crowded, and absolutely stinking hot… they really need to get some ventilation going in there). My thighs were so sore by Sunday.
I also went to Maroubra beach (and swam) on Sunday with some friends, which was fun in a masochistic sorta way – it was absolutely freezing! T’was a cloudy, windy and not-very-warm day.
Well. Nothing much to blog really. I had a dentists appointment yesterday (checkup and clean) – which I always hate. And will be going to dance class tonight.. Yay!
Current listening :: “Times like these” – Jack Johnson
Posted on Wednesday, December 10th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »Miserable weather
Gee what is with the weather in Sydney lately? One day it’s broiling hot with blue skies and sunshine, the next it’s giving London a run for its money. Not to mention severe thunderstorms and bucketing rain. Here’s a piccy I took the other evening on the train, on the way home. For some reason I like the view of twilight and rain from a train window..
I watched some of the special features on the TTT Extended Edition dvd last night. T’was very interesting, hearing why Peter Jackson made the movie the way he did, why he changed bits and left out bits. And it was really mind-blowing to see just how much work, money and time went into making this movie – finding locations, building sets, forests, cities, creating the creatures of middle-earth, the armour and everything. The scope is mind boggling! Anyway, I sooooo can’t wait till RoTK comes out!! I have my ticket already – for the 12:15pm session at Fox Studios on Boxing Day. Woohoo! I’m looking forward to this way more than Christmas Day! As I did last year. Heh.
Anyway, so glad its Friday! I’m planning on going clubbing this weekend. Either tonight or tomm night.. not sure yet! I’m soo needing an R&B clubbing fix. Haven’t been for yonks.
Current listening :: “Can we still be friends” – Mandy Moore
Posted on Friday, December 5th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 10 Comments »Ouchie
This morning, I slipped on the bathroom floor (coz it was wet), and hit the sink cabinet doorknob with my knee so hard that it broke off. OUCH. 🙁 And I hit it with the soft part of my knee too, that bit just below the knee cap.
Anyway, as promised, I’ve uploaded the mp3s finally –
- Wisdom (~9mb) – with my thurs night jazz fusion class. My solo (the 2nd piano solo) starts at around the 3:50 mins mark. At 3 mins, you can hear a buzz, which was caused by our 2nd guitarist just arriving and plugging in, also at which point the bass dropped out, and didn’t come back in till after my solo. (Great. Not.) Anyway… personally I cringe when I listen to this solo.
- Mosaic (~11mb) – the Fri night jazz fusion class. I subbed in for their keyboardist coz he was sick. My solo is the electric piano solo, at about the 6 min mark. I felt this one was somewhat better than my first solo. Listen carefully to the bass solo in this one… he rocks… and he’s asian!
- Softly As In A Morning Sunrise (~7mb) – A jazz performance group class, probably the best one of the night. I didn’t perform in this song. This is just to show you something different.. some traditional swing jazz, instead of the modern jazz fusion that I’ve been doing. I might go back to doing this next year. Its somewhat easier than jazz fusion (at least the chords are!) The pianist in this group is quite good!
So there you have it. 🙂
Last night I went to dance class, hoping to learn the rest of that Britney dance. But Ramon wasn’t teaching!! Grr. So guess I missed out. Poo. 🙁 I went instead to Michael Boyd’s class, which is always pretty funky. The routine he taught was actually an old routine that I’d learnt when I went to his class earlier this year, to Gerling’s “Who’s your daddy”. A very fun and.. err.. raunchy routine. Heh.
Then, when I got home, Coltrane was soooo adorable!! He was being really affectionate.. whilst I was eating, he sat next to me gazing up at me with those big green eyes, waiting for a little morsel from my dinner. Then every so often he’d reach up with his front paw onto my arm.. like he was saying “Aw c’mon give me some food…. preettty pleeeeease… ” Hehe. So I gave in, just coz I love him so much. 😛
Afterwards, he was all happy, leaped onto my lap, snuggled right in and purred away sleepily. Hee. 🙂 Then he nestled his head into my jacket, and wrapped one paw around my arm. Sooooo CUTE! 😀
Current listening :: My jazz concert recordings
Posted on Thursday, December 4th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 9 Comments »Summer time
Thanks to people for their kind words regarding the previous post. Things are much better now, and it probably wasn’t even as bad as I’d thought. 🙂
Anyways, here are some more piccies I took during the day. Got some nice scenic shots of the beach too. 🙂 (More scenic shots here.)
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Man, I can’t believe its December already! Where has the year gone. It is now officially summer… and the weather is pretty miserable. Not cold – just cloudy, rainy and humid. Yeuch. I can’t stand humid weather.
Another BBK gig
Almost forgot to add, on Sat night I went to see Bluebottle Kiss at the Annandale. I ended up going by myself, coz everyone else piked. But I met my friend Leo there, so it wasn’t too bad. And once BBK started playing, it didn’t really matter anyway! They were awesome!! It was their album launch of sorts. Dunno what difference it made to the gig. They played stuff mostly from their latest album, and from the previous “Revenge Is Slow”.
At the end, in the last song, they went crazy! Thrashing their guitars around, like they were gonna smash em on the ground. I think Jamie ended up dropping his guitar, and hence grabbed part of the drums and threw it onto the stage, then started banging it whilst holding his mic to it. Meanwhile Ben was still thrashing round, and ended it by dumping his guitar onto the drummers lap.. while he was still playing! Hehe. So funny.
Oh, and I got their set list. 😀
Andrew’s sister recently acquired a new little thing, about the size of your shoe and goes “miaow”! 🙂 (As Andrew likes to describe it!) His name is Toby, he’s about 9 weeks old, and is soo cute!
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Its been a week, I know, and I still haven’t gotten around to putting up the recordings from my jazz concert at the Conservatorium. I will soon.. I just keep forgetting to bring the cd into work. I do have some photos now though. Check em out. (For more clicky here.)
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As for the post-mortem.. My performance went ok. I actually ended up playing another song for the Friday jazz fusion class coz their keyboardist was sick. So it was a little stressful being pulled in last minute. Of course I knew the song (“Mosaic”) coz we’d done it in our class too. The funny thing is, I think my solo for that song went better than my solo for “Wisdom” with my class. I guess it didn’t help that one of our guitarists arrived half way through the song, and plugged in, causing a few technical difficulties, which caused the bass player to drop out, so I got totally lost during my solo. Not that anyone noticed.. me getting lost that is. 😛 Anyway.. listening to my performance… I’m not that happy with it. There is definitely ALOT of room for improvement. *sigh*
I will upload the mp3’s tomorrow. I promise! 🙂
Current listening :: “Breath in now” – George
Posted on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 1 Comment »Troubled
So many thoughts in my head at the moment. I want to blog about it all… but I’m finding it hard to get started… to organise my thoughts…. and to decide just how much I want to reveal. (Again the bloggers paradox rears its not-so-pretty head.)
Just been feeling really troubled lately. Relationships with people have been stressing me out. Its always to do with relationships isn’t it. Though for once its not my ‘relationship’.
I’m torn between wanting to distance myself, or to respond in kind or to do the right (and most difficult) thing. Sometimes I get so frustrated with people, that I just don’t want to be around them anymore. Sometimes I feel really cynical about friendships. Maybe I always have been. Looking at an old diary entry about 3 years ago… I wrote “There’s nobody. Not even friends. Y once told me that friends are all there is to hold on to. But thats not true. People, whether friends or not, don’t want to know people like me. Not deeply anyway. I should never rely on anyone. Never trust anyone.” Ok, so that had more to do with certain unpleasant highschool experiences. And perhaps I never fully got over it. The current situation is a bit different. Hm this probably doesn’t really make sense. Then again… I am being deliberately cryptic. 🙂
Man this is not a good time for me to be blogging. I’m starting to become too open. I was wondering why I was feeling so emotional about things… and I took a look my calendar. Yep. My suspicions were correct. (Take one guess :P).
Hm… I think I just managed to talk about it without talking about it. Anyway. I might end up deleting or editing this post later.
Current listening :: “Breaking Us In Two” – Mandy Moore
Posted on Monday, December 1st, 2003 in Life, Rant & Bitch | 6 Comments »Reharmonisation
I had my final jazz fusion class for the year last night. Aww.. *tear* We did something a bit different.. instead of our usual warm, play songs and practise our soloing.. he gave us an exercise in reharmonisation! He first taught us a few techniques, played through 2 typical jazz standards (“Just Friends” and “All The Things You Are”) and a reharmonised version of those standards, done by himself or someone else. Then he gave us some manuscript paper, and for the rest of the lesson, we wrote our own reharmonisation of one of the 2 songs. (All of us chose “Just Friends” coz there were less chord changes.. heh.)
It was fun! We played to each other our reharmonsations. They really liked mine! My teacher actually wanted me to give him a copy when I finished it so he could play it for some of the other teachers! Heh. 🙂
Its not that hard either. You just take the melody note, and then think of all the possible chords that would go with that note, and which note of the scale it falls on. Some hints he gave for a real “bent” jazz sound, was to make the melody note an extension note of the chord (eg #5, or b9, or #11) as opposed to a guide tone (ie 3rd or 7th note of scale). He also suggested incorporating chord progressions like the “II V I” to make the melody and song flow better.
Erm. I know that probably went over alot of your heads.. but for those who have some musical background.. it might be useful. You can funk up some old and worn church songs this way. Marki used to do it for the music team when he was still at WS.. hence we have a really cool, jazzy version of “I love you Lord” and “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah” and “O Mighty Cross” and “Amazing Love”. I wouldn’t mind trying this myself sometime! 🙂
“Thievesss… filthy little thievesss.. they ssstole it…”
My gym gear that is. A few months ago I lost my gym clothes and showering stuff at the gym. Just yesterday I saw a plastic bag containing *my* long-lost gym clothes on top of one of the private lockers. Hrrmmmmm. Were they actually dumb enough to steal my gym clothes, and then wear them to the same gym? Also, on the same day I found those gym clothes, I discovered my current set of gym clothes had gone missing, along with my showering gear… again.. including my new Tigi honey & oatmeal shampoo/cond!! Grrrrrr!!! Not Happy Jan. 🙁
Weekend Plans
So this weekend I’m planning on hitting the beach! Woohoo! Tomorrow is looking warm at 25 degrees. Yay! We’ll probably be going to one of the northern beaches again. Maybe Palm Beach! Then at night I’m going to see Bluebottle Kiss at the Annandale Hotel. Its their album launch gig. Should be absolutely awesome! 🙂
Oh.. I have pictures from my performance on Wed night… and recordings on cd! I’ll put up some mp3’s soon! And the pics. Hold your breath. 🙂
Current listening :: “Sisters head on” – Bluebottle Kiss
Posted on Friday, November 28th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 3 Comments »Diagnosis.. delicious!
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Well, excluding Coltrane. He’s adorable, rather than delicious. 🙂
Dinner last night was soooooo yummy. *drool* I haven’t had this nice a meal in a long time.. (and that possibly includes eating out at nice restaurants). The rare roast beef and nifty potatoes were scrumptious beyond words. I absolutely stuffed myself silly, and still wanted more! The beef was not quite as pink as we would’ve liked.. we left it in the oven a touch too long. And I probably added maybe a little too much soy, but otherwise it was perfect. 🙂
After dinner we watched “What A Girl Wants”. I really like that movie! Its so very girly and *yay*! 🙂 A very nice feel-good girly flick with a decent splash of comedy & romance. And have I mentioned Colin Firth is in it? 😛 Heh. I like Amanda Byrnes in it too. Hm.. think I might buy the dvd…
*sigh* I’ve just finished the roast leftovers for lunch.. yummo. I’m stuffed. 🙂
Gig @ The Con
Eek! Tonight I’ll be performing at the Conservatorium of Music, for the 2nd time in my life. As mentioned before, our jazz fusion class will be playing a song in the end of term concert. We’ll be performing “Wisdom” by the Yellowjackets. And I’m gonna be soloing too. Eeek! I hope I don’t stuff up TOO much….
Current listening :: “Wisdom” – Yellowjackets (Eek! Performing this tonight!)
Posted on Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 5 Comments »In mouth-watering anticipation
Tonight me and Vron are having a long-awaited girly night! Yay! *girly squeal* Heh. We haven’t done this for a while.. it used to be a bit of a regular thing. But I guess we just got busy.
Anyway, we’ll of course be cooking ourselves a scrumptious dinner. Rare succulent roast beef with a crust of herbs, marinated with wostershire and soy sauce. “Nifty” (heh :P) roasted potatoes (first boiled, then lightly tossed in a pan with some butter, then roasted in the oven till crispy on the outside, yet soft and moist on the inside). And of course some sauteed veges, lightly pan fried with some butter. Yummm….. My mouth has been anticipating this meal all day! :P~
And a girly night is of course never complete without a girly dvd to watch. We’ll probably be watching “What A Girl Wants” – since we both saw it a the movies ages ago and both quite liked it (Colin Firth!) Either that, or we’ll watch Ever After… for the 100th time! Depends on whether we’re in a girly *yay!* mood or a girly *sigh* mood. (As Vron so eloquently put it.) 😀
Current listening :: Standing in the Shadows of Motown OST – The Funk Brothers
Posted on Tuesday, November 25th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Which Austen heroine?
And as Monday afternoon boredom sets in…
Take the Quiz here!
You are Marianne Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are impulsive, romantic, impatient, and perhaps a little too vocal in your honesty. You enjoy romantic poetry and novels, and play the pianoforte beautifully. To boot, your singing voice is captivating. You feel deeply, and love passionately.
Though it was a close one.. change one answer and I could have been Emma Woodhouse of Emma. Not that I mind. I like the heroine in Emma… Hehe.
Posted on Monday, November 24th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »Lifestyles of the rich and…
I had a fairly enjoyable weekend. On Saturday a bunch of friends came over and we watched (my newly bought) The Two Towers extended edition dvd. Woohoo! T’was awesome!! I love LOTR… soooo can’t wait till RoTK comes out! 😀 I’m so swept up with it at the moment, that I’ve renewed my efforts to read the book again.. and finish it. Heh.
On Saturday night, my family and I went out to a fine restaurant called Orso, in Mosmon on the Spit, for my dad’s 60th birthday. It was very nice.. beautiful views of the water, yummy food, lovely interior. Here are some pics.
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Now to the point of the title. There was also a birthday dinner at the restaurant that night. I found it interesting to observe these people. They were young, a combination of white and asian people.. must have been uni aged.. somewhere between 18 and 20 years. Yet the way they dressed and looked… were beyond their years. They looked… I dunno… like models (except they weren’t).. glamourous… with stylish upmarket clothing, perfect hair, perfect skin, and perfect makeup.. but too young to look that stylish. I guess in a word.. they looked rich. I dunno if its the fact that I’ve grown more observant (and cynical) over the years, or if I’ve just never ventured into areas in which these people reside.. but I couldn’t help noticing all this. And I suddenly felt frumpy and ugly.. with bad hair and cheap, unfashionable clothing. *sigh* And then… I got over it. I know I’m never going to be rich enough to be able to afford to look and dress like that. Well.. perhaps just on very special occasions (like the launch :P). And its not like I’m not already rich compared with most of the world.
On Sunday I went to the baptism of some of the youth at Glue. Afterwards, at one of the after-baptism parties, one of my glue girls had recently received a kitten… of only 4 weeks age! It was black with white paws… and was absolutely adorable!! It was the smallest kitten I’d ever seen and held. Soooooo cute!!!! Argh! I’ll post a pic of it as soon as I get it from a friend. I never saw Coltrane that small.. but then when I bought him, he was already almost 10 weeks old.
Current listening :: Innocent Eyes – Delta Goodrem
Posted on Monday, November 24th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 6 Comments »The pain
I am soooo sore today. This morning, I got out of bed and I wasn’t sure if my legs were gonna hold me up. And yes, this is all due to dance class on Wed night. I guess it takes a day to hit me. And I guess I’m not as fit (or at least my muscles aren’t as strong/toned) as I’d hoped.
I must look very silly, plodding up the aisle at work to the kitchen or toilet, looking like I’ve a stick stuck up my *cough* backside, or perhaps like my legs have been replaced by a wooden ragdolls legs. Meh. Its the inner thighs that are killing me. Never underestimate the power of a plie.
Methinks I’ll take a trip to the gym soon, to stretch out those muscles and have a much needed steam in the sauna.
At least its the weekend finally…. yay!! I’m gonna hopefully be watching LOTR The Two Towers (Extended Edition) on dvd tomorrow!! *crosses fingers*
Current listening :: “Into You” – Fabolous Ft Tamia
Posted on Friday, November 21st, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | No Comments »The zone
“My soul is bare, my hips are moving at a rapid pace. Can you feel it burn, from the tip of my toes running through my veins.” Ahh.. good ol Britney. I wasn’t sure what to think of her new song “Me against the music”, but after going to dance class last night, I love it! Well, I probably love the dance itself more than the song, but hey, the song is good too. They go together. 🙂 He used the Rishi Rich remix version.. which I reckon is way better than the radio edit. |
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So, for the first time in over 2 months, I went to dance class. I can’t believe I hadn’t gone for so long! It was great… it felt sooo good to get back into dancing. Physically, I’m still good for it.. I guess my workouts at the gym help alot. I could manage the warm up and lyrical routines fairly well.. even across the floor was not too bad. My turns and chasses were a little on the rusty side though. I had to stick with single turns mostly.
My weakness was probably the main routine – to Britney’s “Me against the music”. Even at the end of class, I hadn’t quite gotten it.. I was still often following another person, scrambling to catch up because I’d forgotten the next step. It was hard to remember it all and keep up the speed, having not danced for ages. I guess this more modern jazz/funk style doesn’t come as naturally to me as traditional lyrical jazz/ballet. I wish I could dance better in jazz/funk/hiphop styles.
Still, the class had started on this routine the previous week, so I guess most of them had a headstart and were already familiar with it. He’s going to be doing even more next week but I can’t go coz of my jazz performance. Darn it!!! I really wanna learn the rest of the routine. I saw the whole thing before class, when a group of the more elite dancers in the class were rehearsing it for the end of year Christmas party performance. They looked soooo good.. damn me but dancing is sexy. I love the routines Ramon comes up with, and last nights’ was one of his better ones.
Oh, and yep, I’m most definitely sore today. That familiar all-over-the-body soreness which only comes from dance class. Coz not even the gym can make my muscles ache like this.
Current listening :: “Me Against The Music” – Britney Spears and Madonna (Rishi Rich’s Desi Kulcha Remix)
Posted on Thursday, November 20th, 2003 in Uncategorized (Old Blog) | 2 Comments »